2nd Part To A Northern Day

in #winter5 years ago

A few days ago I wrote a happy New Years post and also included my first vlog. It was getting late when I wrote it so I finished it early and decided to continue on the next day.
The next day I had no time and then I started having pain in my wrists in which it lasted sometime and got worse each day, yesterday being the hardest time. Today is better so I am taking advantage of getting this post out. I don't want to make it more sore by writing a lot, so I will see what I can do for now :)


I wanted to show this in the last post. At 4:30 am, my husband woke me up telling me he got the van stuck. He needed me to help him so he could leave for work. It's not nice to be woken up by panic telling you, you have shovel before the sun comes up. This is what I call an unholy hour.

What happened was, we had a lot of snow fall the day before and overnight. The township never plowed any of it. They always wait till it is over and mid-day to get rid of it. So when he left for work he had to face deep snow. He didn't get very far as the tires spun and couldn't get any traction at the start of the street on the right. He put the van in reverse, and with very little vision as everything was dark and white he backed up, thinking he needed to give himself enough room to try again. But he backed up too far and got stuck.

This is something we have to be prepared for living and dealing with the winters. Even though we dug as much as we could there was no way we were able to get the van out without help. The snow that got cut underneath the van was so packed that when someone came to pull it out, they had to do it bit by bit as to not rip the bumper off. Fun stuff.

That day, many people couldn't go to work. Some streets had 3 cars stuck in the street, some didn't even want to take the chance.


There was so much snow! It took me all day to remove that snow. It was great exercise but man! I could have gone with a little less of it.


The kids came out to play, and even help shovel :D Well Frankie did.


And then there is Aaden, my son, my oldest. IMG_20190108_161747[1].jpg

He wanted to climb a tree. Try and try as he might, he kept getting his foot stuck. He would get it out and then try again.


And then, he just figured it out. He went up and up and up!



And he wanted to go even higher! And I also know my son. I had to say no as even though he has some climbing skills, he does not have any 'going down' skills. It was time for him to climb down and when I said that, he looked down and he got scared.
He was up there for 15 minutes telling me to call the firemen or the police to get a ladder to help him get down. It was hard not to laugh as I thought he was quite scared, I didn't want to make things worse for him by laughing at what he was saying.
I started getting cold while waiting for him so I sent my husband out to go get him, thinking my boy was getting cold up there.


He grabbed the ladder and got him down. Super hero dad of the day :P


It was a fun and adventurous day outside for us all. We built memories, muscles, precious moments and laughter. A great way to begin the new year and wanting to keep it this way.
I hope yours is just the same :)



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Wow that sound like what we went through. My husband and I helped three people that got stuck in the snow yesterday. He was going to try and make it to work until that happened. Our tires aren’t the best so he wouldn’t have even made it out of the neighborhood.

I’m glad everyone took advantage and had a fun time playing outside. You have a lovely family ~ 😊

Sounds like the snow storm was passed on lol.

Thank you ^_^ It was nice to have family time outside :)

Ahhh! Snowy adventures @foxyspirit

I remember the days when I was a kid and the excitement of going out with a fresh dump of snow everywhere. So exciting. One great memory I have is of being out with my uncle and being set upon by a gang of lads throwing snowballs from across the stream. We fought back and my uncle (who was/is my hero) was amazing and fought them all off until they submitted. Brilliant fun.

I still get excited by fresh snow to this day.

I'm glad your son got down from the tree safely.


What a great memory! This is why I want to create such great moments for my kids, so they too can carry these memories with them further on in life. Stories they can tell to their children and recreate some of those moments of joy ^_^
I love reading about it, thank you for sharing! xx

As far as I've discovered, it's all about making memories. 😃


Oh, so much snow! Send some our way! We missed it this year, and the kids love it so much!

Sending some express post! :p

Boys always think they are able to conquer everything, going up is one thing, coming down completely different when you have jelly legs @foxyspirit

Your daughter is as cute as can be!

Oh that is true! I remember being like that, although I climbed boulders and other big rocks. Often by myself too so I had no choice to figure it out on my own. We are all adventurers when we are kids :)

Thank you for your kind words, I think she knows how to be cute too :P

That's just so much snowwww and your son is soooo cute :D

Thanks ^_^

Would you like some snow? I have plenty to share :p

Yes please...
Just two buckets for starters
To get a feel for it ;p

That is indeed quite a bit of snow! 😱
I would have jumped in & helped if I were closer 💖🙏💖

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Aw thanks! It felt good when I got it all done. There were times I was ready to quit, even with a couple feet wide left to do. But I pushed through. Now to keep that same motivation with everything else lol.

Holy cow that's a lot of snow!! What a blast as a kid to play in it, though. Good job dad on getting your little monkey down from the tree. I especially love the one of your daughter with snow all over her face! Such great memories. I can see why you don't have a farmers market now! 🤣

Last year my son climbed a tree in the winter as well. He tried hanging upside down, he couldn't get down from there or back up cause his pants where snagged on a broken branch. I had to jump on a small bank of snow that I pretty much sank in thigh deep to get him down. I thought he would have remembered that lol. Well I'd say he has progressed lol.

Ya, my girl was eating the snow lol, I guess she was thirsty ^_^

LOL on the farmers market. Haha ya there won't be one until June/July maybe.

Despite the fact it can look quite stunning, snow seems like a great deal of trouble. Semi-glad I don't have to worry about it unless I choose to holiday somewhere that gets it.

It is a lot of trouble. It's heavy, its wet, its slippery lol. Sometimes if its really heavy, depending on the roof type, we got to take the snow off the roofs of the house and garage. It's a pain sometimes.

HAHAHAHHA! If it was me, I would be laughing at him then only go call for help! :D Your children are adorable btw!

Danny did laugh, which made me laugh but I was better at hiding it lol. Kids are awesome and they do know how to be adorable, which can be used against you. Watch out! :op

I knowwww, they're a manipulative bunch of innocent looking mini humans. :D Hehehe

Exactly! And they are so good at it, but I am learning to master it myself. Toddlers teach me well lol.

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