First Snowfall of The SeasonsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #winter7 years ago

First Snowfall of The Season

Yesterday I snapped a picture of the falling snow, it doesn't show as good in the photo, but you can see that everything behind the road is just white, and you can barely see the car on the road.
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The next morning I took a picture of the same location, to show the difference.
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Some shots from the garden
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This picture is taken from the same place as my last sunrise pictures
Original (4608x3456)

Location: Jæren, Norway
Camera: Nikon P900
No filter have been used
No editing have been made to these photos
Photographer: @flatman

Latest Post: Street Art Series #27 - Small Pieces in The City


Ja, hos dere er det hvit i vert fall.
Kos dere masse med snøen så lenge det varer :)

Enn så lenge, den forsvinner snart.
Skulle gjerne kost meg mer med snøen, men har ikke tid, alt for mye som skjer her i crypto verden. Sitter å venter på en mining rig som endelig har kommet gjennom tollen, vet ikke når den kommer, men håper den kommer idag eller i morgen, og da må jeg stå klar her hjemme så jeg slipper å reise ned til postkontoret for å hente pakken.
Kan nyte snøen en annen gang, er viktigere å få gang på mining riggen

Mining rigg? Hvilken valutta skal du mine? Og er det noe vits i å mine lengre? Trodde det var bare de med servere like store som 8 ishockeyhaller som drev med slikt nå om dagen?

Den riggen som kommer er til hobby mining av diverse små coins som en dag forhåpentligvis stiger i verdi. dette er da altså en GPU rig, som kan mine det meste.

Det du tenker på er BTC minere (SHA-256), hvor du trenger veldig mange for å få noe utav di, så i slutten av januar begynnelsen av februar kommer det et lass med ASIC minere levert på døra mi, disse skal grave etter BTC. og kommer til å koste en formue i strøm.

it looks very pretty :)

just came home from spending the weekend in Hønefoss, where they have a lot of snow, and now there are no snow outside :( no white xmas this year either

sad to hear it... i don't know if we will have white new year or not yet... (we have our xmas on january 7, and it's a religious thing, so we don't celebrate it like you do it in europe, but we use xmas trees and presents as a part of new year meeting celebration)

what kind of religion is that? ortodox? never heard of any celebrating xmas on jan7th before

ortodox and some catolics do it as well... they use the Julian calendar to celebrate this date... and since religion was mainly forbidden during the soviet period but people got use to the way xmas was celebrated, the xmas artefacts have been moved and become a part of New year celebration. That why we have it different :)

oh nice, thanks for teaching me that history :)

pleasure is mine :) it's always nice chatting to you ^^

its nice chatting with you too!

i googled Hønefoss... do they really have huge waterfall?

I don't know :p i didn't see any waterfalls, but i didn't have much time for sightseeing either.

did you have time to make some picrutes? ;)

i took over 300 pictures during the wedding, but most of the pictures are crap, because of low lighting and my poor knowledge about camera settings. maybe i do a post about it, but i have to ask the people in the pictures first

@flatman hi nice photography and nice camera

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