📷Ugly son of a fruit tree | 丑陋的水果 (by @ace108)

in #winit7 years ago
ICYMI, there is a ugly fruit contest ran by @bullionstackers. Details of that in this post:
Announcement Winners - Game #2 What Is This? To Win It ( Making Steemit Better Again )
I went looking for an ugly that I know well. It's called durian. It's been called the smelliest fruit. It was used in a challenge in Fear Factor before. See it in this video I found on youtube.
我去寻找一个我很熟悉的丑陋水果。叫做榴莲。它被称为最臭的水果。 它被用于恐惧因素的挑战。看看我在YouTube找到这个视频。
If you watch US TV series, it's appeared in an episodes of NCIS-LA. Brought in by Detective Deeks. Here's the proof:
曾经看过一部美国电视剧,榴莲出现在NCIS-LA的一集。 由以下是证明:
NCIS Los Angeles ¡®Seal Hunter¡¯ Picture Review

Meanwhile, some music for you to enjoy as you read. This piece is part of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, particular the first of the 4 violin concertos, called Spring.
让大家继续读的时候,欣赏一点音乐。这件作品是维瓦尔第的“四季”的一部分 - 4小提琴协奏曲中的第一首,名为“春天”。
Source | 来源: https://musopen.org/

In search of ugly fruit | 寻找丑陋水果

On Sunday, I went to Lorong 8 Toa Payoh, Singapore, where I know there is a fruit stall normally selling durians when the fruit is in season. Lucky me, it is in season now.
Here is the fruit stall. They have quite a variety of fruits.
IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/S1bRU450e

At the far end on the right of this photo, you can see the durians stacked up.
IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/ByMAU4c0e

Durians are full of thorns and I think this makes them looks ugly. You can smell them from a distance.
IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/HklfRUNcCx

Take a closer look at the ugly durian.
IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/rkyAoE9Al

IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/BJxJRo4cCg

It can be a serious murder weapon but I heard of nobody getting hurt by durians falling from the durian tree. Isacc Newton wasn't in this part of the world when he discovered gravity. :-)
IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/Hkb10s490g

I asked them to picked a few up for me.
IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/BkzyAiEcCg

Opened for inspection. Very nice but some people hate the smell. These people will not be eating durian.
IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/By7JCoE9Cl

Load up the fruit into a box and bring it home.
IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/ryNy0iN9Cx

Durians come in many kinds and this other kind they have on this poster is more expensive.
IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/r1mANH9Re

For durian lovers, they have durian buffet. Seriously, they are people who just have them as a meal. More for dinner than lunch.
IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/HygXRVH9Al

Their social media site. Reminder that they can vacuum pack for you. That's important unless you don't mind the car smelling of durians. Even for a short drive home, the smell can stay for overnight. Seriously, it's supposed to be ban from public transport.
他们的社交媒体网站。 也提醒客户他们可以为您提供真空包装。这很重要,除非你不介意在车里嗅到榴莲味。 即使在短时间的车程中,气味也可以留下来。 甚至过了一夜还闻到。公共交通工具也禁止搭客带榴莲上车。
IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/Hyb70VSqRx

Less ugly fruit | 没这么丑陋的水果

The jackfruits are displayed next to the durians. They are not as ugly but not a beauty either. Not in the same smelly category but there are people who do not like the smell of these too.
菠萝蜜就摆在榴莲旁边。 它们没那么丑,但也不是美。 不算有股臭味,但有些人也不喜欢这些味道。
IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/B1M7R4BcAe

IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/H1XQANSq0l

Something more cool | 冷冻点

They have some soft serve durian ice cream. If you are new to durians, this may be a better option to start with. $4 a cup is not cheap but still quite worth it.
IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/SyVmAVBc0g

Want to lick on this?
IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/SJ-y8S5Ax

Back at home, the durians were quickly consumed in less than half an hour. The cost was $44 for that box of fruit. Like almost $7 for 5 minutes. Much more expensive than parking a car in most places. Durian lovers will tell me I cannot compare it like that.
IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/HJgWkUr50l

Have you tried durians? If not, do you think you dare? Just a warning. It's smelly to many people especially those who never encounter before. Lesson from a true story. An American colleague took our challenge and tried and couldn't stand it. He tried to washed it down with Coke. Big mistake. Remember what I mentioned about the smell staying even overnight. Know what you smell when you burp from the Coke?
你吃过榴莲吗? 如果没有,你你敢尝试吗? 只是一个忠告。对许多人来说,榴莲是很臭的,特别是以前从未遇到过的人。 分享一个真实故事让大家吸取教训。一个美国同事接受了我们的挑战尝试榴莲。最后还是受不了榴莲的臭。他猛喝几口可乐。大错特错。 记得我刚才提到的气味甚至会一夜之间不消。 喝了可乐,每打嗝都嗅到榴莲的味道。 看你晚上怎么入眠。


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Please see my other posts: @ace108
请看我其他帖: @ace108


Yum Durians! I had them a few time in Kampot, but they are so expensive in Cambodia, unless they are in season. Cut open a jackfruit the other day I got from a friend!

Free jackfruit. Nice. Durian should still be in season.
Are there any local durian in Cambodia?

Yep. Best ones are in Kampot. There are know for their Durians it seems. We go back there soon :-) Maybe in a month or so.

Good for you. Enjoy your durians. Loads of it or lots of it. :-)

Durian is great! Much easier to find in China than here in Japan (though that's not impossible), so when visiting I try to get some!
Vacumm packing them is such a great idea!
The Jack fruit is nice too, but in my opinion, uglier than the Durian. :P

Wow, you are into durians too? I think easiest place to get Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore. I heard China is expensive.

I don't remember it being too expensive, then again I wasn't the one who bought it. They seemed to be fairly easily available at local fruit stores, where they had large displays of them. This was near Shanghai, they might be more expensive farther north, but south China also produces a lot of the fruit.

I even had a durian pizza! it was very very sweet.

Haha.... that's more like a durian pie.

Can't wait to see signs that say "Follow us on Steemit" instead of "Like us on Facebook" soon. :)

Maybe, we have should have that. :-)

I saw them in Thailand.

The hostel I was staying in had a huge sign 'Don't bring this fruit here' - So I never tried.

I think places with foreigners including hostel and hotel sort of frown on or ban them.

Wow, what a nice post you make here!

Thank you and thanks for your comment.



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