in #wild-man7 years ago

This is one of my favorite lizards!

The Eastern Fence Lizard (Sceloporus undulatus) is also known as the Prairie Lizard in some areas. We first met up with this species when we moved to Arkansas.

These are a very well camouflaged lizard that can have some striking blue coloration on the throat and sides. They only grow to about eight inches in length and can be very fast. We often find them by log and rock piles, and other places along the forests edge.

The information is the video is original but I did have a quick refresher from this source.



If you enjoyed this video, please consider thanking @thelivingpoet for encouraging me to make it!

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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He must have really felt safe with you not to scurry away. Almost like he enjoyed and understood that you were talking about him...

He was lightning fast a moment prior to the recording and I almost lost him. I guess I was blessed during the recording!

Lizards are really cool anaimals, I'm glad someone else likes them as much as I do. I had leopard geckos when I was younger and really think they make a really good animal for children to learn about having a pet. So many people get their kids puppies for Christmas and by new years they hate it because the child had lost interest and the parent didn't calculate the amount of care it would require. Anyhow, cool post and happy to run into you again!

Very cool! We used to have a Leopard Gecko! These days it is mostly farm animals that we keep, but we like to encounter all sorts of wild animals!

i used to have a huge plastic lizard collection from the san diego zo theyd always have different species of turtle or snake or lizard as a plastic toy but also i did have a red ear slider and i had to give it to a turtle farm which i did go visit it was real and my turtle got healthier and was adopted by some big mansions pond that needed some turtles, and yeah m pet turtle stephanie (named after my chinese friend neighbor whose doctor parents were training here and had to give up his second turtle , i got the turtle and it was a hassle i remember as a kid having to change its water every like week or so it was crazy and i had to feed the turtle cuts of beef because that's what my friend was feeding it lol and it wouldnt eat anything else whatever it was crazy it got a soft shell so i gave it to a place where this guy had a bunch of turtles eve confiscated galapagos that the city took away from people who illegal had them and so this guy has the only permits besides the zoo to have the galapagos tortoises and it was crazy this guy rehabbed the turtle and i saw the tanks myself full of red ear sliders that were all gonna go to big ponds etc , its nice that they have places to go and that people want turtles in their ponds when they create new ones out in the desert

Cute little creature!

That they are!

I can see why this lizard's name stuck. Looks like the perfect camouflage for a life on the fence!

Too easy to tame, right

Apparently this one was.

We should make a steemit nature documentary lol or International nature magazine, Steemit Geographic, with users photographing animals from all around the world!
I wanna see some pygmy marmosets!

Good thinking. I'm sure that someone around here has the necessary skills.

Hey, @papa-pepper! Avery nice looking lizard. The kids were lucky to find this little guy. They must have eagle eyes :)

They have been trained well! LOL


It's so small and beautiful! It's my first time reading about this certain kind of lizard. Thanks for sharing @papa-pepper ☺️

Glad that you learned about it now!

Got the lizards in my area too, love them!

Very cool, I'm glad to live in an area where they live now!

I wanna do some blog posts about the sea life around here, ima find allsorts of ocean life if i can buy an ocean drone and swim it around here !lol

or get this

and we could make some really cool shows for steemit!
Hey we should rent metal detectors for u guys and u can go metal detect out where ur at or i know in the desert near me there's gold and silver and i know theres all sorts of crystals i can find at beaches here and i know the ground is just covered in quartz crystals out in the desert here its crazy but anyway i bet you could find some serious gold nuggets u bought or rented a GPX 5000 and used it like once a week every week just went out into river beds just went metal detecting and you could find some gold man!

This thing works good! its legit and it can find gold nuggets out in fuckin old mine s where they stopped looking back before they even had metal detectors and you can find nuggets right out in the ground, we should build a metal detecting remote control car that just drives around and saves GPS data of where ity finds anything maybe send another robot to come and pick it up

anyway we could also use drones to make a great documentary about animals, haha build tiny remote control cameras or like Ant cams record some underground insects etc,

Wow! Now you've got some good ideas! Even a GoPro can make some good underwater videos.

I shot that while snorkeling in a just a couple feet of water down by South Padre Island.

is that a cuttle fish? yeah man we are gonna get some legit underwater videos for steemit and have steemit nature documentary competition!

A type of sea slug.

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