WikiLeaks Bombshell: The Russia Hack Narrative

in #wikileaks7 years ago (edited)


You might have been wondering where this Russia narrative came from, and why, even when the evidence keeps coming up blank, that only seems like more of a reason for the media and the Deep State to push it.

Here, Hillary gives a postmortem of her campaign.

As you can see, she blames James Comey and "Russian WikiLeaks". I don't know why that last part didn't inspire gasps and awe from the crowd... but whatever.

So... Russian WIkiLeaks, eh?

New book by 'Shattered' by Clinton insiders reveals that "blame Russia" plan was hatched "within twenty-four hours" of election loss.


What are your thoughts?

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Exactly! I am new to SteemIt, and I followed you for posting this. The Democratic party would rather start WW3 than give up their donor money and fight for the people. We need a third party, the Dems are too corrupt and cannot even admit Hillary was a deeply flawed candidate that CHEATED Bernie Sanders!

Welcome to Steemit!

I watched this last cycle as the globalists began to overtake the Libertarian Party. I believe the DEMs and GOP are splintered, and we will begin seeing tendrils of the globalist elements of these parties planting themselves in the LP as an alternative globalist option while the Democrats become more progressive and hard-left, while the Republicans become more populist and nationalistic.

The Dem party has been completely compromised and overtaken by the globalist elite and corporations. They are fighting tooth and nail to prevent the party from becoming more progressive and hard-left. Right now, we are a one party system with two right wings. Unless they wake up and ditch the corporations and donor money, the Dems will go the way of the Whigs and be completely irrelevant.

I am inclined to your view in many ways. I've seen Trump doing things with unions that will draw in so many working class Americans that the Democratic party will never be able to win an election ever again. If Trump gets his way on immigration, too, then they'll lose their most reliable base: dependent immigrants. It will destroy the Democratic party.

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