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RE: Unfairness hidden behind complexity and good intentions

in #why5 years ago

The project that you mention is called @help.venezuela and it is run by myself. The idea of this project is to provide constant upvotes to a selected group of authors from Venezuela. I mentor this group closely and I know many of the people quite personally.

I had started the project in December 2018 believing to have found a way to provide sustainable help to these people. Instead of sending them a one time amount, I've put 750 Steem into this project and powered them up. The idea was to be able to provide consistant upvotes for them. So that each time they produce a post, they get a nice upvote from the account. My idea was to grow the account as much as possible so that I could provide upvotes for more people and make these upvotes more powerful. At the moment there are 23 people supported. Among the people who were supported from the beginning the big majority is still active on steem and they increased they SP quite considerably.

Why selling votes?
I'm no programmer and I don't how to set up bots to upvote people, so I'm using the service to give the upvotes. This is not perfect and it happens, especially when there is a black out in Venezuela, that nobody can post anything. Therefore when selling the upvotes when the account is above 95% voting power, the account generates income all the same and can grow in SP. This SP allows to give again upvotes.

Why ask for delegations?
My idea at the beginning was not to ask for delegations but people wanted to participate and asked me to put delegation links.

Why the project doesn't distribute the SP
The SP is what allows the account to give upvotes. The delegations can disapear any day and what is left is the SP of the account. One of the bigger delegation was a price won in a contest by @theycallmedan and it was attributed for one year. Once this period is over there will be a big set back in the account and I try to compensate this by increasing the SP through curation rewards.

About me
I have a nice life, I live in Switzerland and run my own company. My idea was to help people and I believe that the project is quite innovative because it uses the possibilities of Steem and helps people by rewarding their work in a sustainable manner. I've been on steem for more than a year. I've never sold any steem nor powered down any of my accounts. Steem is my hobby. I don't need any income from steem and I won't need it in the future. I've spent some time in Venezuela in my youth and I understand Spanish quite well but I'm not capable of writing it. I know the country and I want to help the people in their difficult situation.

I don't want to distribute the SP of the account because I want it to grow, to give more upvotes to more people. I have no plan to power down this account and one day if I'm doing it, I will certainly not take this money for myself. My concept is like this and I agree that it would be possible to do it better. We don't have to agree on that.

I can't accept however that you call me a scammer and that you say that I use the poor to enrich myself. I would like to ask you to try to know me better before making a judgment. I'm always open for constructive feedback and I will gladly learn from you if I can do things better.

The good thing in all this, is that this brought you to extend OCD to Venezuelan authors. I think this is a great step because there are really a lot of venezuelan authors that produce great posts that are undervalued. I suggest to check out the following authors:
@lanzjoseg, @jenina619, @juanmolina, @reinaldoverdu, @hendersonp, @fucho80, @jadams2k18, @yomismosoy, @sacra97, @hlezama, @darthgexe, @equipodelta, @por500bolos, @manuelgil64, @topfivefamily, @nachomolina, @peraza82, @tramelibre, @spirajn

I thank you for taking the time to read this comment

Best regards,


I will certainly not take this money for myself.

This seems to have changed from the "maybe" last time, huh?

I didn't call you a scammer, there are many projects similar to yours pretending to focus on curation when their end goal is to make as much rewards as possible. It's unfortunate that these seem to be focused on the spanish speaking communities and the reason I added this first to OCD is because we are planning on bringing back languages step by step but it's a bit urgent in this case. The way you and others are running them are not efficient in helping these authors grow and leaves a lot of leeway for abuse and selfishness. It doesn't matter how many times you say "this will not be powered down but used to grow" and keep justifying your system when you easily could make it more fair and efficient considering many Venezuelan users would be happy to curate their people for free instead of relying on autovotes with no oversight.

If you think I called you a scammer then that's on you. If you think I was harsh on calling your system unfair and the delegations from Venezuelans onto it unnecessary then that's my opinion. Deal with it.

I am also not interested in getting to know you better, time is valuable and I've already spent more than I would like on your answers and project. Actions speak louder than words and I hope you realize that in the future and change your ways but for now I am done wasting time on this matter. Good bye.

Saludos amigo @achim03

Gracias por el apoyo dado a los Venezolanos, sigamos haciendo un buen Steemit.

I've learned to value work and efforts done by @achim03

It's so sad that he and his project became targeted for absolutely no reason. Just because of "feeling" that something is not right with his project.

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