What can I get you?

in #whowantsadrink6 years ago

Tonight is my first official day at work in over a year. It's a bit strange on this side of the bar!


With the downturn in crypto, which could well continue further, I can no longer fund myself via Steem. When I quit my job at the United Nations at the end of August last year, I never fully believed I wouldn't need to earn fiat again - it was good while it lasted though.

Family and friends thought I was crazy and lazy, but I've put a lot of hours into our blockchain and so I don't agree with the 2nd accusation at all. And really, it's never that hard to find some sort of work, if you are willing to travel and get your hands dirty.

I'm writing this one on the phone at the bar, business is steady and the boss is fairly laid back. It's her first year running 'The Cwtch', which is Welsh for 'hug'. I can see the idea behind the name, it's just that neither the Spanish, German, or English, have any idea what it means. And seriously, a word with no vowels? Pretty sure the only one I've written so far today.

The bar is fairly quite this evening, and so I've been able to write around pouring drinks and other duties. I've pulled a few pints, opened a couple of bottles of corona, and poured a blood orange vodka. In the UK, spirits are measured, 25ml for a single, and 50ml for a double. In Spain, no such laws seem to be present and you just pour over the ice until it looks like a fair amount. I'm not entirely ok with this and would prefer not to have to judge how much is in the glass, but it does work in favour of the customer. I would guess that the servings are closer to a triple - better to air on the side of generous 😊

What else do you have to do as bar staff? Stock the fridge, stick the glasses into the dishwasher, and chat to the customers. Nothing too taxing, except for the hours. The place will likely close around 3 am tonight, and even later if there are people who want a lock-in. After hours drinking isn't allowed, and so the boss has bought some black curtains to hide everyone inside. The fine is likely to be thousands and so I hope they do the job, for her sake.

Hopefully I'll still have time to Steem on the laptop, I can't make pies for everyone here. Also, it takes flipping ages to write on the phone, I don't imagine this blog is half as long as it feels.

Right, I'd best pretend to look busy. I'm ready for bed really but will soldier on. I wonder if I'll get a free drink at closing time?

Have a good evening all

Barman Asher


howdy sir Asher! I admire you for doing what you gotta do to make ends meet! and this job could work out well as long as you need it, I hope the pay is good, you didn't ask how much the pay was before you started?
I think you'll be great at it and will get big tips!

How many days/hours a week will u be doing?

Posted using Partiko Android

No idea, and no idea what I'm getting paid either!

Could end up doing quite a lot of hours - as required, but would like some sort of timetable.

Lol, this is already the answer to my question. Sounds really like a southern European country. Where things are not always perfectly arranged. Cause how on earth could you not yet know your salary? Or perhaps you mean you know what you earn per hour? But don't know your number of hours and therefore total wage?

But anyways those things are quite normal for countries like Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece 😬

Well have fun, u never know who you might meet in there

Posted using Partiko Android

Well have fun, u never know who you might meet in there

Posted using Partiko Android

Well you've made ok with this post, in some countries that's a decent daily wage (my country included). I just love what steem is doing for a lot of people, more than governments, so keep posting everyone

Posted using Partiko Android

Keep posting for sure, I will be :) Cheers!

Tending bar can be a decent job, depending on the hours and how busy it is. I don't remember, do they do tips in Spain, or is it just straight wages?

Anyway, wish you well with the new gig!


Tips sometimes yeah, and an hourly rate I hope!

This place isn't so busy, music, wifi, I can cope 😊


So, cryptocurrency could not replace fiats. You have to take another job! How will you be able to give ample time to Steemit, then?

My mornings and afternoons should be free, but I suspect commenting will go down and I'll unlikely place top 20 in my league 😩

Could be a fun job for a while, but it does seem a bit tragic not to be using your most valuable skills. Maybe you could get a remote BI or Data Analysis job or something?

I'm in a similar situation myself having to reconsider potential employment options. Not a lot of decent IT employment options where I live so I'm still procrastinating :)

Yeah not much IT for a non-native speaker here either. And to be honest, I'm not that keen on going back into IT, even though the pay is a fair bit better than bar work.

How long do you think until a turnaround? 6 months? A year, or two?

I wish I knew. Either we are consolidating and forming a base at these levels for a gradual rally maybe as soon as October.....or we are dropping through 6,000 BTC in a fresh and ugly panic-capitulation that could set us back another couple years.

Either way I don't see a return to the mania of late 2017 any time soon unless we get a big "white swan" event :)

This is just temporary, we do what we need to do but keeping our dreams at sight

Yes I think you are right, temporary is how i see it too. I'm still focused on Steem and hope it gives everyone a dream to hold on to :)

Same here...
Not only sbout steem but every time life forced me to park a dream a little, but never was sold, or broken. Dream on. Let us be ready when the time is right too
To dream
And make our dreams true

Dude, barman Asher rocks! Now we know who'll be in charge of making the cocktails in Poland :D

I'll be googleing if someone asks me for a cocktail!

An easy first shift though thankfully, and a beer at closing time too 😁

Lol, Asher could indeed directly earn back his money for Steemfest 😂

Hopefully this stint is short, I'm a bartender too by trade hahaha, well until I retired back in 2011 <3 <3 <3 I think you'd be an awesome bartender just from knowing you so far! Lucky customers :) Best wishes, and I hope you make some mad tips!! Sending good energy your way...

Thank you Lyndsay!

The first customer left a nice tip actually so thank you for the positive vibes 😁

Oh, did you check your SP? The fulltimeangel has been dropping off presents again! X

Yessss I'll try and keep those tips rolling in <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

And in other news: Praise the Heavens!! #fulltimeangelstrikesyetagain

Not bad for a day's work. That free drink might come it handy, I hope it comes.

It was fun while it lasted living off crypto, and why we pray for a bounceback...let's at least try to use this time learning valuable lessons and insights

Yes I'm looking forward to one - even better if I don't have to pay 😊

Lesson one, take some out when the price goes up!

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