Frank Bacon - How far are you willing to go, to SteemPunk the world? | BRANDED Series | CF4TCF [BLOCK]

Set in a dystopian future where corporate brands have created a disillusioned population, one man's effort to unlock the truth behind the conspiracy will lead to an epic battle with hidden forces that control the world.


It is in Phaedrus that Socrates states that some of life's greatest blessings flow from MANIA specifically in the four kinds of mania: (1) prophetic; (2) poetic; (3) cathartic; and (4) erotic. It is in this context that Socrates' Myth of the Cicadas is presented. The Cicadas chirp and watch to see whether their music lulls humans to laziness or whether the humans can resist their sweet song. Cicadas were originally humans who, in ancient times, allowed the first Muses to enchant them into singing and dancing so long that they stopped eating and sleeping and actually died without noticing it. The Muses rewarded them with the gift of never needing food or sleep, but to sing from birth to death. The task of the Cicadas is to watch humans to report who honors the Muses and who does not.



A wink and a nod to @thesimpson and his entry into Falseyedols Cypher Challenge S1E1.



Sounds right.depositphotos_158227428-stock-photo-viking-god-odin-with-spear.jpg

Highly Resteemed ;)


Just found you yesterday. Followed26731199_1681784998600789_2962768217506985974_n_1515719555724.jpg

There's a rumor going around that @originalsimulant is really the infamous @frankbacon.


Bacon Ranger.jpg

That would make a lot of sense As they look alike. shutterstock_171451805.0.jpg

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