Why I believe we are living in the most significant time period in over 2000 years.

in #whocares6 years ago

I do not know what the fuck happened 2018 years ago, but it was clearly significant. It would appear that something happened that year that has greatly influenced the direction of our species, and I think something on par with this event is far too likely to occur in the near future.

Blockchain technology is the vehicle by which this defining moment for humanity will be realised. If you still underestimate just how important blockchain technology is, then consider the following;

In the near future, most likely within your life time, when everything is on the blockchain, and when the internet of things connects all things to that chain; humanity will have the means to replay any moment in recent time, even within a 3D virtual reality.

The moment such a system goes online, we will have done something as a species that will warrant a completely new timeline. History will now be "verifiable," and "observable." This is fucking huge.

However, should this technology be controlled by an oppressive force, which is extremely likely, considering a benevolent one would never have conceptualized such a monster, then humanity will also possess the ability to rewrite time.

Yes, if you know what deepfake machine learning is, then it shouldn't be difficult for you to imagine how a vision from the past could be edited in real time to portray false information to the observer.

I'm going off point now. What I mean to highlight is, it has been two millennia since something so important happened to us that it warranted a brand spanking new "beginning of time." Yet I believe in my life time, it will be year 26 before it is the year 2066, and that ought to be a big fucking deal.

Perhaps the "end times," that so many of us believe to be upon us, are more literal than we thought..

Are you ready for the year 1BC? The year of the Block-Chain?


I am totally ready for 1BC.

Bring it!

Is this post is inspired by Black Mirror? If not, you gotta watch it. In one of the episodes, they have shown how replaying timeline becomes so easy with a small remote control. All the episodes are about scary effects of using techology!

If it is in the new season then I likely did not see it. I seen only the one about dating app. But if you refer to the episode where people are able to replay memories using a chip in their brain, I did see that one, yes. This is interesting and seems a possibility, but I was actually referring to the history of the entire planet being recorded, rather than one's own personal memories.

If you are unfamiliar with smartdust, I would suggest you do a little research. You needn't become an expert on it, but when you understand what it is, you will also understand that it could very well be used to facilitate an invisible, inescapable, and entirely decentralized surveillance network. And if that data was stored on an immutable ledger, which could also be deployed over nanotechnology that is spread out throughout the entire planet, then that history will be permanent and reviewable/(editable?).

With advances in VR, one could enter a moment in history in a virtual reality, and experience it again in complete accuracy- with every raindrop-- if there were any -- landing exactly where it did in history. Or one could enter a moment that they are told is a true recording of history, but that could be edited to give false testimonies that no one would be able to deny without being thought a liar.

If you then take a moment to consider chemtrails; you may be forced to wonder whether this new time line has already begun. There is no reason I can see why they could not be capturing the data already, but whether they have the technology to analyze and interpret that data at this point is another matter. They certainly will soon though.

Yup. I was talking about the one in which personal memories can be played. So many new concepts and theories in here. I'll take some time to go through them. The VR thing you're talking about is kinda similar to the the technology of Animus in Assasins Creed game where the character experiences the memories of his ancestors. Only in your case you're talking about watching the entire planet's history. If they have got this idea for a game long ago, it could be possible that the technology exists or people are trying to build it.

You must be high as fuck, but that is some deep words man. I feel so sad and disappointed, that our greed is taken over our desire to make our species the best it can be, individualism is more favourable rather than unity. I guess that's what leads to our downfall.

Anyways, I'm quite ready for 1 BC!

Bring it on...

I really had to snicker at the responses here, Bring in 1 BC wooo. lol

1BC, The year of the Block-Chain?

I'm in


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