The Steem House "Whitepaper"

in #whitepaper6 years ago

The Steem House will be a 'crypto-centric' makerspace located in Frankfort, Kentucky, USA!

An incubator for creativity!.png

"An incubator for creativity and entrepreneurship"

The Steem House is a project being spearheaded by @thatsweeneyguy to open a real-world business that centers around STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) and STEEM. This business is what's known as a makerspace, a public workshop of sorts, where people can come and make anything they can dream up!


We will have tools, machines, software, and supplies, and by becoming a monthly member, or purchasing a day pass, people in our local community can gain access to any and all of those resources. Members will be instructed on how to use the various equipment within our space, and the entire operation will be overseen by trained facilitators.

Get your hands dirty, and learn something new!

We will host numerous hands-on classes and workshops for creatives of all ages, and help those in our local community hone their skills and talents, or development new ideas and hobbies! Having a public place designed for collaboration can be a never ending source of inspiration, and our space will encourage people to share their ideas, and make something great together!

The entrepreneurs of today are the business leaders of tomorrow.

Beyond being a makerspace, The Steem House will also be a small business incubator, fostering entrepreneurs as they take on the arduous task of building the future. We will incorporate STEEM, and Blockchain technology as a whole, at every turn, instructing our members how to turn their creativity and ideas into cash on the Steem Blockchain!

We have already seen a tremendous amount of support, and in our first two months, raised nearly 2000 STEEM to build the foundation of this business that we are presenting here. Those early investors, referred to fondly as our Dream Team, will earn a lifelong portion of our blog earnings, and will receive various kickbacks and bonuses any time we're able to show them how much we appreciate all they've done to make The Steem House a reality.

STEEMHOUSE Tokens will be used for many things in and out of our physical space!


This token was created as a means to raise the necessary funds to open, upgrade, and expand our makerspace, as well as to provide people both in and out of our space an opportunity to redeem said tokens later for various products and services. They will have many practical uses involving the services we offer, or creations we make, and they will also be open for trading on decentralized token exchanges like Bitshares and OpenLedger.

Makers; short on cash?

People in our local community will be able to redeem these tokens to pay their monthly membership fees, get guest passes, free tickets for workshops and classes, buy supplies for their projects, and more! We want everyone to be able to take part in our space, and those with little or no extra money who hold these tokens, will be able to benefit from the space just as much as someone with cashflow.

A program will be developed in which talented local creatives on a tight budget will be able to be "sponsored". The Steem House will spend time promoting and fundraising for said creative in an effort to help ensure their success.

Too far away to get to our makerspace?

No worries! People who may only ever interact with The Steem House digitally will still find these tokens useful! We will hold numerous raffles, fundraisers, and other events that will utilize the token, and will also be setting up a "Maker Mall", for our creatives and makers to put their creations up for sale. This Maker Mall will only accept USD, Steem/SBD, and STEEMHOUSE Tokens as payment.

Token Distribution

STEEMHOUSE Tokens will be distributed in a few different ways, and for a few different reasons. We will be keeping a large portion of them as a stake in our own system, and for future use in both the physical space, and online. The maximum supply of STEEMHOUSE will only be one million, and more than half of those will be issued to the public.


Our [Dream Team] will share a 1% stake.

This amounts to 10,000 STEEMHOUSE, and each member will receive a portion of that total based on their initial investment. This number works out to 5 STEEMHOUSE for every STEEM or SBD they put into the fund.

@Platforms will also receive a 1% stake.

We have partnered with @platforms, who have not only advised us on many points, but will also be helping with our marketing efforts.

A total of 10% will go toward a Bounty Program

100,000 tokens in total will be issued as rewards for various bounty events and contests. These bounty tokens will be issued in batches alongside tokens that are being sold. More information about the Bounty Program below.

50% of the total supply will be sold to raise funds to ensure the success of our project

Tokens will be sold in batches, at a steadily increasing price, until all 500,000 have been sold. Read below for full Token Sale details.

25% of the tokens will be held in reserve as an "owner's stake"

We will hold 250,000 of the tokens for future fundraising needs, such as large upgrades, and the future purchase a permanent residence.

The remaining 13% will be shared with our local community

We will use the remaining 130,000 tokens to spread the word throughout our city about this endeavor. This should serve to get people in the door, possibly paying for their initial membership and material fees. Getting people in the door early on will be crucial to our lasting success.

Bounty Program

100,000 tokens in total will be devoted to various promotional contests and events to increase awareness of our token sale, and offer those with little to no money to invest, a chance to earn some of the tokens for helping in our efforts. The tokens for this Bounty Program will be issued in waves, as our token sale progresses. For every 50,000 tokens that are sold, 10,000 tokens will be given away in bounties.

Some of these bounties may include, but are not limited to:

  • Writing contests
  • Video promotions
  • Graphic/Artwork competitions
  • Great Ideas
  • Community Participation

Bounty tokens will be given at the discretion of The Steem House and it's owners, @thatsweeneyguy and @cryptomomma. When one batch of bounty tokens is exhausted, no more will be issued until the next token sale milestone is reached.


A full 50% of the maximum supply of tokens will be issued during the token sale. The tokens will be placed in the market in batches, with each batch increasing in value. It is our hope to peg these tokens at $1 USD in the future, though we realize the market will have its own say on that matter, and it may be worth more or less than we intend. Below is a full description of the stages of our token sale, and how the funds raised plan to be used to scale our business.



  • 75,000 tokens @ $0.10 USD ($7,500)
    This first small batch will provide the funds necessary to conduct a marketing campaign for our makerspace and token sale both online and locally. Combined with the remainder of the Dream Team Fund, it could also get our foot in the door of a space, covering the security deposit, and first month or two of rent.

Stage 1

  • 150,000 tokens @ $0.20 USD ($30,000)
    Stage 1 of our token sale will fully cover the rent and utilities of our first year and beyond. Eliminating the largest overhead expenses will be an important part of our success. Even if we start with just a few pieces of equipment, being able to keep the space open, and the lights on, allows us to generate revenue with the space, scaling the business as funds become available.

Stage 2

  • 125,000 tokens @ $0.30 USD ($37,500)
    With the rent and utility bills covered, the next batch of coins will be used to fill our makerspace with all the various tools, machines, equipment, software, and supplies needed to give the creatives in our community the largest number of options possible when choosing how to express themselves, or what they're able to create in our space.

Stage 3

  • 75,000 tokens @ $0.40 USD ($30,000)
    This will be our "expansion" stage. With the initial space paid for and fitted, we will begin expanding our space. If we end up in the old school building we have talked so much about, this would be a matter of simply signing a lease on the nearly equally large space directly across the hallway from where we intend to start.

Stage 4

  • 75,000 tokens @ $0.50 USD ($35,000)
    Our final stage will be all about community. With our makerspace up and running, we will be ready to begin our goal of ensuring every person in our humble city has heard of the Steem Blockchain, and the amazing things that can be done within The Steem House. A larger scale local marketing campaign will take place, and a portion of these funds will enable us to conduct the first "beautification projects" within our local community.

The coins will be listed and purchasable for Bitshares (BTS) on decentralized exchange sites like Bitshares or OpenLedger, however, we will be accepting nearly all popular alt coins or payment method that can easily be converted to BTC or fiat. For any method outside the exchanges above, the sale will have to be done manually, and you will need to contact us to facilitate the trade. You can do so by joining our Discord Server, or by email at [email protected]

We will be offering a 5% discount on all tokens purchased with STEEM or SBD, as we owe credit for all of our success to this platform, and the amazing people building the future of social media.

Our Team


J. Sweeney ( @thatsweeneyguy )

@thatsweeneyguy is an "eccentric entrepreneur" with a passion for game development. Founder of The Steem House, he joined Steemit in May 2017, and has started a number of community projects, including @steemparents, @wearyoursteem, and @thriveordie, to name a few. He will manage all marketing and public relations for The Steem House. He will also be our makerspace's Head Facilitator, essentially a floor manager, touching base will the creatives within our space, making sure their needs are taken care of.

M. Baxter ( @cryptomomma )

@cryptomomma is a "full time mommy and student", quickly approaching a degree in Business Administration. She will manage the day to day business side of The Steem House, ensuring @thatsweeneyguy's ambitions stay in line with what's best for the success of our venture. With a passion for painting, and creativity in general, she will also host many of our arts and crafts workshops and classes.

We will be hiring additional staff such as receptionists and facilitators as we scale, and funds become available, and will also be looking for people who would like to host workshops or classes, giving our space an extended repertoire of services and events.

We can't wait to get started showing everyone the level of value we intend to bring not only to the Steem Blockchain, but to the world at large!

The Steem House will be a fountain of creativity, and new ideas. It will expand and upgrade to fit the needs of anyone and everyone involved, giving people opportunities they may have only dreamed of! We will use ever bit of our success to support those around us, and together, we can make something amazing!





I tip my virtual hat to you @thatsweeneyguy

Nice to see some structure and detail.
I'm sure you'll both do great :)

Thanks! We'll do our best!

Congratulations This post has been upvoted by SteemMakers. We are a community-based project that aims to support makers and DIYers on the blockchain in every way possible.

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Your post is also presented on the community website where you can find other selected content.

If you like our work, please consider upvoting this comment to support the growth of our community. Thank you.

So cool that the coins will be on bitshares! Upvoted :)

They sure are! There is a small batch up now if you're interested ;)

Looking very profi!

You guys are really on track with this!

Congratulations and I am excited for the adventure you have ahead!

Great job @thatsweeneyguy

Thats nice. Hope its available to buy some now

They sure are! Head on over to this link, and grab yours before the price increases on May 1st!

Would do just that, thank you.

I also want to buy coins. Thank you for the information.

Coins mentioned in post:

CoinPrice (USD)📈 24h📈 7d
SBDSteem Dollars2.519$5.39%33.0%

The bot forgot:

CoinPrice (BTS)24hr7d

That, and I didn't mention Maker coin, which I didn't know about, but ah well. Bots aren't as smart as people just yet.

The use of the word maker so much is probably the reason. And they say bots will take over the world one day...

Oh I completely agree. Hell, they've already almost taken over Steemit... but the times, they are a changin', and the age of the bots here on steemit will soon draw to an end.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 63615.94
ETH 2475.04
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.54