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RE: White Privilege? Yes, I am white...

in #white7 years ago

I'm sorry, I can't agree with most of your article. Just because you were poor and white doesn't mean you didn't experience white privilege. All "privilege" means is that IN GENERAL if you were a minority in the U.S., and ALSO poor, you probably would have been worse off. Now are there exceptions to the rule? Yes. But all that proves is that someone had to work extremely hard to overcome racial barriers. Chances are, a white person in the exact same situation wouldn't have had to "prove" him/herself so much.

Also, I'm glad that you don't seem to notice race, but white privilege is not about you as an individual -- it's about societal institutions. Other people are not so "enlightened." And often, discrimination is subconscious (i.e. people might not overtly think, "This person is black, therefore I'm going to screw him/her over," but they will still make judgement calls about that person's character or upbringing based on their preconceptions).



Also thanks for the well reasoned, and civil response. It is appreciated.

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