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RE: White Privilege? Yes, I am white...

in #white7 years ago (edited)

Having borne witness to more examples of what you termed "minority" privilege during my two decades at the university than I can possible count, I thought I would reply.

A very clear memory: a young and naive student asked a full professor during a department conference why there were no scholarships for men, since there were so many for women. Her answer, in a very offended manner for even daring to voice such a thoughtcrime question, was, I quote: "There has to be an advantageous disadvantaging of men to provide for equality. I had hoped you would understand that by now." Orwellian doublethink wrapped in newspeak at its finest.

The same university sent a letter proudly exclaiming "94% of our doctoral candidates are now women or minorities. An increase in this percentage is explicitly desired by the administration." They weren't disadvantaging anybody on a meritocratic basis, of course not, they were just advantaging others.

I have watched countless university positions at numerous universities in the last twenty years go to women or minorities that were less published, had less teaching experience, less didactic competence, poorer social skills and less command of their discipline than male applicants, not even because there were quotas, but because of the "desire for diversity" or "reparation for past injustices" on the part of the non-academic bureaucrats who ultimately held the purse strings.

It is now apparently fashionable to hold people accountable for things they have never done nor would ever have agreed with in the name of social justice. How just! It is practically biblical of the righteous avenging atheists to visit the sins of the father upon the sons.

But I digress.

In short, meritocracy in western civilization is dying in favor of a cultist ideology of victim adoration, where those who are perceived as the most victimized are considered the most worthy of, well, anything and everything.

What so many of the young SJW crowd fail to understand is that true hegemonic power, derived from wealth and power, makes absolutely no distinction as to the race, color, sex, age, ethnicity or culture of an individual. The wealthy walk over the corpses of men and women, white, black and brown in their pursuit of dominance. While the SJWs are berating their neighbors, colleagues and friends for not being tolerant or politically correct enough, the rich are pondering how to keep the central banking system of indentured servitude of everyone running.

The social justice crusade to impose the belief in white privilege and that disadvantaging, killing, raping, aborting or robbing whites is thus justifiable is a form of mass reactionary hysteria to the narrative of the radical Frankfurter School disciples that has taken root at the universities and in the controlled media throughout the west. But that for another time perhaps.

Until then, this video perfectly sums up the current victimhood olympics mentality: "Educayshun"

I tell people occassionally "I care about ideology, not race or sex. You are either fighting for freedom, justice and equality, or you are mired in slave-think and attacking your fellow slaves." Which brings to mind "The Story of Your Enslavement"

Anyways, cheers for the nice thought-provoking post dwin!


Excellent response seriously. Might I recommend you repackage this up as your own post and then give me a link to it? It is worth getting you some visibility on it.

I only thought of the phrase "minority" privilege today as I realized I've actually personally witnessed far more of that in my lifetime than what I would call white privilege. Your examples are good ones in terms of information, yet they are also BAD because it is a negative thing that it has come to that. The education system is very messed up and it is full of rotting minds.

I did as you suggested and it was a good call, I'd be honored if you would take a look at it. Cheers! Here the link: Meritocracy is Dead - Diversity and Privilege in Higher Education

Thanks for the suggestion; I'll work it up as a post and shoot you the link. Have to be tomorrow, very very late here. I also should emphasize that when I say the "wealthy", I mean the super-wealthy .0000000018%. Definitely enjoy watching the videos, they are both terrifying in their own way.

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