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RE: White Privilege? Yes, I am white...

in #white7 years ago

just because you don't believe it (or didn't experience it yourself) doesn't make it less of an actual thing. there's literally no way you can verify that a person of color didn't get a loan because of their skin color. that's an internal bias that most people don't vocalize unless surrounded by other people likely to judge someone based on their race or skin.


Yes, but I can. Because often they are on a phone and race never comes up. Or they are on a form that doesn't ask race.

If race came up then I can't prove that the black banker refused me due to skin color either. Yet I wouldn't make that claim.

If YOU yourself are targeted and it is obvious and requires no speculation then that is PROVABLE. If it requires guessing, opinion, and speculation then it is not provable. It is bullshit waste of time to play a victim card.

If you focus on provable things you'll get a lot of support. Yet how is it provable? Usually this involves race being mentioned specifically in the event, or alluded to. "People like you", "Black people like you", "Your people", "White crackers like you", "White people..." you see those things ARE racist regardless of your skin color.

People are frankly IDIOTS these days and I don't usually say it. If they are indeed victims of racism then the answer is NOT to be racist yourself. You either want equality, or you want special treatment. You can't have both for they are mutually exclusive.

no, i'm sorry, but unless you can read minds, there's ZERO way for you to verify someone's racial bias in that situation unless it's so blatant as to be impossible to ignore (epithets, flat out statements, etc.).

you're just wrong.


A couple of things here. Simple things actually.

The first thing you said.

no, i'm sorry, but unless you can read minds, there's ZERO way for you to verify someone's racial bias in that situation unless it's so blatant as to be impossible to ignore (epithets, flat out statements, etc.).

Yep. This is true. It's kind of what I said too. Just in different words.

you're just wrong.

shakes head - Ahh going to pull out the old "I'm right, and you're wrong" little kid argument?

That doesn't ever actually convince anyone of you being right. Proof is a lot more compelling than obstinance.

Yet, if your goal was to give the impression of someone sticking their hands over their head and saying I'm not listening then congratulations. You succeeded. That statement is absolutely brilliant when it comes to that.

I did think about your initial comment to this post when I went back and read my post. You didn't even read it did you? It seems like that is the case since the first two sentences of the post actually address what you said in your first comment.

If you want to have a civil and reasoned discussion I'm all for that. If you want to predetermine you are right and I am wrong then don't bother.

rest assured, once i'm home from work, you'll get a step-by-step breakdown of where your logic falls apart.

if your goal was to sound like a condescending douche, you succeeded.

I look forward to it. ;) Oh and be sure to read the post this time.

Once you so casually decided to just say "you are wrong" I didn't have a single problem being condescending after that. It was intentional. ;)

Also I didn't state it was not an actual thing. I said it is a geographical or cultural thing. To expand upon that there are pockets spread around where it happens, and the large areas it doesn't. This is true of all such bigotry as far as I can find not just racism.

nevermind. not even worth responding to at this point.

It's really not, but I did it anyway.

Hehe... and yeah I thought it was a tag team event. I've been involved in them before. Perhaps not planned though, or perhaps it was. :) Anyway that is what I was hinting at in my response to your response.

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