
So the Coronavirus hit Lagos about a month. We are actually in the second week of the lockdown by the Lagos State Government to slow down the spread of the virus. It likely the lockdown will be expanded for weeks. There isn't a cure or vaccine yet so basically, governments and health agencies across the world are trying to slow down the spread while they figure things out.

So I have been indoors for about a month now. I started practicing social distancing even before the lockdown was initiated. I can't say it has changed my life drastically. I am a recluse, so yes, I do enjoy the solitude and time to myself. However, there are still certain things I miss.


l hardly go out. Most of my time is spent indoors. Well except the few occasions I have to report to my place of primary assignment--currently serving my country. However, I do miss the freedom of movement. It's one thing to willingly stay in a particular location and another thing entirely when you're mandated to. It mirrors the life of a prison. Yes, the lockdown isn't strict here. You get the opportunity to go to the grocery store and the likes, however, one is not allowed to embark on long commutes.


Part of my daily ritual is hanging out with my friends. We love to drink--they love to drink. It's just one of the easiest ways to relax. I also get to play chess at our favorite bar which makes it interesting. The ironic thing is I am usually intoxicated during such matches, with large speakers blasting awfully loud music but It fun regardless.


The hardest part of this whole lockdown is not being able to see my girlfriend and not knowing when we will see again. I don't own a car and public transportation is prohibited at this point. So we are left with the internet as our only means of communication.

So I am hoping that someday this whole nightmare ends and I see it through with everyone I love. When that happens this will be the first three things I do:


so currently I am in my friend's place. I have been here for over six weeks. This has been the longest I have stayed without seeing my mum and siblings. Although I don't think about it much, I do miss them. I have started to forget how it feels to be around them--my family.

The next thing I want to do after this whole pandemic is over is to see my girlfriend. Take her out on a nice date. I just want to do something nice with her. The last time we were together was special and I would love to recreate that experience or something better. I am grateful for the fact that we got to do something together before the lockdown.

The third thing I would do is go to church. I am not what you would describe as your conventional Christian. I don't go to church regularly. I would rather stream Sunday services online which happens to be the only option now as social and religious gatherings are prohibited. So after this is over I will like to visit my church, dance and praise God for not dying during this said pandemic.

So those are literally the first three things I will do after the pandemic. I pray it will be over soon because things might get difficult especially for developing countries like mine. At the same time, I want to see the light at the end of the tunnel. As much fear and damage this might bring to the world I believe there are many opportunities for those who seek it. I also believe this is the time to show love and support to the people in your sphere. We all have to come together to work for the good of the human race. Love and light.

When Corna ends is an initiative by @theycallmedan. For more information click here


Of everything you want to do, the most resounding is to see your girlfriend. That's cute and sweet man.

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