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RE: My chicken curry recipe for @jaynie's #WhatsCookingChallenge

hehehehehehehe!!!!!!! "Not sure if comedy show or recipe" hehehehehe... oh and I just broke my last stemless wine glass trying to turn my laptop around to show david the part about the plating! hahahahahaha!!! hehehehehehe!!! lol YOU OWE ME A WINE GLASS!!! lol

LUFF yoooou!!!




I'm so sorry about your glass! This is the best I could find for a quick replacement...


Oh, and to clarify - when it comes to my cooking, it's pretty much always a comedy show... 😂

hahaha - love the kitty cat! Oh man I was in tears I was laughing so much reading your post. Really was brilliant and the curry sounds delicious too by the way, but I got wrapped up in laughter. lol :)

Yay! So, mission accomplished - not breaking your glass, mind you, but making people laugh so much they ignored my marginal cooking skills! 😜

Hmmm, maybe my next one should feature what my late father called, "Traci Sandwiches." He swore I made the best peanut butter & jelly sandwiches ever, and I teased him that he only said that so I'd make them for him, so he didn't have to get his own. 😂

do it do it!!!!! Dave will love that lol :)

I'll get it posted in the next few days... just make sure you don't have anything breakable nearby when you read it... 😉 😂

plastic cups FTW!!! lol :)

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