Lord, Baron, Daimyo? What Title Would You Choose?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #what-title8 years ago (edited)

The other night @sykochica and I were hanging out and she asked me, "If you could have any title what would it be?" I knew my answer immediately. Some might choose Darth, Antipope, or Malaclypse the Younger, but mine would be Fae! "That's not a title!" you say. "Don't be such a fuddy-duddy" I retort. 😉

"Okay, okay, but why Fae instead of Fairy?"

Dandelion & Fairy Installation

Well, even though fairy is modernly used to refer to diminutive magical beings, historically fairy was used as an adjective to describe anything enchanted or having magical qualities. EtymOnline, one of my favorite websites, demonstrates this with the term fairie knight, meaning a "legendary knight." This term ultimately derives from the original fairie, which meant, the country or home of supernatural or legendary creatures; fairyland or a meeting of fae. Fairy itself comes from fae. So, in RPGs I have used the term fairy to refer to a realm and fae to refer to the creatures I am inclined to play.

In various mythologies I have read of tree fae (dryads), water fae (kelpies), house fae (brownies), fire fae (salamanders), and even peat fae (boggans). There are chthonic "elves" like dwarves, kobolds, and gnomes, but I've never come across gemstone fae. So, I invented my own fighting squad of Tourmaline Fae (Five-Man Band): Rubellite Fae (Badass Adorkable, Cherry Blossom Girl), Indicolite Fae (The Smart One, Beware the Nice Ones), Verdelite Fae (Good Is Not Nice), Schorlite Fae (The Comically Serious, Aloof Dark-Haired Girl), and Watermelon Fae (Token Chibi Moe, Genki Girl)!

Tourmaline Fae

Rubellite Fae, Indicolite Fae, Verdelite Fae, & Schorlite Fae (and their respective gemstones) as constructed in the MMORPG Aura Kingdom.

Watermelon Tourmaline
Watermelon missed photo day (I never bought a 5th character slot) but here's what her stone looks like.
I've used these girls, particularly Rubellite, in almost every game I've played in the last several years. They each seem to represent different aspects of myself, particularly when gaming. Between them, Rubellite is certainly my favorite face to the world. So, now you understand the origins of my screen name and what title I would choose. Now it's your turn!! Make an article about What Title Would You Choose? and/or your Screen Name Origin Story. Don't forget to tag me (i.e., @rubellitefae) & link back (i.e., her article, What Title Would You Choose) You can also use the tags #what-title, #name-origin, and #gettingtoknowyou.

Full disclosure: Upon reflection, I think @sykochica was actually asking me what the title of one of my articles would be, but I thought this would be a fun topic anyway! 😅

Edit: By the by, Rubellite Fae is pronounced [ɹ uˈbɛl ait・fei].

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Rubellite Fae's signature

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Very good post!

Thanks! Hope you do one, too! Use some of the tags above if ya do.

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Can U make a clickable link out of that: 'tag me & link back💖' ;) <3

Good idea!
Updated. You can right-click to get the link address.

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