Where Are All of the Girl Whales?

in #whales7 years ago (edited)

Girl. Bloggers. Slay.

Outside of this beautiful Steemit Ocean, Mommy Blogs are hot. I’ll let you in on a little secret. On land, our girls are making a killing.

I’ve only been on Steemit a little less than a month. I’ve had a lot of fun. Minnows do have fun too, you know. I think it’s pretty marvelous that we live in a world where we can put words to our thoughts, our passions, and talents and make an impression on someone clear across the world. And Steemit surpasses it all by empowering those same ideas and expressions with a very real payout. Crazy, I know.

But as this insignificant minnow attempts to navigate this great big ocean, will you allow her to ask a teensy question?

Where are all the female whales?

Maybe I’m just too new and I’m missing them, but truthfully I don’t think it’d be difficult to spot a stunningly gorgeous Orca pass by.

I’ve been reflecting on why this might be. From my vantage point a definitive characteristic of most whales is offering their readers a consistent and steady diet of current cryptocurrency and blockchain updates, and truthfully, that’s a surface I’ve only begun to be brave enough to scratch.

So, lack of consistency? Well, you got us there. We women bloggers don’t always stay on topic. I mean, truthfully where else would you read The Health Benefits of Eating Clean and a Sinful Triple Chocolate Poke Cake recipe on the same blog page?

When it comes to content, these blogs are all over the place. And that is what makes them SO awesome. Because when it comes to multitasking, we women are beasts.

The way I see it is Steemit has the potential to expand its oceanic influence far greater than Facebook. And I think that women with their intelligence, creativity, dedication and resourcefulness will play a colossal role in that growth.

Guys, we need you to invest in us. Girls, let’s support each other too. Let’s upvote Steemit posts as much as we “like” statuses. Let’s update each other better than any Snap-Chatter ever did. Let’s encourage each other and be better “friends” than Facebook ever dreamed of having.

Besides, how can we Steemians expect to populate Steemit if all the whales are guys?!

Everyone knows from 10th grade biology that just can’t happen.


Very nicely done, @tlester.
Glad you lured me over to your blog...

Looking forward to reading more of your work, Traci!


P.S. Also glad to note that you've met John. :)

Thanks for your incredible support already @creatr!

No problem! :D

nicely written and illustrated - in response to your post I'd be less concerned about whales (there are some influential women) and more concerned about doing what you do best - writing competently on a variety of topics. The influence will come as peeps start to see your work...take me for example, I love good, clear writing and I like intelligent women - hell, I like people who manifest both these qualities, and you are one.

However weirdly steemit evolved, you can't do much about it now but a lot of those influential women you ask about are very knowledgable about cryptocurrency , blockchains & coding ( I'm a klutz in that area) but I get by.

I think you'll do quite well on here :)

Oh, thank you for the advice @johnjgeddes! My plan is to continue being "all over the place" as far as the topics I write about, and continue to follow and encourage new friends too. As far as a cryptocurrency, you probably won't see a post on that from me anytime soon. Haha. Following you!

I was so impressed by this article, I made it Best Of today. I hope you have a long and prosperous journey here. Good writing is, despite the volume, still at a premium on Steemit. You have chops. Glad to find you.

Wow! That really is the nicest compliment I've received here @cristof. My writing is definitely a work in progress. Thank you so much for your encouragement. Following you back!!

Hey @cristof, i gave you a little shout out on my lastest post. Thanks again!

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