Curse of the Midnight Mushrooms (a we-write with @kaelci)

in #wewrite5 years ago


We-Write - Part One - Kaelci
Prompt: Shade

Beneath the shade of the forest canopy, where creatures lurked in the undergrowth and overgrowth alike, Elliana sat with her mushroom-patch and watched the fungi breach the soil.

Tiny pods of red and purple shot from the soft dirt on long, gangly stalks, their hooded heads as perfectly curved as the curvature of an arched doorway. Some white ones popped up, larger and wider than the others, and then came the thin, flimsy ones of midnight hue, the ones that sparkled beneath the moonlight, the ones she was waiting for.

With a steady hand, she grasped a tiny pair of silver shears, barely able to hold them with her sausage-like fingers, and retrieved the midnight mushrooms with ease, cutting them with an unlikely care and grace for someone with such unwieldy fingers… if she were too rough, they would never grow again. That could not be allowed to happen. If they never grew again, her village would be unable to drink of their essence and travel the astral planes. That knowledge steadied her fat fingers evermore.

A piercing giggle echoed through the trees, ribboning around each trunk before touching her ears, and horrified, she dropped the shears.

Part Two - Scribblingramma

Esther! Her little sister must have followed her into the cool, dim forest. Esther had been begging for years to come with her on this mission, but Elliana had always said “no.” Esther was too young to be trusted with the tiny silver shears, or the fragile midnight mushrooms. Although Esther’s fingers were as slender as the sparkly mushroom stems, she was as clumsy as the five-legged oxen-like creatures she had seen somewhere beyond Sirius. Esther must not be allowed to interrupt this important ritual of harvest!

Elliana retrieved the dropped shears and put them, along with the mushrooms she had already cut, into her basket. Carefully and quietly, she stepped away from the precious patch of fungi and slipped back along the path toward the village.

“Esther!” she called. “I’m already done, and I’m going home now. Come along with me; I’ll let you carry the basket.”

The giggle sounded once again, this time quite close. Peering through the grove of shrubbery, Elliana only had time to catch a glimpse of the tiny woods elf, grinning maliciously as he let loose the arrow that was aimed for her heart.


A we-write is a different kind of freewrite! One person starts the story with a five-minute writing session, and another person ends it in another five-minute writing session. It can be quite challenging, and always heaps of fun. You can read more details about how it's done here. There are still a few days left to enter this week's contest.

This was the first time I did a we-write with @ kaelci. She left a delightful cliff-hanger for me, and as I wrote I realized there simply wasn't going to be a nice, happy ending to this one.

Here is the link to her post:

Thanks, @kaelci, for writing with me!

image credit


I liked the story you two, (@kaelci), shared. I like the endings of both, both have left the story open for more, after all letting loose and arrow, does not always mean a straight and deadly flight. Little sister with her small narrow fingers could come to the rescue, and rescue her big sister from certain death thus earning her the right to learn the magic Mushroom Ritual.

Yes, it seemed to me as if this story could go on for quite some time! Glad you enjoyed it.

Thank you for writing with me!! 😊 I love your ending so much. That elf!!

I may or may not have a little thing with elves. The things are more evil in my mind than their stereotypical good-but-secret depictions. But I like to go against the grain. Your ending just called to me immediately 😃😊😊

Posted using Partiko Android

Oooh, that's so nice to know! I thought Esther was going to come and carry the basket and nothing bad was going to happen, but all of a sudden that elf turned up, the way things do in the middle of a freewrite. Now that I know your thoughts on elves, it's a good thing he appeared like that, all unexpectedly.

Nasty wood elfs!! Amazing piece you too!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for stopping by!

I thought about "write-bombing"(as opposed to 'photo-bombing')
And adding my own part three, but I only came here to notify
You @scribblingramma, that I DID edit my mama's story
To include the links to the previous installments. Now
You won't have to go looking down my wall for them
(They were all in the last month as it turns out), all
The links are contained in that last post, the
"Finale plus Epilogue". I hope you will
Pick it up and read the whole thing.

Thank you! I will probably get to that tomorrow; bedtime is approaching and I am still determined to squeeze in a freewrite.

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