"Wild and Woolly... and twaggling" a WeWrite from the @freewritehouse

in #wewrite6 years ago (edited)

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Hello from the @freewritehouse! @mariannewest, @improv and @felt.buzz thought it might be a laugh if we joined in the WeWrite (just for fun, not entering the competition - what??? There is a competition???? Yes and you can win prizes: https://steemit.com/freewrite/@freewritehouse/we-write-partner-up-january-2019-10-sbi-in-prizes)…

You don’t know what a WeWrite is? Well this post explains it much better than I do, but essentially it is a freewrite involving 2 or more people.

Here is our Freewrite:

Wild and Woolly… and twaggling

Part one written by Bruce @felt.buzz

Wild and Wooly. Rex stared at the words, embossed with what looked like real gold on the rather impressively thick card.

Not for the first time, he wondered what the fuck that meant.

He turned the card over in his hand, as if, by magic, the answer would appear. But no. Rex had been trying to get an invite to one of Pip's parties for years now. He had finally blagged a ticket from his friend Karen who had warned him not to lose the ticket.

"The location will be texted to you," she said, making a note of his number. "But you'll need the invitation. She's very strict about that."

He sighed and wondered again what the theme actually was. Although Pip's parties were renowned throughout the city as the parties to go to, everyone was tight lipped about what to expect. It was all very hush-hush.

Was it a fancy dress party?

Should he go as a mountain goat? Did goats even have wool? A mountain sheep, then?

But if he made a mistake, he'd be the laughing stock of the whole city. He sighed and…

Part two written by @Mariannewest

he sighed and put the card into his pocket - carefully as not to put any bends or creases in it. One never knows what the expectations of these kinds of people are.
He kept thinking and rubbing his head.

"Wild." he scratched his head now as he was mumbling to himself. Or maybe to that little squirrel that seemed very interested in this strange man speaking to himself.

"I know how to do that. My friends have always been calling me the wild one. Nothing ever scared me."

By now, his voice had grown louder and people were walking just a little bit faster while passing him.

"If they said to jump into a frozen lake. I jumped." His fist pounding on an imaginary table emphasized every point now.

"Okay, I drew the line when they told me to jump from the skyscraper - without a bungy or a parasail wing. I am wild but I am not stupid!"

He scared himself a little when he realized that he had screamed the last words.
Back to the wooly thing. He knew that he had heard that word before. If only he could remember.

"Maybe calling Karen would help. Does she know?" He spoke directly to the squirrel now that was still sitting there, watching him.

"Would she laugh in my face and call me stupid again? I didn't like that at all last time she did that when I asked her a question.

Whatever happened to that there are no stupid questions? That I would like to know!!
Wooly.... hmmm Wooly. What the fuck!"

The squirrel raised an eyebrow at him as he was swearing.

"How could she give me this card without any instructions? And why was she so nice to me? Not her usual self."

"Maybe it is a trap. She wants me to look like a fool in front of the in-crowd so she can rub it in. I told you that you aren't cut out for this... That is what she had said last time when I begged her to be included."

The squirrel looked as if it felt sorry for him, raised its tail and run up the tree It sounded like it was saying something ....

Part 3 written by Brendan (@improv)

“Blagitall! Just when you think a squirrel can help…” The furry tail was still visible, but only just. It twaggled twice before Rex turned away.

Nothing to do for it, then, but to go to the party as he was. His phone buzzed. The address. Goodness. And the time. Goodness. It was only a few feet away and it was now. Pip’s parties were, well, he didn’t know, but this was something magical-seeming, and that’s what he’d heard about her parties. And and and.

He took the several dozen steps he needed to take to get to the address that had buzzed on his phone, and there they all stood. Dressed like him. The whole bunch had long, bushy beards like him and wore their hair messy like him.

He felt a tear well up in his eye. He was prepared to feel all his feelings, but then, amongst them, he also saw a dozen squirrels, one of them twaggled its tail twice. At that twaggling, the assorted popular folks turned and smiled. He felt like he was on the outside looking in at himself, and he couldn’t shake that.

“Rex,” said Pip, “I’m afraid this is as awful as it looks.” She gestured to the assembled popular folks. “But I’m also afraid,” and she gestured to the squirrel, twaggling its tail, “that this is what happens when you let a squirrel take your invitation.”

That squirrel. The one he thought was his friend… Rex reached into the pants pocket where he was sure the invitation was safe...No. it was gone. In its place, a peanut. Inside the peanut shell, a note written in squirrel handwriting, “Your foul mouth is too foul, Rex. signed -The Squirrel”

The squirrel twaggled its tail.

The End

Hope you enjoyed the tail tale!

Write On!!!



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art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

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That turned out to be fun!! Way more than a party where you have to figure out what wooly means LOL

Real question, @felt.buzz, is "blagged" a real word like "twaggling" is?

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