
Thank you!

Congratulations on the Curie!
You have so many epic lines in this story, and your photo conveys this image so cleverly:

  • While negotiating a treaty with Jan in the middle of the dancefloor, Toby noticed a glance of amazingly deep blue eyes, directed at him from another corner of the nightclub.

Brownian motion! Love it!

  • veal versus seasoned beef: well said, Jan!
  • Men are pigs, Jan warns Loran, yet Toby does the right thing and sees her to a cab. Ah, but he doesn't see her as a romantic prospect, because, older and out of shape, vs young and beautiful. Does this make Toby a pig, or just human... Jan needs to get her act together and stop "self medicating" with alcohol.
    I'm not sure I trust or like Loran. She seems like a tease. And like she may be self-absorbed, as the young and beautiful so often are, especially with the selfies. And her "so what, why should I care" response to his claim that Jan is "nothing" to him. (Making Jan seem right in her charge that men are pigs. Toby could have phrased that one better.)
    I'm hoping Toby finds someone less obviously attractive (and seductive).
    Interesting tale, with much to ponder!

Thank you for reading! You've caught all the nice word combinations. My favorite was "came out of the closet about his headache." But I am not sure if this came across. I never know these things. )))

As for the characters... Life is unfair and people don't start from the same spot. Some are born richer, prettier, taller, stronger, smarter than others.

I see it as Jan's behavior to an extent was a surprise for herself and the next day in the office she'll be embarrassed about it. I think should Toby will "yield" to her she wouldn't say that men are pigs. It's more of the way of her expressing her frustration with the situation; her helplessness. She was basically throwing a scene but crying wasn't exactly her element.

As for Loren, she was born pretty and well it's an advantage she can use and she used it. She gave Toby a chance and... well he might have taken advantage of it, should it not be for the weird situation he turned out to be.

And Toby...he was smitten by beautiful blue eyes; not the first one and not the last one.
A young beautiful woman has immense power. Is this fair? I don't know. Does this make Toby a pig? That is a matter of an opinion. )))

I hear ya: ***A young beautiful woman has immense power. Is this fair? I don't know. Does this make Toby a pig? That is a matter of an opinion. *** And yes, coming out of the closet about his headache is a cool line. Maybe not entirely spot-on-accurate, in that hiding a headache is not the same as hiding a more unorthodox sexual orientation. I didn't cite every great line in the story, but you had quite a few!
Jan was being obnoxious (whatever her reasons), and Toby was caught between duty and opportunity. He did his best. Gotta grant him that.
A fun read, to be sure. :)

The intent of the phrase was ironic - surely "the weather doesn't suit my clothes" here. )))

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