❤"Bucket List" PLEASE Help STEEMIT & ME make our dreams come true!❤steemCreated with Sketch.

in #welovesteemit7 years ago (edited)

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We live, we die, and the wheels on the bus go round and round.

- Edward Cole

A very important thing in life is to enjoy yourself

and try new stuff and get much-appreciated life experience. At the end our story is the "only" thing we have, I can imagine your everyday life when old looks like - thinking about how cool was it to be young! Do not get old and miserable for any reason, everybody has their own way and their own desire and love for life. I would like to share with you things I would like to do until this year ends!

Some are related with @steemit, and some are just a "regular" everyday things that could/will be done with a little more "JuicePower", guts, and free time :)

Let's start!

1 Visit Amsterdam, Netherlands

As some of you know I'm a big time " pothead " lolz,weed gets me in my "cool mojo" mode, it gives me more views on things or should I say when high I get more creative or something, it works, can tell you that much.

Unfortunately, cannabis is still illegal where I'm from and even tho we have some great weed here, I would like to walk into a coffee shop and say gimme that, that, that, that, that...lolz

But also I would love to travel more, and what a great city is Amsterdam to visit, anytime of the year. Fewer cars, and more good people...


Photo by: @armen - Follow for the best cannabis content out there!


2 Fear of flying

If you go back a few hundred years, what we take for granted today would seem like magic - being able to talk to people over long distances, to transmit images, flying, accessing vast amounts of data like an oracle. These are all things that would have been considered magic a few hundred years ago. And for me still are:)

This one is a weird one. I dunno, when did this, happened since a was really fearless as a "real" @kid4life. Climbed trees and all sorts of crazy stuff that I would not do today. Missed a lot of cool trips in the past years because of it! But I guess it's all just in your mind, but one way or another I will have to over come that s%&t if I wanna go to this next destination...



3 USA & Canada - UFC Event - NBA Game

Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game. - Michael Jordan

Hell yeah! MMA junkie, checked. Sports junkie, checked. My everyday dream is to be there live! And feel that rush and euphoria that goes through your body when 50K+ people feel the same joy being there and scream in one voice! Great vibe!

Nothing like it is my opinion, I been on some cool events in the past but UFC & NBA are the big leagues and any sportsman appreciates it on a whole nother level. FEAR OF FLYING? WHERE ARE DOES SLEEPING PILLS? :)



4 Become @dolphin on @steemit

This is my main goal for the year, get up to 10K "JuicePower" and I know after that a lot of folks around me will be a happy minnow!

I struggle a lot with some things that are not "to share for" as they are personal and there is no need to feel sorry 4 me, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger! All I can do is keep my head up and work hard on every post I do and hope for the best. Not saying I post every day because of the money, that is just a bonus.

Reading so many great posts that don't get the right "value", knowing that a lot of my followers are minnows, I would like to reward them more for their funky comment and of course their cool post!

Feel @free to join our contest "@bellyrub Challenge" where I daily reward other Steemians with my own 100% upvote and @bellyrub service owned by @zeartul, follow us for @free @bellyrub upvotes as well as a regular check-up.

That being said, I hope you see I am not a "self-upvote" machine, over 20k upvotes have been made by @kid4life account in less than 3 months and 500+ posts. I try my best to reward all the cool members of Steemit.com! Sooooo many cool ones, maybe I should have a "bot" too?"lolz"

I do not need much for myself, only health as I already have all the @freedom in the world.



5 Get a Steem tattoo close to my heart

Yes, you read that right. @steemit is changing my views on life important things every day, and by that I mean my life is changing almost everyday cuz of it. I love it so much that all my energy is focused on it. "In" and outside of it. I love ink on a body, it looks funky and some are really hardcore for any eye to see.

I already have some ink on me and do not wanna go over board with it, but a "small" @steemit logo would do just fine. To show my appreciation and loyalty to the community and SteemPower, the best energy in the world!

Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.


This took 4ever to do, I am not much of a "painter"lolz I do have one great mind for Yall if you would like to learn how to draw and make your own art, follow ! @djynn a very talented Steemian for sure, show the support if you like that kinda stuff!

6 "Create" a Steemit Balkan community

or at least be one of the biggest supporters of it in the near future, we need a "spokesman" or someone who is dedicated more than a 100%, will "eat, sleep, s&%t" @steemit and most important will not be greedy and unfair! Some of that attributes are my specialty, lolz.

Yesterday an FB and Twitter account was opened with me as ADMIN, helping Steemit.com sign-up new cool members and give the "guideline" and some tips before they even "step foot" here. Fewer trolls, that's for sure. The response, for now, is "weak" since it's been up for less than 24hours, but feeling optimistic about it!

Already did a post about it, the chat room is not only focused on Balkan community, so feel free to join us if you maybe like our culture or anything else:)


All countries, together in one Fun"Steem"Van!

Final word

An exciting and inspiring future awaits you beyond the noise in your mind, beyond the guilt, doubt, fear, shame, insecurity, and heaviness of the past you carry around. - Debbie Ford

We should all be on full STEEM mode 24/7! Not by sitting behind our computer but also getting the word out there, right=?

I will try my damn best to do so, hope you will too!
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Join us at https://steemfollower.com/?r=182 and get your post upvoted!

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Such a lovely pouring out of your heart.
There is nothing that you can't do - and you seem to be headed to all those places. I can help as best I can - with my minnow contributions -

but most of all - I appreciate your engagement.
Good going kiddo!
Upvoted & Resteemd.

Ty for all the kind words!:)

I really hope me being on @steemit would help others and me as well.

And the focus is on others, as I KNOW, if one day I do great others will feel that...

People who support me from the "start" always have a special place in my heart, and be sure you are one of them! I appreciate you stopping by and leaving that upvote, whatever it is, % does not matter, as long as you are around, we grow together;)

Again ty for everything ,U+R, much love!

@bellyrub coming your way;)

Steem ON!

Thanks for the bellyrub :)
The art is to provide value to self and others, on Steemit and in our non online lives. It is the formula to success. I think you're doing just fine.


Vlad supports also lolz:P

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Np, I like to do @bellyrub for you"Ha Ha" Weird & funny:)

Drushba Vlad! 🤣

hahah Vladson, a Swedish version:P

@Kid4life u need to visit

Okay, gimme a few minutes:)

Ty, again 4 the upvote bro!

Steem ON!

Just checkin in on you. Super happy you're dreaming big! With your big personality that happens to be nice, positive and FUN, you'll get there in no time!

Ty for the kind words dear!

Dream big, achieve half and youre good:)

Hope we see a Kid4Life² 🐬 soon :)


Nice post bro! keep it up in your unique stile... ;)

ty bossman!


Be sure to tune in the @bellyrub challenge!

Cheers! And Steem ON!

@kid4life bro Upvoted

I got a bellyRub and this post has received a 23.81 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @kid4life.

love @bellyrub


Much respect for you. Reading your post helps me look forward as always.Thanks for the mention. So nice of you😢

Hey bro! Just saw this:(

Ty for kind words:=) And you're in luck "mention time" today, no prob :P


Well @kid4life, your list is almost as long as mine. LOL Another great post!!

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Go for it! Amsterdam is amazing! I've been there several times and it is fantastic. But don't forget the great culture you can enjoy there too :)


Of course, weedex is just a bonus ;)

I hope all of your dreams come true! Especially about becoming a dolphin because you work hard and help others. Read my lips...You WILL become a dolphin! :)



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