Dad Banned Me From The Internet 2017-12-28 Thursday

in #welfare7 years ago

Was told that I have no free speech by Adolf Hitler, I mean my own father it seems, Donald Melvin Rasp Arnold 1950-09-26 Los Angeles, LA, California, CA, USA, and of Oregon, of my dad's dad, too, Peter Marinus Rasp 1906 Amsterdam, Netherlands, and I am saying that my dad is telling me not to do on the Internet, on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Steemit, Minds, Gab, websites, blockchains, email, online, offline, everywhere, anywhere. on computer, in person, here, there, you name it, and more, to not do what should be done and what is done and is being done by American Patriots and national patriots like me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and by other patriots like Alex Jones, Mike Cernovich, Stefan Molyneux, Matt Drudge, Roger Stone, by the Wiki Leaks, Info Wars, Drudge Report, Breitbart, Gab, Minds, Steemit, Bitcoin, blockchain, decentralized, cryptocurrency, conservatives, and other people, clubs, groups, families, all around the world, and that is too bad, and my dad is banning me or banned me in affect or in some ways by saying that I cannot talk about problems, concerns, my life, bad things, good things, stories, different opinions that is mostly focused on him and more and that is what I am writing about right now on this Thursday afternoon, the 28th of December 2017 and I am writing this at the Cornelius Library near FG, my hometown, and where I am living at 163, and I am Oatmeal, as in JoeyArnoldVN, like I said, and I am ranting, venting, throwing a bunch of words here in this journal archive diary blog log thing here and everywhere and more online and offline for the record and for raising social awareness of social injustices and bigger things that are public and private in many countries and some of this is political and psychological and good and bad and we do better as people as we talk about what we care about and believe in more and stuff and that is better and here are the videos I made today as follows and one photo and I am not sharing them on Facebook at the moment today because Robin Baker may see it somehow and then will yell at my dad and lie about it to my dad and not tell the whole story and then my dad will yell at me and disrespect me and verbally abuse me and harass me and lie about me and try to make me give up rights ad stuff and I could maybe continue to fight them because I believe in it and want to and believe it makes people better in so many ways and stuff but I may not fight today by posting it and I will not post this stuff on Facebook today for now even as I probably should and yet Dad told me not to talk about the very things that do in fact affect and hurt me more than Dad knows and I renewed my Oregon ID for $39.50 USD at the Hillsboro DNV near WinCo and then hopped on the Max train and told a man how to go from the blue train line to the red one to the PDX airport and this other guy helped me get the place to ask for food stamps and I have to get my dad to fill out a form that says I volunteer for him 20 hours a week for him and I will try to buy him and people food with my $190/month or so food stamps which I have assuming dad fills out the form about me volunteering and working for him until maybe November 2018 assuming things don't change for me and welfare systems, food stamps, as in EBT, as in SNAP, and everything, and I am sad that I am like banned by my dad from writing and making videos about making the world better and that is too bad and if you want to find me and contact me, please talk to my dad and ask him why he cannot help people and why Dad does not want Oatmeal to help others through telling stories about his life and history and more.




Free Speech
2017-12-28 Thursday 4 PM CL
Joey Arnold



I'm not trying to disrespect dad but he disrespects me via drinking, gambling, lying, not in investing me, in verbally absusing my mother while they were married for 28 years by throwing a shelf at her and by letting her get hit by car which left her my mom, Marilyn Mitchell, as in Marilyn Cunningham, as in Marilyn Kathleen Arnold Morehead Hunter, an eternal scar, and my dad is not being direct or clear with me and others about rules and more and the way he delivers the rules and what is expected has been not ordered enough and not professional enough it seems at times or in most cases and I am trying to respect dad but dad is abusing me and others and dad is hurting me and others in a variety of ways and there are deeper issue and things that people should consider, I mean reconsider, and take in, digest, analyze, study, think about, food for thought, ponder, through God Given Wisdom, and debated, discussed, deeply,deeper, deep enough and much more and my issue is mostly with dad and not others and dad others lie when saying it is an issue between me and others but the root and the bigger and more important base is between me and my own dad and there is a lot to say about humanity and anthropology and psychology and sociology in regards to people and the world and Robin Dawn Baker, the GF girl friend or whatever of dad, Jamie Dawson, and other people, and that is something that needs to be said more and talked about more and I believe in illumination and transparency and I want people to tell the whole story and not take me out of context because I do work and they say I don't work and they say I don't say thank you but I do say thank you and they say lies and I mean many people all around the world do lie about me and it has been happening for years as if I was a celebrity and that continues to happen and I am pretty famous and I do work online and the income may not always be big or stable at the moment or so far but it is a start and I will continue to work but dad doesn't think I work or says I don't work and I am not given the respect and I am not acknowledged of what I did and have done and the money I make and made in my life in work and jobs and my dad does not know me enough and dad knows his other children more and he does not seem to get me or believe in what I say and do and he believes the lies and rumors and allegations and accusations about me it seems and more and that bothers me that people will let bad stuff happens and people need to ask the left more the questions about history about things that do matter about 911 and about JFK and the FRS and I talk about this in my videos and you can Google more about them and you can search and look up and find things and videos and books and more from Mark Dice and Drudge Report and the Infowars Alex Jones and Cernovich and and Gab.AI and and other people and groups and webistes and they can help you see what I am talking about and how we are part of the future in how we make things better for centuries and more.

Above are the five videos for today and there is one photo for today and one of them is a Facebook livestream from yesterday and I write and make videos to help and more and please ask people why they lie about me and why they don't listen to the whole story of what I do and do not do and what I say and do not say and the bigger issues and please ask them why they think I do not work when I do work and people continue to misrepresent me and lie about me and more and that is how the left works and they may not know they are doing it as much as they are and they may not see and be patient with the progressive liberal left as they are often zombies and are often not interest in statistics and facts and enough numbers and debates and discussions and objectivity and theology and foundations that are not too corrupted and distracted by subjectivity, relativism, Satanism, Neo Liberalism, Luciferianism, communism, socialism, globalism, collectivism, technocracy, tyranny, corporatism, and much more. Keep asking people good questions and smile and help people as we make the world better and I will continue to do what I do and more and buy some oatmeal and more, thanks.


How old are you? I really feel like meditation can help you right now, you have to get control on your mind, bro. You will realize that your situation is only temporary, and you can take control of your life. Instead of livestreaming try to do yoga and meditate for two hours a day, eat good food and get some rest. Make your hands into a fist and firmly knock on your head in all places for about a minute. Practice breathing deeply and focus only on breathing like it was an Olympic sport. I think you are old enough to get a job and move out of your family home, if not you should be working anyway to save money for when you are old enough. Getting a handout from the gov will not increase your confidence or help in really anyway.

I strongly disagree with you. I am 32 years old. I lived in Vietnam working for five years. I have had many jobs in the USA and I know how to take care of myself. The problem is not about me. Personally speaking, I am totally fine. It seems you are missing the point of what I am trying to say and talk about in my video logs and blogs and everything. I have been making videos since 1996 and I am a movie maker and a writer and was a camp counselor for five years and a web designer for two years and I have a resume and I do work and I do so many things. I don't like it when people say I didn't do what I did in my life and stuff. But people will do what they do. But I just want people to know what happens. My life serves as a big illustration, a parable, to raise awareness of bigger things, problems, and more.

I dont know what you are disagreeing with? You made a blog post about how your father is somehow influencing you and you are applying for food stamps. I did not watch your 5 hours of video blogs, but you are posting a huge rant with under #charity, so I am trying to help.
This whole post is about your personal struggles, but then you say - personally speaking, I am fine. I'm confused....

I struggle with priorities. I want to help dad but am not sure if I can. It is confusing for me, too. I am posting all of this for the record for my blog as a reminder of how I was feeling and what I was doing. And it helps add clarity through the reflection. I feel that when people abuse others, we should try to speak out. I feel I am abused and that is part of why I share. Beyond that, I will try my best to do what I can to move on and to contribute to society as I have been in the past. This is not really who I am. I am not the kind of person that sits around and cry and complain and that is not what this is about. This is about a story between a father and a son and that is the main focus for now.


But I was disagreeing with yoga. You said I should do yoga. I will continue to write and film videos and stuff. I will not stop doing that. But I like yoga and basketball and I do yoga sometimes but I would not do yoga as a substitution to venting, ranting, rambling rodding, talking, writing, filming, blogging, archiving my autobiography in random rough draft forms as seen in my posts and videos and everything. I will do yoga and stuff sometimes. I will try to make better videos and posts and other things too, but I will also publish and release crazy random rough draft posts, too, which is unprofessional and very hard for people to follow but I feel that I have to or want to publish as much and as often in case I am not able to someday or in case I die someday or in case I forget some of it or in case I lose some of it in case my hard drives and my videos are lost or accidentally erased or something. Writing is a form of therapy as well, too.

Damn son, you don't get paid based on number of words.

Damn, dude, right. Better go back to basketball, then. My bad.

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