
Impactful... Sets one's mind a-thinking...

Indeed, there is a lot that as societies we may take for granted, where in reality there is much to be improved.

Awesome post but so depressing...

There's so much love and even darkness in this..

Wow man... that was moving.

A real strong-willed poem I thought. Although there was obvious scenes of disapproval, the first person perspective didn't seem dismayed by the hassle.

that were never committed,
so I give her the finger.

Her plump face turns plum with fury,
her rage clenched fists

I really liked this. It brought a smirk to my face. Like; "Yeah, fuck you. What you gonna do about it?"

Very good poem yet again, I'm really enjoying the book. I may just have to buy it.

There was no reason I would be dismayed - I was innocent; and used to their BS. Yeah, the middle-finger thing was funny, although I did get punched for that. It's silly how I got blamed for putting up the finger whereas being punched seemed to be fine. Eh, motivation ;)

I also loved the plump plum face @calumam!!! LOL there is something about staying cool and calm when all around you is enraged.

they can't stand that. hehehe great poem - but... i'm sorry that you went through this.

Eh, I've been through worse. Thanks again for another kind comment :)

worse? well i'm not sure that made me feel any better!!! sending you compassion through the airwaves.

Compassion downloading.
Compassion opened.
Received with thanks.

I have read a lot of poems from your series but I believe this piece is probably one of the bests!

Thanks! I am surprised to hear that, as this is nowhere near my favourites - but probably due to the personal experience attached to it haha.

Yeah, I really like this one. Second to this :)

I think this is one of your most powerful poems. This undercurrent of simmering rage like an underground fire trying to find its way to fresh air.

That must be some history you have.


Poetry makes me love having a 'unique' history. As much as it sucked back then, it makes good poetry now, so I'm grateful for anything that has happened to me (apart from personal growth). Thanks for the comment <3

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