Weird...My Last Post 'Mysteriously' Got '50+ Votes' Within Moments...

in #weird6 years ago

My guess is that I was hit-up by a 'small' low SP curating trail shortly after posting my last, exquisite work of monumental proportions...??? I really don't know.

As it stands now, seven hours later, there is presently a 56 up-vote tally, with a total value of 0.015. The increase in value is due to a few regular followers who hit me up with votes from their higher valued accounts... :>)  Of course I'm grateful for whatever crumbs I can muster up here on Steemit, that will perhaps one day transform my poverty stricken old ass into a wealthy old coot...

These Steem crumbs can magically grow over time...or they can shrink and become moldy bits of stale crypto fuzz balls.

Now, I may be "poverty stricken" (As mentioned earlier) but I realize there are many people, in many parts of the world that would tend to disagree with my personal assessment of being nearly destitute...poor, wealthy or doing okay is somewhat subjective.

A recent report that I read, or essay from a writer as boring as me indicated/claimed that "The majority of Americans, are three months away from homelessness, without some sort of income."

The article goes on to explain that the average family, here in America, has only enough funds on hand and liquid assets to sustain them for this short period of time. From what I can gather through my hearing and visual sensors...I think the writer is correct.

Fortunately for me, I'm in a little better situation then that financially, and if I quickly enough stop paying any bills and move into the woods...I'll be a LOT better off; maybe I should do that right now...??? Hell...I'll be way ahead of the curve in that case, should my income flat-line. you all know, most of the time I have no idea what the hell I'm going to write about when I begin my blog, and I never know, if I even know what I'm writing about once I'm, I hope I'm making some sense to you guys...

Otherwise, this has all been a complete waste of my time, and yours as well...but, you all are probably used to that by now; if you've been following my blog for a few days.

I must warn doesn't get any better either; so if this sounds like a bunch of horse shit coming from the mind of a crazy old guy with nothing better to do than post insanely, idiotic're right.'ll probably be back checking out ole @AngryMan again, because you can easily relate to the insanity...

Oh crap...I gotta go...I just spotted a poltergeist chasing after my pet hippopotamus in the hallway, throwing kitchen plates at the poor thing...

"Tinker Belle....are you okay honey...??? Tinker Belle...where'd ya go baby girl???"

I'll be back.


Another Detrimentally, Disturbing Dissertation from the Mind of @AngryMan on Steemit, March 20, 2019

Images from

I love it @angryman, this is awesome! Good morning to you, sir. You mind if I use up a little of your space?....

I got to Costa Rica the beginning of the year, originally from Los Angeles, grew up there, went to school there, etc. What I mean is, I talk like you talk.

It’s difficult for you or I to reside anywhere else because they have us speaking a different language, we use different numbers than the rest of the world, everything we know is confusing if we step outside the US, even gasoline is pumped in Liters everywhere other than the states. Food is in grams, not pounds, etc. <—that’s not an accident. Distances are not in miles, it’s a design.

Here’s another one. I ran into a gentleman who owns a car rental down here who has family in Riverside, Ca and that’s where his home is, I mentioned “America” to him and after what he taught me, I refrain from throwing that wOrd around anymore. It wasn’t until he told me “we’re all Americans and the United States did that on purpose, there’s Central, North and South, no country is named ‘America,’ they made that up to confuse their people just like everything else.” Yeah.. I guess they programmed that in there, too.

Great article @angryman! See this @splatz?

Good morning to you too @dandays ... you're welcome to use as much space here under comments as you please; but, if it takes days to read, I might not get all the way through it...

It's nice to know that you enjoyed this post; it offers encouragement.

I mentioned “America” to him and after what he taught me, I refrain from throwing that wOrd around anymore. It wasn’t until he told me “we’re all Americans and the United States did that on purpose, there’s Central, North and South, no country is named ‘America,’ they made that up to confuse their people just like everything else.”

I'm aware of the above sentiment by some people here and abroad my friend, but I seem to merely 'shrug' at these debates nowadays... "Political Correctness" is of little concern for me, granting a sense of freedom that has been gradually eroding over the years.

'America' is in a sense, a 'general' or 'shortened' term we've been used to using here in 'The United States of America' and has for many years been used by people from around the globe descriptively. To is a reference that I have no problem with personally.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, too. you all know, most of the time I have no idea what the hell I'm going to write about when I begin my blog, and I never know, if I even know what I'm writing about once I'm, I hope I'm making some sense to you guys...

Kindred spirits :)

Also do you want to see 400 votes? Mhuhahahaha

do you want to see 400 votes?

How'd you do that??? Actually, votes soared to 800+....

Smartsteem then choose all available votes which will start with 0.001 votes and keep going until it hits the target :)

It is even better when you know someone follows votes in via gina then discord freaks the fuck out haha... Or is that 0.0001

Oh...didn't notice it was smartsteem because didn't see them on the list; usually they're listed.

Thank you.

Because it is not the bidbot , it is the one where you just buy the votes on the site. Simpler, has a set ROI but is perfect for me since I just need shit to get done and can't be hoping that I make it big with some bidbot. Certainty will always outweigh chance.

Lived true those buffer month's more then twice during my life .
In the middle of a 3 month period as we speak , ... just take it , ill make it .,.. again . and again and again ,... till one day death sets me FREE ! ;-)
And i ain't even American nor East-block or Asian .

Yes...a lot of have small1axe; thanks for commenting.

A wealthy old coot is the way to go!

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

I was beginning to think this would be the last we hear from old @angryman with that poltergeist about. Then on further reading he threatened to be back, back as maybe another poltergeist?

Posted using Partiko Android

One never knows...Do one...???

Thanks @j85063 for commenting with a vote of confidence.

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