Weekend Freewrite: Girl At The Speakeasy

in #weekendfreewrite5 years ago (edited)


The man who stalked him must be insane to be wildly waving the handgun around. Joey ran like a man on fire hearing the shots whizzing by his ear.

”Who is this crazy man and what have I done to bring out such anger? Hell the man wants to kill me!”

Joey thought back on the first night he felt he was being watched. He had spent Saturday evening at the speakeasy dancing with the beautiful Lorrie when he saw the man standing against the wall. The muscular, shifty- eyed, dark complexed man looked a couple inches taller than Joey and about one hundred and eighty pounds. Definitely not someone, five foot six, Joey wanted to tangle with.

Was Lorrie in danger? Joey wondered why she hadn’t answered his call but he was used to women ignoring him. Somehow Lorrie seemed different. He could tell she was kind and thoughtful. Maybe, he thought, she was too beautiful to be seen on his arm. A date with her was just what he needed after his miserable marriage had finally ended.

Anne had ridiculed his petite bodily frame , his inability to hold a job and, what hurt the most, his beloved parents.

.................end of Prompt 1. First Sentence: The man who had stalked him must be insane.

Joey had narrowly missed the shots the unknown crazy man fired at him. Luckily a cab was passing by and he was able to flag it down and report the incident to the police. He wasn’t sure if it was the man from the speakeasy but gave the police his description. They took down the details and said they would have a patrol car parked near his house that evening.

A week had passed without any more encounters with the strange crazy individual. Lorrie finally answered his call and explained she had been out of town on business.

”I need to speak to you in private, Lorrie. Strange things have happened since the night we meet.”

Lorrie agreed to meet him at the doughnut shop a few streets from his apartment. Smelling the sweet scent of her perfume, Joey could hardly contain his excitement but he knew he must put any romantic notions aside and concentrate on the situation at hand and find out if Lorrie is involved.

In hushed tones, Joey told Lorrie about the suspicion looking man the night at the dance and how he had been shot at, perhaps by the same person.

She grew pale: her voice had a harsh note in it.

"It was some money I lost under the bridge after I tried to hide it from my ex-lover. It was him at the speakeasy but I didn’t think he would go to that extreme.”

Continuing with her story, Lorrie explained she had won One Hundred Thousand dollars in the sweepstake and didn’t want to share with her jealous lover, Adrian. It was money for a better start in life. Taking a motorboat with her father, she had decided to leave the suitcase full of crisp thousand dollar bills under the isolated bridge until she was able to leave town.

..................end of Prompt 2. She grew pale: her voice had a harsh note in it. "It was some money I lost under the bridge..."

Lorrie told Joey about moving to another city and changing her name.

”He didn’t have the address and I figured I was safe. Now foolhardy to think Adrian couldn’t find me. He always threatened to kill me if I ever left him. Now he just wants the money I won but I don’t have it anymore.”

Tears welled up in Lorrie’s big blue eyes. It was all Joey could do to resist talking her in his arms and telling her everything would be alright, even if he had his own doubts.

”Adrian comes from a large Sicilian family and he had a contact with a Big Bob, head of a motorcycle club in Las Vegas. I believe he had dealings with the mob and they will back him.”

Knowing this important bit of information did not help Joey’s paranoia after being a target. But his mind settled back on the problems at hand;
Finding Lorrie’s winnings and making sure either of them gets killed by Adrian or someone from Big Bob’s club.

Petite Joey did not look the part of a caretaker but he insisted Lorrie stay at his apartment until things quieted down. They took her vehicle back to the parking garage under her building and she got into Joey’s car.

Joey did not take Lorrie directly to his apartment but stopped at his parents. His mother always made tomato rice soup for the weekend and he was craving a bowl with her delicious homemade rolls.

Parking the car on the side of the road they walked towards his parents house. A loud bang echoed in the hot humid summer air.

”What the hell! Someone just blew up my car!”

...................end of Prompt 3. He didn't have the address


Above photo is mine of mallow flowers in my garden.

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Hi redheadpei, your ending is going to keep me thinking. Very clever.

Thanks @angiemitchell! Happy to keep you wondering about an ending. 😊

Haha, the sign of fun write.

Nice freewrite redheadpei

Explosive ending ;-)

Thanks @raj808! I like your word play on the ending. 😆 💥

A great, noir-ish take on the prompts. Lorrie seems sweet so far, but I bet she's trouble.

Thanks for stopping by @sidequest. noir-ish is a great word. I hadn’t seen it used before but it does perfectly describe the post. Lorrie definitely is big trouble! 😊

Hopefully tomato rice soup will help him figure things out :)
Here's another Prompt


Yes, homemade tomato rice soup is good for the stomach but I don’t know about the mind.😊

Thanks for delivering the prompt.

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Thanks @esteemapp for your great platform. 💕

What an interesting story you've written, using the prompts. A "speakeasy" - so this tale takes place during the prohibition era, right? Very nice writing!

Hi @free-reign. Thanks ! The prohibition era would fit as the illegal drinking establishment of the 20-30s was called a speakeasy. I was thinking of a retro bar where people dressed fancy and danced after the regular bars were closed.

haha! howdy redheadpei! Creative writing at it's best, I wish this wasn't over!

Thanks so much Cowboy! Your appreciation means a lot. 😊 💕

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