"The Cause of Thunder" - A Weekend Freewrite

in #weekendfreewrite6 years ago (edited)


I woke suddenly, a deep rumbling shaking the house. Oh gods-be-dammned, not them again! I heard the Innkeeper yell from downstairs, sharing the feeling, but also quite curious about the phenomema as I was the first time I experienced it.

Going towards the window in my room, I got my head out and turned it upwards, towards the sky and the magnificent Thunder Eagles, birds of strength and mystique that produced deep rumblings and thunderous sounds whenever they flied in groups. But curiously, they never went this close to the town, and never so many times in a row, something weird was happening with them, and my inner conspirator was inclined to blame the mayor.

His wealth was very great, and was derived chiefly from trading certain special goods, usually from a natural source, but the guy liked his money, and was always looking to expand business. Did I had to do anything important today?, eating of course, buying new rations for the road and new spell ingredients, sure… why not also explore the Thunder Eagle’s natural area?.

I went towards the general supply store and asked for some things and a person: Erevan Naillo, a Free Elf hunter that frequently brought rare pelts and other parts. Beautiful as anyone of his lineage, but with such a rough personality, it made me feel as if I was actually optimistic and happy.

Some negotiations and some promised coins and favors later, he had accepted to be my guide into the wild greens of Naroth Valley, and so we got on our horses, me quite awkwardly since I haven’t gotten used to it, preferring to walk.

The horse whinnied when getting close to the end of the open road, and Erevan signaled me to stop, his pointy ears now concentrating on scanning the area. But elven senses aside, even I could now notice something strange in the air. Far away, the Thunder Eagles flied in nervous circles, and around us a smell of electrified air presented itself.

Get off the horse and tie it to a tree, follow me!, Erevan muttered, and I did just that. We followed a narrow path, one that according to his words, was recently walked by a group. At the end of it, at the other side of a hill we quietly climbed, we saw a group of about twelve people surrounding a giant tree and filling it with gashes and cuts from which an amber sap flowed out. I had seen some of those guys before with the mayor.

Is that tree what I think it is…? -I whispered to Erevan.

Yes, it is… -he said while getting his longbow out. –And we must do something or the eagle’s nesting tree will die.

What did I got myself into…?, I though while trying to think of some plan.

For: https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/the-weekend-freewrite-1-26-2019-part-3-the-dramatic-twist

Quite late for this one, some things get in the way of others, but here it is!

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