Terror in the Park (A 3-prompt Weekend Freewrite)

photo is my own

This is an entry to @mariannewest's famous WeekendFreewrite using 3 prompts. These are a lot of fun and challenging to work in three entirely off the wall prompts (which you don't know in advance!) into a cohesive story. You can read about this challenge and how to enter here:

Weekend Freewrite - - Part 1 - The First Sentence

I will show each of the three prompts is BOLD in my story below:

Terror in the Park

Together, let's get to the bottom of exactly who** is scaring the crap out of everyone walking in the park at night. I've researched this cluster of old concrete sentinels several times and I've yet to find anyone with a reasonable explanation for their purpose. An ominous group of 5 structures - four of them encircling the largest in the middle. Note the play of orange lights across the face of the monolith holding court in the center. And what looks to be splashes of lightning emanating from the ground around the base of the others. The walking path runs dangerously close to this conglomeration of sinister-feeling chunks of concrete.

Just last night a couple walking their Shitzu past this grouping was struck to the ground in a trembling heap. When they returned to consciousness, little Pookie was nowhere to be found and both the young lady's and her husband's hair had turned solid white. Neither would say a thing about what had happened to them and Pookie has yet to be recovered.

My interview was proving worthless. "Are you both talking about the same thing?" I exclaimed exasperatedly as I shook my head at the couple. I threw my notebook down on the coffee table in disgust. It was proving almost impossible to gauge the severity of this problem as long as no one was willing to talk sensibly about it. Wild speculation was running rampant around town and the park was becoming a deserted wasteland. As Chief Deputy, I'm sworn to protect my city, no matter what the threat is. I'm going to have to go back to the original source, that group of kids that started the whole inquiry, but no one believed. They claimed to have been playing under the nearby train trestle and the whole lot of them had the bejeezus scared out of them by a "huge scary monster that rose out of the top of the center block".

According to the kids, the monster rose on a wisp of smoke and came right at them. The only thing it did though was to snatch a long blond hair from one of Emma's pigtails. Then it rose above them and let out a series of evil laughs before retreating back to its hiding place. As orange lights danced between the stones, the kids bolted for home. It was three days before any parents heard this story, but of course, it was dismissed as fantasy. Until the adults starting seeing things as well.

It was decided at the City Council last night to just tear down the ancient concrete squares and I was there bright and early this morning with the bulldozer crew. I stood back from the pathway and motioned for Old Charley to start pushing forward. He looked down at the controls, then back at me in amazement. He immediately began howling and practically leaped out of the cab of the dozer, shaking his hands in pain. "All them bloody knobs heated up like they was on fire," he exclaimed and showed off his blistering palms. There was an ominous rumbling and the ground began to quake. The dozer began glowing like some kind of super-nova and in minutes there was nothing left but a puddle of molten metal. The circle of concrete squares began sinking into the ground as the molten metal poured after them into the ever-widening depression. A great cacophony of banshee-like screams and yowls rent the silence as the metal continued to pour into the chasm. Within a few minutes, the pit was entirely covered with the cooling and hardening metal and the creatures could be heard no more. A few wisps of smoke drifted up from the pit and a beautiful rainbow formed over the fissure. With a final settling of earth, the demons were heard from no more.


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This story was written for WeekendFreewrite but originally posted on Narrative.

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