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RE: Wicked Wayback Wednesday Walk from July 12th 2016

in #wednesdaywalk5 years ago

LOL! Great minds, eh @riverflows? Thanks so much, and that would be wicked cool to see your springtime birds... however, magpies and crows happen to be a couple of my favorite birds (although I've never seen a magpie in person, given where I live... 😜 ). If you happen to take a winter bird walk, please be sure to tag me just in case, so I don't miss out!


Ive just been watching rosellas, galahs, ganggangs, wattle birds and cockies at Mum and Dads. Left camera at home! But was thinking of you at least!

Posted using Partiko Android

Dang! Sounds like an exotic gathering, but thanks for thinking of me! You're bringing your camera next time, right...? Right??? 😂

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