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RE: Wednesday Walk - The Banyan Tree's Tomb Snatchers !!

in #wednesdaywalk5 years ago

This would indeed be freaky to see at night it’s bad enough in daylight
Shows how resilient nature is and can grown anywhere given half a chance

Also reminds me why I don’t want to be buried but would rather have my ashes spread in the water somewhere

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk !tip


Could you image at night i wonder if they come out and party at night...hehe :)

Having your ashes spread out is a great idea at least you will be able to see the ocean life :)

Not sure if I want to see it at night I will leave that to more adventurous people LOL

Yes ashes int he ocean would get me back tmy travelling the world ways LOL

Na..i will give the night time a miss to.

You are a smart cookie free traveling on the back of a whale...i will see you there and catch a whale with :)

Only travel I can afford these days lol

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