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RE: The Fairy Walk

Very cool Wednesday Walk! I am of Scottish ancestry, but have never been there. The closest I came was Wales. I have an invitation to fish on the Royal Dees for Salmon and a friend who will lend me his Jaguar. I am currently in the Philippines and serve here as a full time missionary, but from the USA.
This is an amazing post,


Thanks for stopping by to comment! I'm actually exactly half Welsh. I grew up in Scotland, but my Dad met my Welsh Mom while in Wales during WWII! It's a beautiful country too. Royal Deeside is a beautiful area of Scotland and is very famous for its fishing, as is Speyside.

Another very memorable visit for me was Wales. I have been to the dan yer ogef caverns, three cliffs, mumbles bay, Crosshands. Stayed in so many super places with so much history. My family is from Canada and I grew up in the USA. The US is just a baby country compared to the history of the UK. The castles were a delight for me. I am primarily Scottish and English. One day I would love to visit Scotland.

Everyone seems to enjoy visiting Scotland! So, I'm sure you will too. There are loads of castles - both stately and ruined. We attended a wedding in a stately castle in August. There were many Americans there, and it fascinated them!

Well, not only am I half Welsh and Scottish, but i hold citizenship to 3 countries - UK, Canada and USA! I lived in both Ottawa and London Ontario.

It is cool to get around. I have visited 36 counties so far. I love cultures and different foods and the people make or break the place. In the Welsh countryside I met some great people.

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