~ 136 ~ Walk With Me: #WednesdayWalk in Hacketts Cove, Canada

in #wednesdaywalk6 years ago (edited)

How fitting that my first day getting back into #walkwithme regularly happened to fall on @tattoodjay's #WednesdayWalk!

Why Am I "Back" Today?

Because I'm alone again mua hahahaha!


I have the days to myself, to go on long (and sometimes short) journeys with my camera.



I set out at low tide, around 11 am, and it was hot out already. The air smelled fantastic: Fish, salt, mud, flowers. Everything is still so beautiful and green. The perfect day...


A Humble Bee

Screen Shot 2018-09-05 at 9.02.59 PM.png

I admire this little homestead every time I go by it. If you look at the background you can see that they #growfoodnotlawns. The foreground of the photo is actually grasses/flowers that are flooded by the waters of our ocean cove twice a day. I love that grass found a way to live with salt water.


I don't usually take pics of #geoengineering, is just disgusts me so much to see the beauty and purity of the world marred in this way, but every once in a while I need to still point it out, that this is not okay, and I do not consent.


I Sum Up My Views Best in This Video

(Video 1:33)

Enjoy the Beauty of This World (while it lasts).




Moser Island Rd. was an easy pick for me today as far as my walk went. Blessed SHADE <3


Breaks in the forest reveal muddy salt bogs.


Sweet Pea Growing Up an Apple Tree.


Always new wildflowers blooming in the gravel on the side of the roads.



Back Home in Hacketts Cove


That concludes my #wednesdaywalk, I hope you enjoyed it, except for the #geoengineering of course, there is nothing to be enjoyed about that. Until next time #STEEM Family...

I'll just be here hanging out with Charlotte.



Love today's walk! So peaceful and quiet...until the boys get off the bus! LOL chemtrails, contrails, or whatever you want to call them just aren't natural and not welcome in my skies! Far too many of them to be just accidental. Say hello to Charlotte for me!

You are so WOKE Woman! I just loves you!

Bye bye boys! They don't look nearly as excited as you! LOL!!!

This is such a different walk with me. So calm and relaxing :) I can see that there are no kids around :)

I also dislike geoengineering but there is nothing we can do. It makes me sad to look up and not be able to see clear sky. I'm happy that it's not that bad here yet. Hopefully it won't become worse.

Thank you for taking us with you. I see that you're enjoying your 'me' time :)

I also dislike geoengineering but there is nothing we can do.

We can keep informing others about it, maybe if enough people get pissed off we can change it.

That is a good point! I meant more literally :) But you are right! We can keep spreading awareness.

Yes for #walkwithme's!!!! It's so beautifullllll where you live!! I had a full on rant/ tantrum about the sky spraying today too. There was so much going on this morning it was cra-cra. Back and forth.....back and forth🙈🙊 but, surprisingly it stayed clear all afternoon & even now, i can see stars 😊 theres so many good vibes in the air distorting all that haze into medicine!!!!! Haha 😊 i feel it. Good is rising. There's no stopping it! Now.....music 🤣🖤🖤🖤

I almost never see them here. Every once in a while, but not often, and we have planes flying overhead all the time.

I bet you are happy to have more of your day back to yourself. I know I cherish my 'alone time'.

A lovely walk indeed and I LOVE the chicory or 'blue sailors' in your last wildflower photo. We have that a lot around here as well. I know it's the same type of chicory that you can use the ground root in coffee for that new orleans blend, but I'm always worried if I've identified it right, so |I've not tried grinding it myself.

I love this time of the year by our bit of the sea, though in a few weeks it will be the perfect temp for me and most of the houses round here will be shuttered until next June, so I feel I have the point to myself even more!

I'm so glad that you'll be having some relaxation time soon, all the you time in the world...

Also thanks for letting me know they are called Blue Sailors that's sooooooo cute!!!!

I once had a spider who looked like that and made a similar web on my balcony who I named Charlotte as well. XD I wonder if Charlotte of book fame was supposed to be that species of spider, or if the author even thought that specifically about it.
Love your pictures as always - what a beautiful place. I love that the neighbor also has a yarden, and lets the flooded plain stay natural to work with the local conditions!
Why the asterisk on the apple tree? I missed that!

I don't know about Charlotte, in the book they just describe her as a grey spider.

Oh and the * hahaha, I need to go edit that, was trying to close a sentence to make it in italics.

Oh, narf! LOL

@lyndsaybowes, en las fotografias se ve que disfrutarón de un hermoso dia para disfrutar de un paseo por esos lugares tan encantadores que nos muestras. Solamente por curiosidad imagino que hacia un poco de calor #walkwithme

Hacía calor. Tengo que disfrutar del sol. La nieve llega en 3 meses.

These late summer days are wonderful, aren't they? I only regret that they start to feel so short! I realized the other day I might not be able to take afternoon pictures much longer - it'll be too dark!

How did the boys like their first day back at school?

Ooooh nooooo that would suck if the people watching pics end...ah well, might have to be a seasonal special lol!

The boys had an awesome day, they go to a little country school (only 50 students) and were happy to play with all their friends again :)

Heard a jillion conspiracy theories about those chemtrails over the years.

At least the scenery there looks good as long as you don’t look up!

I surely did enjoy it waht a beautiful area for a walk, so much to see it was a bretah of fresh air for me after a day in the city

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk tip!

You're too sweet, thanks a lot for hosting the event @tattoodjay!

Nah I am just plain old me :)

@lyndsaybowes, After watching all these pictures i can say one thing and that is, in my opinion you really had an beautiful and breathtaking walk for sure.

And nature is an healing aspect and nature can heal us whenever we explore it and every time nature holds different face.

And i want to say that you've captured some beautiful pictures of flowers and for me flowers reflects as Nature's Smile.

And yes, sometimes it really painful to watch that humans are hurting nature and it should not be done inturn we have to protect nature.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

Nature certainly does heal me, it never fails...

I'm glad you love flowers too, I like that, nature's smile. One thing I've noticed nomatter where I've travelled in Canada...and even in parking lots, prairie...badlands...there are always Flowers!! Everywhere you can find a flower growing. Out of rock. Out of concrete. (Except in the winter of course hehehe)

Yes, flowers are everywhere because they hold the welcoming essence. Stay blessed. 🙂

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