#Wednesday Walk - A Stroll Down the Back Path

in #wednesdaywalk5 years ago (edited)


I’m excited to share my first #WednesdayWalk post which is a challenge initiated by @tattoodjay! For details on the guidelines please visit his recent Wednesday Walk Post.

It’s not that I haven’t wanted to post one but because we don’t get to go for walks in our neighborhood often. Unfortunately we have stray dogs and big dogs that get loose from their chains and literally approach you aggressively. I am not comfortable taking the kids for a stroll without my husband present.

It so happens that on Monday, his day off, we were able to get out and get to exploring as a family! The kids were so excited and the three oldest picked out their walking sticks proudly...


There is a street we call the back path that not a lot of people drive on. It’s a shortcut to get you from the neighborhood to the main streets . It’s very narrow so we had a talk with the kids about safety and reminding them of what to do when cars do pass by. From there we were ready to start our exploration journey!


Most of the pictures you’ll see in this post are of plants that the kids spotted out.

This little fellow was the first thing spotted...


Then onto some flowers...




Can you spot the camouflaged insects on these yellow flowers? I didn’t even notice them until I started editing the photos.

It was neat seeing how curious the kids were. They were using their sticks to move things around trying to find some hidden wonders. They stopped to investigate some movement in the grass and discovered a tiny frog . By the time I got to them it had hopped to safety...


Next my daughter spotted out these beautiful red berries. I learned about foraging through the @homesteaderscoop community. Foraging is searching widely for food or provisions. Since then I decided if my kids wanted to venture into this and learn about foods they may find I will assist them. Well the kids wanted to taste these berries but my husband and I decided we should first learn more about what to look for and what to avoid when foraging . Thankfully they didn’t taste these because we later learned they are NOT edible. They are called red tartarian honeysuckle berries and are usually bunched in pairs. Looks sure can be deceiving lol!



After that I decided to take a look up. This is what @tattoodjay and @dswigle often do for their posts and I am always intrigued with the results. The sun was gently shining through the transforming leaves...



A few more plants were spotted...


I love the spikey look of this one.



We finished off with a lesson on pollution and littering and why it’s harmful to our environment. We came across lots of trash like old furniture, cotton substances and hard plastics that were thrown on the side of the road in a ditch. Our kids are very sensitive and heartfelt individuals and seeing all of these waste items really bothered them. This led me to the idea that we should start doing community service as part of our homeschool curriculum. I know our kids would really enjoy this and feel proud to take part in cleaning up our planet.



Well this wraps up my #WednesdayWalk session. Don’t forget to check out the link above for the details so you too can participate ;D

Thanks for Walking with Us!


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Logo/Banner created by @rigaronib!


How cool to have walking sticks for the kids and what a great selection of shots
I would not have noticed those little insects iof you had not mentioend them to be honest

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)

Thank you! They love having their own sticks even when they’re just playing outside. 😄

Isn’t that cool? I thought it was so neat how they camouflaged so well.

It was a pleasure to join in ;D

I remember having a walking stick when visiting the Uncles farm when I was young :) so seeing it in your post refreshed my memories of those times :)

A friend of mine lives in what is supposed to be a sought after area and every time she walks her dog she takes a bag to pick up litter along the way. She easily fills a carrier bag each time, sometimes two. Another dog walker remarked upon it one day and now they're taking a bag too. I wonder if you'll start a trend in your area.

That’s a wonderful idea! That would be a great start for us. Thank you for the suggestion.

I love those walking sticks! And yes, I spotted some of those tiny insects!

The kids love having them when outdoors.

Awesome! Glad you were able to spot them ;D

Those bugs are totally hidden until you pointed it out! My kids still use walking sticks! It was something they learned in Germany when they would "Volksmarsch" in Germany.

Volksmarching is a form of non-competitive fitness walking that developed in Europe in the mid-late 1960s. By 1968, the International Federation of Popular Sports was formed by Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. The national emblems of these four countries were placed in a wreath to form the symbol IVV.

Love how you teach by doing. So proud of you as a mother, teacher and human being. Many blessings.

!tip .20

Oh wow how neat. Thank you for sharing this!

Thank you so much always ~


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Beautiful photos, thank you so much for sharing! 😊

Thank you for visiting!! ☺️

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What a lovely first #wednesdaywalk @crosheille, gosh I had to squint then zoom in to see those little insects hiding amongst the flowers;) Loving this tag that gets us taking note of things around us!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you @lizelle! Haha yes they are so tiny and blend in with the flowers so well.

Yes it really does get us taking note.

What a nice walk you guys had! I miss doing those walks! And there's a lot of that here in the island! Hope to do more in the future when my son gets old enough for it! Thanks for sharing 😊🐛🍃

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you! I really want us to try to do more. I’m sure your walks will be nice as well ~ 😊

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