Storm Update: Trapped With No Power

in #weather7 years ago


Can we escape? Today? Or tomorrow?

There has been less snow than expected, so that's a blessing. Unfortunately it's heavy wet stuff accompanied by high winds, so we lost power early, and there's no news from the utility on timing of restoration.

Trees are coming down all over the place. The wife's new car, it turns out, is not as good in the snow as hoped. New tires might help. But once we found that it had gotten stuck on the low side of the street, we dug and pushed it out. Good timing. Ten minutes later and the top of a tree landed where it had just been parked.

Word is, my sister has electricity and heat. We may make a run for her place. But she lives 30 miles away, and just getting off our street means passing through two miles of what you see in the above picture. I did walk to the end of the road, but by the time I came back my footprints from the outward trek were gone.

So the question becomes: is it better to risk a road trip for heat and a shower, or should we just go to bed early and wake to 30 F temperatures?

We'll re-assess around 4 PM, when blizzard conditions are meant to subside.

Our split cedar continues to deteriorate.


I can't wait to get my new phone. The past few weeks have convinced me that mobile Steeming is the only kind of Steeming I can count on. This tiny phone is cramping my style - and my thumbs.

Hope you are all safe and warm. For us, one out of two ain't bad.


At least you have beautiful pictures, though I don't know if it's much consolation, under the circumstances!
Stay safe!

So, you really write your posts from a mobile phone?
I downloaded esteem and steemit apps and they are both pretty crap, it isn't your phone!
I expect to see snowmen in on of your next posts! Or Snow Animals!!

I only write from a mobile phone when I have to. Lately, that's quite often! The wifi on the train is abysmal and our power's been out for several days the past two weeks. Yah, it is not fun!

I hope in my next post I can show you snow cemeteries - which would be a bunch of puddles!

Steeming on just your phone is really brutal. I had to do it for awhile. Try to keep warm! I hope everything goes back to normal soon :).

Wow I can't believe you dug out Donna's car just in time, that's crazy a tree fell there right after you got it moved!!! Stay safe guys!!

I know, it was such blind luck!

It sounded like a thunderstorm for a while, but it was just trees falling in the woods. Never heard anything like it.

@lyndsaybowes my wife, why you behave like fool and ashamed me? Eh Stop behave bad and me marry you again, me love you from down down my heart there. me love you like sweet potato, You only bean in my soup, you only feaces in my stomack, you only wife me love me not cheat you. Please me love you.
behave good and me come back and see your open buttock again

Wow! Stay safe.

I didn't realize the storms out east were that bad. Sunshine and warm(ish) weather where I am in the northern Midwest.

It's absolutely brutal out here. If I hadn't found a job I love I'd be plotting my escape.

As some one who Steem's on his phone exclusively, I can't imagine the horrors you must endure😆 I've got an iPhone 6, there are much bigger and better choices I'm sure. Hope you guys manage to stay warm, and that power is restored soon.

Sounds like nothing but fun. Hope you made a decision in the right direction. Seems staying put would be easier, and safer off the road, but then, I don't have to go to bed without a shower, or awake with my clothes frozen to the floor. Yee haa. Hope it all works out. And that you don't get 'phone thumb' from the little keys. That might help, at least make you feel better, about posting in the dark. Hang in there, and hopefully spring will be here soon. And eat a lot, keeps you warm ( :

Food! I'm back at work today, bulking up at the food court. Good to eat something besides chips and peanuts.

In the end we stayed home. Went to bed with the sun - why not? Blankets blankets blankets.

The wife's new car, it turns out, is not as good in the snow as hoped. New tires might help.

They say snow tires have more effect then all wheel drive. Just a matter of having the space to store the extra set.

Glad you got the car out of the way in time. That would have made what already was a bad day horrible.

Stay safe!

It's funny, because our mechanic said, "You need new shocks and new tires." We were fine with that, because the car was a good deal and the repairs still fell in our expected budget. But he also said, "you're fine to drive it for a few months - things won't get any worse. Two days later--historic blizzard!

Boss said I could stay home today. I thought about it and said, "Why would I?"

My parents got taken to the cleaners by a tire place. They sold them great tires if you live in a warm climate that doesn't get any snow. The second the weather turned cold the car was slipping all over the place. They took it into a different shop and asked what the issue was. They asked why they picked these tires? Then explained how they aren't made for the cold weather.

So when you decide to replace those tires do your homework on their traction in the snow. Tires that are good in the snow tend to have more road noise, it's just one of those trade offs. But we deal with enough snow in Chicago that the added noise is well worth the added traction. I'm to lazy to swap out tires each season, so a good all weather with a great snow rating is the direction we go with.

Thanks for the advice. We'vr got a great honest mechanic who's spent hours checking out used cars for us, so I'll be sure to pick his brains before we commit.

It's nice having an honest mechanic to talk to. I have 2 friends and a shop who's owner I trust which really helps. The 2 friends can do work on the side for me which is always nice, but they just aren't always available.

Hang on! Spring is coming to put an end to this ghastly frozen epoch! Better late than never...

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