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RE: Real Wealth: What’s Left When Your Money’s All Gone (And How To Overcome The Devilish Saboteur Of Fear)...

The reason I return to these teachings to share, is because I, myself, have looped back around to a point of needing to re-learn them at a far deeper level than when I first indulged in them intellectually.

Excuse me for sum it up to just a couple of quotes @rok-sivante. But what else could I add here if you have already said and explained everything clearly in your excellent post.

Same as I've included them in many of my previous articles also, I believe that at the end of the day everything in life is reduced to this couple of.. erm... 'appointments'.

"Richer and happier is not who have more but who need less"


"Once reached a minimum threshold is richer who needs the least"

Hence my friend, knowing that your true wealth resides inside the rooftop of your head and it used to extends till the fingertips of your old school arms not long ago to make people dance with frenzy joy all night long. I have no doubt that those pristine waves of opportunity will roll in one more time whether that be in Bali, Canada or anywhere else.

And to not extend me more and make this comment too annoying. I'll just leave you here with a few buckets of inspiration for the coming weekend. };)

After all, you already knew it!! ¿Right?

”If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.” ~ unknown

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