
Once I read that God gives you talent, work makes that talent flourish and you can excel! As you well say: very few people are aware of the talent they possess, in fact they can lose their lives wasting that talent and die not knowing what they were good for, what was the gift that God gave them at birth. When you discover what that force is that moves you and makes you happy, the idea of work and sacrifice is lost. There is nothing more rewarding than working on what you like, on what you feel you have a vocation. It is sad to see people disoriented by the environment that can tell you, it is better to be a doctor, lawyers, engineers, and that person only dreams of painting, making music, creating stories. There are some talents that are not well received by society! Because society can encourage, but it can also castrate. Nice Saturday for you, @rok-sivante.

You have given very good information, You have rightly said that many talents are hidden inside man but they need the right guidance to them.We should try to recognize the hidden talent inside us and work on it.

The Genius Test is an excellent free watered-down version of the Wealth Dynamics profile test that provides a great starting point for such discovery... ;-)

Really fantastic!
it's good to read this type of content..I felt identified.
and it's good to read experiences and views similar to mine, but with magic words


Cool to receive such feedback and see it still connects nine years after first writing. 🙂

haha before it had not been published due to the problems generated by the Steemit update!

@rok-sivante, In my opinion we surround ourselves with so many aspects, inturn we fall in the confusion circle of choice of action.

Really liked how you said Souls are called to restoring balance, and yes for sure our Consciousness is waking up.

Yes, we sometimes committed to some changes but we cannot implement that change because our life is influenced due to many factors.

And may be you are right and by that i mean, we are here for particular reason and current waking up of consciousness is giving hint towards that aspect.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

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