Stop Enbridge's Line 3. Wild Rice Is Life!

in #waterislife6 years ago

The fight against fossil fuels is growing, this week end a group of indigenous women met in Minnesota to make a call for support. The pipeline which this group is gathering to resist Enbridge’s line 3 is a danger to many of the ancient tribal food sources, especially wild rice.


The dangers presented by pipelines are well documented and without a doubt hazardous to the people, lands and waters which they pass through. In a best case scenario the pipelines still leak and off gas. It’s not a matter of debate whether these pipelines destroy the habitat and livability of the areas which they pass through. When we look to places where the pipelines have long existed you will find elevated levels of cancer and stroke. Because people are not supposed to breathe benzene gas or sulfur dioxide. All pipelines off gas, all of them.

When you think about pipeline danger you likely think of explosions or leaks which cover the land and pollute the waters. What isn’t addressed in threat assessments and evacuation routes are the so called “acceptable levels” of pollution. These safe levels of fumes still warrant signs which describe the health effects on those who are exposed to these toxins.


Between pipelines, tank yards and oil trains the act of transporting fuel is hugely dangerous. The real danger is the long term effects of putting even more carbon into the atmosphere. We know we are past the so called tipping point of 350 parts per million of carbon in the atmosphere. We know that soil and water exposed to benzene are ruined for the long term. We see clearly the dangers which are presented by the extraction industries. We even see the suffering of wildlife when it is exposed to these chemicals. Despite our awareness of the effects of fossil fuels our culture of consumerism continues to buy more plastics and more fuels. We are quickly consuming our way into the history books as a society which eliminated it’s potential for survival through our appetite for consumer goods.


The water in the great lakes region represents 21% of the surface fresh water of the world. Keeping our freshwater resources safe is a priority which the oligarchs seem unconcerned with. Rather the efforts of the banksters and oil barons seem to be in contaminating as much fresh water as possible. The collective effects of fracking and tar sands extraction threaten not only the great lakes, but also the water in aquifers from border to border through the center of the USA.

Now these Native Women Warriors have gathered and asked for people to come and stand against the dangerous infrastructure, and in protection of the world’s natural resources. Specifically the livability of the region sacred to the Anishinabe people who have lived in this region long before the modern day colonizers threatened their way of life. Indigenous people are often harmed by fossil fuel extraction. Government and regulators are more willing to force toxic infrastructure onto people who are not wealthy or influential in politics or industry. This environmental racism results in the siting of toxic projects in regions where people live in poverty, often places where people of color and indigenous people live.


Enbridge’s line 3 project has been rejected by regulators, and has been fiercely resisted by the residents who live in regions threatened by this pipeline. A leak could harm the traditional foods of the people who have treaty rights guaranteeing that their hunting and fishing and ricing grounds are safeguarded. These treaty rights are considered to be the supreme law of the land under the constitution. However industry and regulators did not make these treaties, and tend to ignore the obligations agreed to by the government when the land theft was happening at gunpoint. Now the lands which remain in trust for the people of these many indigenous nations is being taken. Yet again the government, in the form of sheriffs and police, stand on the side of industry and violate the rights of the indigenous people. Yet again the silent majority steps aside and accepts the abhorrent behaviors of private industry and government while indigenous people suffer the loss of native food sources and traditional ways.


Please take the time to learn about the movement to stop line 3. Learn about the efforts of Honor the Earth. Learn about wild rice and how important it is to the Anishinabe people. Please find a way to support the people who are standing in defense of the waters which we will all need. And consider whether you are able to join the front lines warriors who are making a principled stand in defense of this world, and the indigenous people’s way of life.

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It is amazing how these fights never stop, and people cannot realize how these things are harming the environment. Good for you, putting the word out there!


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