Who do you call when police rape?

in #informationwar6 years ago

Imagine this, a city which has established an exclusionary zone to keep the poor out. The exclusion zone hasn’t worked and there are still hundreds of poverty stricken people living in the streets and doing what they can to cope with the crushing poverty.

Poverty is difficult to cope with, the insecurity and fear of not knowing where your next meal is coming from, the uncertainty associated with homelessness and the understanding that law enforcement has been empowered to arrest you simply because of your status as a homeless person. This is the backdrop to the scene I witnessed this weekend in Eugene Oregon.


Our city has a bus stop situated in downtown. It’s located just across the street from the library, and a satellite branch of the local community college.

Young people ride the bus to and from their schools and there are lots of elderly and disabled people who live in the area. The city of Eugene has a law which outlaws blocking sidewalks, it is meant to allow police to tell the homeless to shuffle on, and they regularly use this law to clear the area in and around the bus station.

The city has declared the downtown area a high crime area, by doing this they free up money for enhanced surveillance and extra goons. The city of Eugene keeps a squad of six f-n pigs on the clock, ready to deploy at a moments notice in the downtown area, the Downtown Rapid Response Team. Think on that for a moment, they keep six goons on the clock 24/7. Pigs are expensive to keep on the clock, these greedy and largely immoral paramilitary troops have been given a pass for wrongdoing by city government and local judges.

The Eugene Police Department has a bad reputation. It is easy to find reports of the EPD raping and sexually assaulting women.

This department is responsible for a text message snafu which exposed police bias, again they were largely forgiven their crimes. The so called “good cops” aren’t doing anything to expose the bad cops, and the city has empowered the police force here with unconstitutional laws. This city hates the poor, and the police are an extension of that hate.

I live about an hour north of Eugene, my family lives here in the south, and I find myself regularly visiting this end of the Willamette valley. When I lived in Eugene I knew things were pretty bad. But it wasn’t until I left and came back that I noticed how extreme it is.


While visiting this week end I saw four different private security agencies patrolling the area around the bus station. Between them and the f-n pigs it feels like a police state.

There are surveillance cameras everywhere, and so many signs spelling out which rights you don’t have in the area around the bus stop. No smoking, no drinking, no bike riding, no skateboarding, no dogs, no stopping or standing, no, no, no, NO!

All of these restrictions are creating a situation where police and private security can walk up on just about anyone and charge them with a violation. The enhanced law enforcement area allows for enhanced surveillance and the corrupt and immoral judges allow law enforcement to get away with rape. NO JOKE!


I am in favor of liberty, I am in favor of total freedom. Not because I want to go around robbing and raping, but because I see law enforcement escaping accountability for their wrong doing.

I want to have the freedom to hold accountable the sex depraved “resources officer” who was found sexually harassing children, he received only 105 days house arrest after his sentence was reduced. I want to have the liberty to hold the judges accountable for their bias and immoral rulings around “police misconduct” and more particularly police rape.


The city of Eugene recently approved a police auditor’s office. The police are notoriously beyond reproach in Eugene.

They have been wasting tremendous amounts of the cities budget because of their “misconduct” which is Newspeak for criminal behavior. The city pays out huge settlements to cover up for bad cops. And believe me, there is more misconduct then there are lawsuits for criminal acts carried out by police.

It is like this across the country. In the USA we make so many exceptions for police that they are quite literally above the law. Police abuse their power as a matter of course. Because the public is largely afraid for their lives, they will not speak out against bad policing. Because judges and district attorneys are on the same side, so to speak, they ignore crimes carried out by one another. This results in judges selling children into for profit prisons, police stealing from the evidence room, and district attorneys involved in sex trafficking. Our society has given so many exceptions to those involved in criminal justice that the entire system has lost validity.


When abuse of power happens in public office, the authority of that office is diminished.

You cannot respect a department which forgives rape and hides misconduct. Police accountability should be the norm, not the exception. I believe that it’s up to us. The police, judges, lawyers and politicians benefit from the system remaining as is. They will not deprive themselves of the authority to do as they will. If we want to someday have a respectable policing system, I believe we need to scrap the current force and it’s dirty ranks. We need to shred permanently the “blue curtain” of silence. Otherwise we get exactly the police state we deserve.

Thanks for reading this far!

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