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RE: SLAVERY Funds WAR (Prison Labor Still Exists)

in #war8 years ago (edited)

Things are unlikely to change very quickly given how most people are trapped in jobs that require the pursuit of profit above human welfare. This includes war. War is almost always waged for profit. Until peoples mind-set changes, war will continue on the battlefields of the world and in the giant sweat shops of industry. Yes it’s unhealthy and wrong, but whether you like it or not that fact is it will not change any time soon. Almost everything we buy we are able to do so because of wars the West has waged for centuries. Most of the clothes we wear are made from the toil of slave labour in far off lands. The only way to not participate is to live off the grid, grow your own food or buy local, and to not buy clothes from retailers who basically use slave labour.


Human rights should be more important than profit, but if it isn't more important than profit, then we should examine why.

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