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RE: SLAVERY Funds WAR (Prison Labor Still Exists)

in #war8 years ago (edited)

V.S. uses zippers and clasps produced by prison labor, possibly much more. This is a great topic for an article though I think you should write another more in-depth article to compliment this one as most of the American public have no idea this is a thing. Also to be fair many countries across the globe still do this as well(Not justifying it just pointing out America's not the only one).


it's far from just zippers many companies from Starbucks to Microsoft use prison labour. i don't think it's as prevailent here in the uk but because it so widespread in the states it's hard boycot companies using the prison system as free labour (I say free but i expect many companies get subsidised in a similar way to workfare programs)

I was only pointing out the fact that Victoria's Secret has admitted to using zippers and clasps made in prisons, and I dont know about the U.K. specifically but I know Portugal, France and Italy were involved in the prison labour much the same as the U.S. along with Russia and China. Also when V.S. Was ousted a few years back for it the also pointed out that they don't determine the rates at which the prisoners get paid.(again not justifying anything just stating facts)

oh i wasn't criticising your comment in any way I agree that another article on this topic would be a good thing .I know we have some prison work programs but there is a much higher educational requirement with them here in the uk, I know one prison has a 5 star restaurant (at least it used to with current cuts i wouldn't be surprised to find it had ended) but prisoners will get professional qualifications out of it , those who do well get placements in high quality restaurants after release.

Good to know, I apologize, I mistook your comment. But I must say a 5 star restaurant run by inmates is quite intriguing, lol.
"Today's specials include a steak that's been stabbed 12 times and left for dead, and chicken sauteed in a plethora of drugs, and for dessert we have Creme de la Pedo."
Mmm Mm! That does sound good!

What is the difference between prison and plantation?

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