Is @tinypaleokitchen a famous international writer?

in #war7 years ago (edited)

I just copy my Steemit blog "A lion amomg sheep and a sheep among lions" here! I want to know if @tinypaleokitchen is a famous intenatinal writer? Is she the new Nobel literature winner? She keeps on making trouble with me, she let "her birds of a feather" bombard me and flag my Steemit blogs again and again.

If she is a really "VIP", a world-famous writer, it is my biggest honor to be sued by her, since she claims that I voilated her so-called international copyright law.

I am here to wait for her suing me, thus I can learn in which country I can be sued. In fact, I even don't know which country she is from.

But I can't tolerate her and her accomplices' abuse towards me any more!

They are a group of evil demons, they are a group of heartless bitches, they are a group of "nutters" who try in vain to overcome the world by their bloody and evil blogs, Such kind of dirty souls can never write the real masterpiece, they ruined the harmanious atmosphere of great Steemiverse! God will punish them!

A lion among sheep, a sheep among lions
ginafraser (43) 在 bully • 7天前
I never thought I can meet such kind of vicious foreigners in Steemit.
(Image not shown due to low ratings)
Looking back on all my life, It is true that I have experienced a lot of unhappy things, suffering a lot.

However, as usual, if I make an sincere apology to someone higher than me, I can gain forgiveness.

But there's also an exception. Once a time, after I made an apology to my workmate whose rank is a little higher than me, he refused to forgive me all along, continuing to make trouble with me.

At last, I realize that some people are born of lowly bones. Deal with such kind of people, never try to reason with them, since they can speak out a lot of reasons to you.

The best way to deal with them is only to conquer them by force of arms. At result, my sister helped me teach him a heavy lesson. Since my sister works in a mental hospital, her patients are just those lunatics. Managing people is her strong point.

The doctors and nurses in mental hospital just give those lunatic patients sleeping pills or some medicine by injection.

Till now, I still fear to enter hospital and talk with doctor lonely.

My sister told him that he should be sent to mental hospital, accepting her treatment with the big needle tubes. He was so frightened.

Later he never makes trouble with me again.

If my sister knows how I am bullied by those bloody Steemit haters, she must come to help me punish them. Pitifully language is a huge barrier, English is not her major.

After my American husband passed in China, I had to communicate with my husband's American family lonely. The whole course was very hard and exhausting. Nobody helps me. I don't know how my American husband in heaven thinks if he knows he left me such a big trouble, he let all his American family bully me. Only God knows how well my American husband treated me! At that time how happy I was! If he was still alive, how can his American family treat me so badly? My sister tried to talk with them, but how to overcome the language barrier?

This time I was attacked by a group of extremely vicious Steemit haters over and over again, whom I even don't know which countries they come from, I am so angry, it is the first time I begin to curse people.

I doubt if they should be sent to mental hospital, let my sister give them some sleeping bills or some drugs only doctors have the right to prescribe?

I always respect writers, I thought they are good-educated people. Who knows they are so mean? "A lion among sheep, a sheep among lions." I hate such kind of people most.

May I never meet such kind of people who are good at bullying the weak and fearing the strong!

Go to hell!

bully weak strong
7天前 by ginafraser (43)$0.00
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therosepatch (51) · 16小时前
You know, I also find it funny that in your post complaining about "bullies" coming after you for copyright infringement, you use a stolen photo that you obviously cropped to remove the copyright. You are no longer not knowledgeable about copyright law. Anything you steal now you do knowing that it's wrong.

Original source of the image you stole:
zanoni (52) · 7天前
Hehehe, keep calm @ginafraser ...
I know a lot of them, believe me.
They can only have a big mouth online, but in real life they are weak and coward.
What to do with such people?
Facebook: block
Steemit: Mute or flag when you have enough power
But one thing never do:
Try to discuss, this make them feel great, they love it when people get angry.
Ignore, walk your way and that's it.
Best regards
tinypaleokitchen (58) · 18小时前
A word from the bully in question.

Ms. Fraser thinks she's been bullied because I didn't agree with her copying a story I'd worked hard at for weeks. In her post, she asked for my forgiveness or permission while doing so, but never giving me a chance to decide to give said permission.

That's like walking up to someone, having their sandwich from their hands and taking a bite, and asking them afterwards, "Oh, did you still want to eat that? I'm sorry. I hope you don't mind."

That story is my work and my intellectual property and she violated international copyright laws by copying it and making an unlicensed translation of it, posting both English and Chinese versions on her blog.

I tried multiple times to to open dialogue with Ms. Fraser to resolve the matter peacefully but she kept hiding behind excuses. "In China people don't mind. I don't know about international copyright laws." And so forth. I politely asked her to remove my material from her blog since she was getting upvoted and paid for copying my work. She continued to refuse. She was flagged by me and my friends as a result. Had she removed my work from her blog, the flags would have been pulled as well.

But no. We're bullies. Ms. Fraser thinks being a Chinese widow is the perfect reason to steal other people's work and has done so again. The second time from an author without a Steemit account who had no way of responding to the matter.

This offense was reported to Steemcleaners and they handled the matter accordingly.

If Ms. Fraser would start producing some work of her own, she'd get rid of me fairly easily.

If you look at her blog, you'll notice I didn't flag out otherwise act against the shitposts she's written trying to victimise herself in defense of her continuing violations of copyright laws.

They're badly written but at least she wrote them.

Kind regards,

ginafraser (43) · 18分钟前
OK. @tinypaleokitchen, if you feel this thing is extremely serious, welcome you to sue me according to your so-called international copyright law. It seems that you are a "famous writer", ok? Sorry, I haven't heard of you. You only want to make you feel great.
You can hire an international lawyer to sue me if you can! I only don't know in which country you can sue me. I wish to learn from you, thus I can sue both my late American husband's Chinese school and his American family.
Don't forget, you must pay very expensive international lawyer fee! Good luck to you!
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ginafraser (43) · 7天前
Oh.I c. Maybe it is just their job. They claim they are a group of blockwriter members. It seems they are from different countries.
I am ignorant about the so-called international copyright law. So when they blamed me, I really felt maybe I was wrong. I made an apology to them very sincerely.
Because I really respect writers, I respect them.
But later I realize that they are only a group of mean people. According to my previous experiences, the cultured and kind people can always forgive people even if the people really do something wrong.
It reminds me of my bloody Chinese workmate, he made trouble with me on purpose, I chose to tolerate him, I even apologized with him, who knows he became aggravated?
At last I couldn't put up with him any more. I asked my sister to help me. My sister provoked him on purpose, irritating him, then they had a fight.
My sister is not like me. She is like a boy-"swordswoman". When she was a child, very unluckily, she had some very ferocious male schoolmates, one of whom even killed a person. Nobody helped her, too. She fought with male schoolmates. Till now everytime she talks about her unhappy childhood, she can shed tears. But the adversity makes her stronger.
However, such kind of Steemit haters should be educated, they are just like my bloody workmate. My sister beat him! They can't fight, only having a big mouth, you're very right.
Thank you so much! Tim, you are my good Steemit friend.
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therosepatch (51) · 16小时前
If you were really so ignorant, you should've removed the content when asked. But now, you just whined and complained and left it there. So we flagged you.

If you really respect writers, you shouldn't steal their work and try to make money off of it. That is THEFT. As long as you continue to steal, your "bullies" will keep coming after you in order to protect to hard work of the original authors.

Write your own damn poems. Write your own stories. Create original stuff and post that. And not this whiny nonsense you've been spewing out. Something real. Only then will you see positive attention to your blog.
rhondak (62) · 11小时前
This is just sad. It's pathetic that you use your poor dead husband like a tool, as an excuse to behave any way you want and expect no repercussions. I can imagine that he would probably be pretty ashamed of you, @ginafraser, for acting this way.

You are not a victim here. You are the perpetrator. You are a thief, and an unrepentant one at that. Your words say sorry but your actions do not. You're defiant, rebellious, stiff-necked, and unteachable-- all the things the "God" you keep referring to hates. It would be a great thing if you would simply learn from the experience and do better...but you're determined to commit the same infractions over and over because you think your husband's death gives you carte blanche to walk all over the rights of other human beings. It doesn't.

I'm flagging your post. Hopefully we'll take you down to zero because we definitely disagree with any rewards you'd receive for posting tripe of this nature.
ginafraser (43) · 1小时前
You should be sent to lunatic asylum. Basterd! Go to hell! Get out of here!
$0.00回复 编辑
rhondak (62) · 1小时前
Truth hurts, doesn't it?
rhondak (62) · 1小时前

This is the blockchain, honey. Your blog is public, forever. Which is exactly why @tinypaleokitchen did not want her work bastardized by you. This is why she complained about you plagiarising her and asked that you take the stolen content down. She knew the result would be indelible. I don't need permission to see your blog. nobody does. You post it, and the world has access. You can't stop it. So if you write things you don't want on the internet for people anywhere to read and comment on anytime they wish, then don't post them to Steemit. Once you do, your words belong to the world.
ginafraser (43) · 59分钟前
I want the people from all over the world know about my international love story. I have claimed from the start that I come to Steemit not only for money, but for embracing blockchain technology. If you continue to flag my blog, I will curse you in all your blogs. You'd better leave me alone!
Just to imagine, you come to Steemit for money and fame, I don't think you want your blog to have so many cursing comments. If you continue to make trouble with me, I can't tolerate you any more!
$0.00回复 编辑
rhondak (62) · 57分钟前
I'm starting to wonder if your husband faked his own death just to get away from you. I wouldn't blame him at all.
ginafraser (43) · 27分钟前
Let me warn you, if you continue to be "big mouth", I will leave cursing comment in every of your Steemit blogs since you care about your reputation so much! People from all the world will know you are such a "Big mouth"! What else can you do except to flag blog and comment? An ant is better than you!
$0.00回复 编辑
rhondak (62) · 22分钟前

rhondak (62) · 20分钟前
No--let me tell you what you're doing. You're trying to leverage the views on my blogs to draw attention to yours. But somehow I don't think the psychotic-sounding rants you're leaving all over the place are gonna do it for you. Those are more likely to make people write you off as a complete nutter.
ginafraser (43) · 10分钟前
You keep on making trouble with a "nutter", are you nutter or me? If I am a normal person, I just keep away from nutter. You are a bitch.
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Images were hidden due to low ratings.

You have received a @GrumpyCat flag because you or someone else sent money to buy votes from an irresponsible non-GrumpyCompliant service.

@pushup and @sneaky-ninja are acting irresponsibly by selling votes to people on their post very close to final payout. (~99% abuse rate)

Sending money to these bots is also financially supporting for-profit spammers.

To know what voting bot to use, refer to and use those that have 3.5 day or less in the "Max Age" column.
Important, The above bots have made no effort to comply for months so the votes they sell might still be targeted even if they change their Max Age to 3.5 day.

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  • You are flagging innocent people and calling them "collateral damage"!
  • You are trying to impose your rules by using your SP on ones weaker than you!
  • You have rejected all the diplomatic proposals we have brought so far!

Your self upvote is flagged by The-Resistance team using the WE-RESIST bot.
We will be resisting with a team, stronger each day, unless you stop downvoting innocent people.

To your tyranny WE-RESIST

The Resistance

You sometimes hit the correct person by mistake :)


Yes, because profanity laced tirades will help you win whatever argument you think you're having.

You plagiarized and you were caught. Please move on.

The problem between you and @tinypaleokitchen is that both of you speak from very different values and world views. I want to agree with your perspective, but I can't. My world view won't even accept taking other people effort like that.

It's not a problem of international laws, it's not a problem of suing... It's a about respecting the effort.

If you spent 10 days writing an amazing story, you gave it to a friend and she took that story and won a prize of $1000 because of it, she don't give you any of the money? How would you feel?

I'm sure many people who are not even writers will feel angry. Not mentioning famous ones.

But that's only my opinion, hope you both solve the fight between you two.

Exactly. And if ginafraser intends to be active on an international platform like Steemit, she must abide by the standards of that platform, not by her own world views that she tries to impose on others.

You copied another writer's work, and then ignored her when she asked you politely to remove it.

Just like anyone else on the chain who plagiarises and makes personal attacks, you are now being flagged. Here is an important point about the technology you are embracing:

if you think you have the right to post stolen work, then you also need to accept that anyone has the right to use their stake at any time to flag you. This is the inherent nature of this platform. If you are not here for money, then you understand everything you write (including someone else's work) is on the chain forever, so flags should be just a small annoyance not worthy of acknowledgement, by your philosophy.


I suggest you decide to become an active part of the community you wish to see. If you would like to see it change, lead by example and change those behaviours of yours which the community has explained over and over are not considered acceptable. Just because it is uncomfortable and hurts you does not mean you get to call the shots, because you are causing harm to others yourself. Someone doesn't need to be famous to have a right to be treated with even the most basic of common courtesy... Look at you claiming those rights for yourself; if you feel you deserve to do this, then by your own logic, so too does Tiny.

Remember that the rep and flagging system exists on this platform because community values are encouraged and personal culpability matters. Nothing can remove your use of another author's content from the STEEM blockchain, so you have no valid complaints rooted in that: however, the community decides Steemit rewards and reputation, not you personally, and if you desire the things the comunity gives then you will have to compromise to be a part of the community, systems and all. I will be muting you, personally, as my choice in using this platform. This does not 'take away' what you have done, but it removes any possible support or participation I will have in your choice of behaviour. If you continue on this path, you may find a majority of Steemians doing the same.

You stole her work. She asked you to remove it. You didn't and threw a hissy fit.
It's not fucking rocket science as to why you're getting flagged.

----- Message Deleted ------

Thank you so much! I have learned how horrible it is to be bullied. You can really be killed by them. The weakers have not their own voice.

You received this message only because of @GrumpyCat downvote.
@The-Resistance is approving neither the content of your post nor the fight you are making with these people.
Using someones work without taking her/his permission "before" is against the rules of being-a-good person.
If I were you by mistake, I wouldn't give just an appology but delete the post directly - or -edit and put a delete message.

Don't break the rules.


OK. but you are not my friend. I don't want to join any team to oppose anyone, too. I don't know who @GrampyCat is. Thank you all the same.

My personal experience tells me that the rule and law are set by powerful people with a lot of money. If I have enough money, maybe I can downvote Steemiar freely, too.

I don't rely on Steemit to earn money, in fact, even if I really want to earn money in Steemit, how is it possible?

If I am really a professional writer, no need to earn money and fame on Steemit. If I have not such kind of writing talent, I can't attract more readers to upvote my blogs.

I only come here to watch different people from different countries. Or I just learn different laws and rules! Not all people live in the same world with same system of law. The world is very big and complicated. By my international marriage, nobody else can understand the sharp conflict between different cultures and laws more than me. I respect my enemies, since they abide by their law and culture; I also respect myself, since I also abide by my law and culture.

However, I love Dalai Lama's words: If you want others to be happy, practice compassion; if you want to happy, practice compassion.
So I have claimed that I gave up my Steemit account for a while!
I appreciate your fighting spirit! Pitifully many times we must find the answer from other religion.
Embrace the multiculture world! It is so precious to have a open-minded heart with sympathy and empathy!

I'm not even responding to that drivel anymore.

You'd better keep away from me, bitch! A nutter who dreams to be famous by flagging other's Steemit blogs.

No I plan to work for my fame. By writing things. That I don't want copied.

You can never earn good fame! A good world-famous writer must have a great soul and open-minded heart.
Please stop flagging my blog, your job is to write, if you are really a famous international writer, please hire international lawyer to uphold your international copyright law. Steemit is neither a good platform to earn good money, nor a place to help you win fame.
If you really have good writings, you should contact the good publishing house.
By then, I am waiting for your suing me! It is my greatest honor to be sued by a famous international writer. Otherwise, you are only a group of Steemiverse destroyers.
Steemiverse offers a great chance to help people from all over the world to learn and communicate each other, instead of attacking and abusing each other.

I am sorry, you are such a famous international writer, I unexpectedly don't know who you are!
You want to be famous by flagging my blog, you win!
Pitifully you are a garbage, if I curse you to death in Chinese, maybe you are still laughing! Bitch!

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