Yes, Freedom Solves Israel-Palestine Too

in #war6 years ago

Freedom and ethics can solve just about anything!

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The reasons why Israel and Palestine have an unending conflict is because of the intervention of the European and the west, they intervene because they have to divide and take advantage with their resources, "Chaos Theory" is a common tool to do that. The middle east as a whole is quite divisive because that's what the west wants to. That's the easiest way to wage a profitable war. Look what happen to Syria, it's another chaos theory at the same time to keep the pressure towards Russia logically.

Through discipline comes freedom. ~ Aristotle

I like that. *Ethical things will end all unethical things in Israel-Palestine and removing government will stop all the evil

I'm interested to know if there is any sort of historical precedent that can show how market forces have be able to help resolve extremely volatile "tribal" conflicts between two parties with massively unequal power paradigms (in terms of money, resources, population count, etc). Perhaps not on the scale of the Palestine/israel issue but something similar...for some reason I'm thinking there may be an example out there that could offer up some hints as to what is possible...will take a look into this and report back should I find something. If someone else has something to offer up, would love to hear it.

Probably not so much in the recent past but further back into history, I think you will find several examples of societies that got along with one another for pragmatic reasons. The Persians, for example, have been at peace with their neighbors for most of the last 2500 years. Somehow, the Iranians have been portrayed as evil and predisposed to violence since 1979 in a manner that would suggest they have always been this way.

Yeah, the modern day narrative re: Iran as delivered by the MSM is pretty laughable to anyone who has even a small amount of historical/cultural knowledge about Iran (to even before the Shah and all the way to the present) - but that is a different topic entirely.

What I'm wondering about is perhaps even smaller than countries or city-states. I'm wondering if there is something on a much smaller scale that showed a massive discrepancy in power whereby average citizens from across a political divide discovered their common interests and shook off the ruling powers and decided to engage with the "enemy citizens" in commerce because it was evident that they would prosper better going about it that way.

First you have to get them to agree to halt all fighting, disputes between themselves long enough to get them to listen. Then you have to tell them that even if they have the parches piece of land in the ME they still hold the worlds most valued resource: religion. You have to convince them that if they all came together to package and sell it that every last man, woman and child would live a life of prosperity beyond their wildest dreams. The three holiest sites in the world sit within a fifteen minute walk of each other in Jerusalem, millions of people would flock there to experience religions in all forms not just their own. Even people who weren't religious would go just to see and experience the different cultures of the region. People could spend year after year going there and still not even cover all the wonderful things the middle east has to hold historically and culturally. Some area's it could take months even a year to get a booking into if people just felt safe enough to travel there. Yes people are probably shocked to learn that it's not oil, natural gas, iron ore, minerals, or any other resource that holds the most value to others, it's religion.

Agreed, the vast amount of religion-tourist revenue would probably be enough to sustain the entire economy. Problem is you have one group of people with all of the power and money who literally hold the poorer folks inside an open-air prison whilst continuing to steal the small amount of land they still retain. How to break that? Without abolishing all state/corporate powers (those well beyond the M.E.) you would simply have other (usa, france, brit, etc)wealthy powers flood in and dictate/control how things go (with no concern for what the actual people desire)

Like I said, first you have to do this and that, this and that is likely never to happen. If peace was everyone's objective it would be a different story. Right now those named entities only interfere because it's who holds the resources. Who holds the resources can gain the power to cause harm to others, if peace were the objective it wouldn't matter who owned the resources.

"if peace were the objective it wouldn't matter who owned the resources."

so true, so true

Conflicts or disputes between two countries that have significant differences in terms of resources (pupulation, financial, power, support and so on), are very difficult to resolve by market mechanism (ie bargaining power among them), If offered too high and the requested is too low then the balance will not happen. So what should be done is the presence of other forces outside the two countries, and that is the mediator (individual country or international institution). The mediators are those who have a significant relationship with the two conflicting countries. Aceh (one of the Indonesian provinces), has been in conflict with the country (Indonesia), and it has been going on for a very long time (+/- 30 years), many victims falling on both sides. The strength of the two is very different (pupulation, financial, power, support and others). Market-based negotiation efforts are unsuccessful. But then completed with the mediation mechanism of other countries that are more independent and have strong pressing power. Until now Aceh is safe.

My initial thought with mediation is that you have outside countries that are going to operate in a manner that suits their best interests. I know the USA is oftentimes taking up this "mediation" role whereby it aims to be the "adult in the room" and help bring parties to resolution. However, the bloody, undemocratic history of the USA often results in powerful corporate interests acting behind the scene to influence events, resulting in 3rd world democracies beyond dismantled and natural resources exploited for profit by US (and other ) multinationals ultimately stealing resources from sovereign nations which ultimately will lead to more problems down the track for the native citizens because not only are they stripped of their democratic institutions but their natural resources are also stolen.

I hear you though... with vast differences in negotiating power (resources, money, population, control, etc) it is certainly difficult to imagine a fair resolution (unless, of course, consciousness among all parties involved is elevating and people behave in accordance with ethical @adamkokesh mentions). Perhaps that is what I'm asking...are there examples in history where consciousness was elevated in disputing societies (french rev, american rev)? If people were fundamentally oriented around a code of ethics and operated within these boundaries, then their own self-interests could be expressed in terms of shared commerce.

Conflicts or disputes between two countries that have significant differences in terms of resources (population, financial, power, support and so on), are very difficult to resolve by market mechanism (ie bargaining power among them), If offered too high and the requested is too low then the balance will not happen. So what should be done is the presence of other forces outside the two countries, and that is the mediator (individual country or international institution). The mediators are those who have a significant relationship with the two conflicting countries. Aceh (one of the Indonesian provinces), has been in conflict with the country (Indonesia), and it has been going on for a very long time (+/- 30 years), many victims falling on both sides. The strength of the two is very different (population, financial, power, support and others). Market-based negotiation efforts are unsuccessful. But then completed with the mediation mechanism of other countries that are more independent and have strong pressing power. Until now Aceh is safe.

Definitely one area that desperately needs the libertarian dispute resolution ideology. Less government hand should bring about a resolution that leads to a fair outcome

The concept of freedom can solve most of this problems, I totally agree and support you.

Wee all have to be ethical. specially for government's people.



War will only leave wounds and trauma, there are many innocent victims of the soul
We all want to live peacefully.
We all want fair treatment.
We all want to be prosperous.
We all need freedom.
We all need love.
We all suffer under statism in the political thought of making the country as the center of all power.


invite to a cry of freedom.
Freefom .........freedom .......freedom
Supporting you as President of the United 2020.
That will bring the United in freedom.
Support I always accompany and I'll invite friends to support you @adamkokesh

I will continue to support you as you say


I'm ready 100% for freedom @adamkokesh
invite to a cry of freedom.

Conflicts or disputes between two countries that have significant differences in terms of resources (population, financial, power, support and so on), are very difficult to resolve by market mechanism (ie bargaining power among them), If offered too high and the requested is too low then the balance will not happen. So what should be done is the presence of other forces outside the two countries, and that is the mediator (individual country or international institution). The mediators are those who have a significant relationship with the two conflicting countries. Aceh (one of the Indonesian provinces), has been in conflict with the country (Indonesia), and it has been going on for a very long time (+/- 30 years), many victims falling on both sides. The strength of the two is very different (population, financial, power, support and others). Market-based negotiation efforts are unsuccessful. But then completed with the mediation mechanism of other countries that are more independent and have strong pressing power. Until now Aceh is safe.

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