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RE: Back up your keys offline before you sign up for the new wallet.steemit more than just as a precaution.

in #wallet5 years ago

Yeah the other day my friend could not get into the usual Steemit wallet after having been in it earlier in the day. Very hard and frustrating to troubleshoot via texts! Hope it is all sorted soon. Good advice here!


Hi Paul, yep it was very frustrating but I got it sorted out in the end.

I'm pretty sure many steemians are going to run into this problem if they don't chose another name for the new wallet.
The wallet password will overwrite the original steemit password stored in the browser because it's the same username!

Well is it something that Steemit can fix or is it mainly browser related? Now I am scared to fool with the wallet.

Just found this comment. Sorry about the delay.
No steemit cannot fix it. It client side.

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