7th walkwithme ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ–ค

in #walkwithme โ€ข 7 years ago (edited)

7th #walkwithme
Blog time again, what shenanigans am i up to now?! Let's go to the photo gallery......


I think this is where we left off. A reminder of 2018 NY resolutions. Mine is Becoming. Others wrote theirs on the chalkboard too.

This is my first post using busy.org it's quite a gem this ui!! Though anyone able to chime in on the security of steem connect? It's awesome because i get to use a slidybar!! I thought i needed more sp to get to use one! Lots Lots Lots happening wow! Where to go next?


This pucture was taken March 1st. Before the snow came. And, snow .... man did it snow!! There's so much snow! The storm surge caused a migraine the intense weather in the foot hills where i live does that at times. So, soup, suppliments and sleep to counteract that yuckieness. Which worked!! Then more painting ๐ŸŽถ

Two coats of yellow. Been contemplating layering and distressing adding fabric to the inside of the drawers. Just checking it out in my room as is.....

...what do you think? I kind of like it. The knobs just do it for me! Yellow was my first instinct... one thing my first two years in college taught me was trust my first instinct. I just wonder why i diminished that in myself when it came to my realtionship with my x? Why would i override that.... well, i will be offering blogs on free writting looking ahead. Hoping to figure that one out for myself. Oh my lanta -- Delving into the Deep. Hmm, that title might just work ๐Ÿ’– .....anyways, we are walking and the snow started comming down โ„

Soup and suppiments.....

Sleep! And, wake up to soooooo much snow!


Took some time to get courageous enough to go clear the step. And, when i was ready to head out my son cheerfully offered to do it!! Awe ๐Ÿ˜

He might be excited that we are going to get him a new chair.


Another chair fatality. Bye bye sweet chair ๐Ÿ’– my mom found this comfy chair and i slept in it when i came out of the hospital in my halo after the accident in the middle of last summer. It did a good job ๐Ÿ’œ


On the bright side, more space! So, i can make a spot to do live yoga classes from!!

More snow pictures!! The snow is unreal in a sense. Not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing ๐Ÿค”


That's my daughter letting me take her picture which is huge these are machines clearing piles of snow.


There is no gorilla composting going under that snow near the berry bush! No sir no way, i know none of it!! The prayer tie is burried in snow!!


Another angle.


And, a few more snowbanks. This one is way taller than me i am pretty tall!!


And, just for fun, some cooking! Finally took time to make @marionbowes' meatballs they're extraordinary!!



Paired with ceasar salad and @mamajeani's foccaccia with infused oil....Mmmmmm ๐Ÿ˜™


Actually, that focaccia was great with oil & vinegar and with chocolate hazelnut spread too!!!


Just wana give a shout out to these guys โฌ†๏ธโฌ†๏ธ grateful to have stocked my pantry with their goods last fall. Fresh from the farm seeds, nuts, sugars, chcolate chips. Amazing quality and fair trade. Into the container they go!


Bye for now ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’› so kind of you to join me and to read through!! Hugs!!

Be sure to check out #asapers a pay it forward initiative to help support our community.

Your comments and upvotes are very appreciated. Being newly separated, self-employed, and recovering has taught me to lean on my communuty more than ever. Currently, i working less than half as much as I was before the accident. And, i was far from the 'breadwinner' in my previous life. Making ends meet has been nothing short of miraculous the past 7 months. I've been blessed by kindness of earth angels no doubt to help me get through. I feel this steem platform is an extension of that and i thank you for your support and all the good that can come of it. Blessings friends. Namaste ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ˜Š

~dawn is breaking ~ have a beautiful day!


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MY LANTA (I love that expression) I can't believe all that snow. That is some Laura Ingalls Wilder levels of snow. ๐Ÿ˜จ
I think the dresser looks great! Poor chair, lol. I love your jars in their little wicker baskets!
Did Marion share the meatballs recipe on her blog? I was thinking of making some soon ...mmmmm.

ย 7 years agoย (edited)

Oh busy can be a pain in my ass! I typed u the longest most fun reply but i think it got cleared out booo! Hope u see the screenshot in the comments below. For some reason the photos post separately for me here. But, gotta love the slidybar!! Haha. Lemme know if you'd prefer measurements for the recipie. The jars! Got them all for $6.50 on a local bidding wars fb sight. They are great!! Glad u stopped by โ„โ„โ„

I think it's thew blockchain, not busy. It updated whilst I was in the middle of a post earlier, and now it freezes when I try to look at replies - and I don't use busy.
I'm like, is this a Facebook update? It looks pretty, but now it doesn't work?? LOL
Thanks for the screencap. Sounds rather like my meatloaf recipe!!

Being self-employed can be pretty tough these days. I've been self employed for nearly 20 years. The key is to stay creative. Of course that's one thing to say and other thing to do but there are a lot of things that you can do as an independent contractor that can make it work. Hopefully things will materialize when the snow melts!

Yeah! Truely. I have ideas!! Some do require it to warm up. Things are coming together. The thought of having to go back to work 9-5 feels like it might equal suicide. Maybe harsh but freedom in my days is really valuable to me, and to you i'd venture to guess?!

What type of work do you do?

Hey Jill, I haven't worked a 9-5 in almost 20 years but do think about it from time to time. There is a different type of stress associated with being self employed that takes some getting use to. That, and you have things happening much faster nowadays both socially and economically that may have previously taken years to happen are now happening in days or weeks.
My business is in real estate and contracting but I do have 20 years of experience in yoga and an academic background in Indian philosophy.

Oh that's cool Read, I started my yoga practice just around 20 years ago! Became a teacher and have been teaching 4 years this December. I have spent 5ish years in new home sales, been a realtor and was the director of my now x husbands cobstruction business 16 years. It's taken a long-time to shift to a comfortable place being self-employed. I had a crazy strong employee mindet when i started.

How are you involved with yoga? It's really cool you have formal Indian philosophy training. I have been blessed to study with well studied teachers, a number of them over the years. I was 'hooked' after my first few practices. And, especially when i started going often and regularily. My inital teacher, i learned recently, studied 7 year in California at the Self-Realization Center. She always talked about California in her training but i didn't know to what extent! LOL. She also studied with Patabhi Jois, and many other notable teachers.

Thank-you for sharing with me! I am trying to get Ginabot going so i can follow ppl more closely. I will checkout your blog too. See what's on your mind in your posts!! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Hi Jill, my involvement with yoga at this point is just my personal practice. I don't belong to any organizations anymore or teach. I think that the self-realization center is the Yogananda place, right? I'm not too familiar with Patabhi Jois other than that he is a hatha yogi. I learned hatha yoga when I first started and did it more intensively when I stayed at the sivananda ashram in the bahamas but it's not my principal practice so my knowledge of the teachers in that realm is limited.
That's awesome that you have a business background. Hopefully it can carry over into the other things that you're looking to do. You have to be very nimble in the current business environment!

The dresser turned out great! I like the yellow. <3

Do you like it?! I do too! My 13 year old son says "don't you know? Nothing looks good yellow mom" that boy grows me thick skin....wishing nothing more than to 'trigger' me every comment he makes! Good thing i am a yogi ๐Ÿ˜‚. (Or i might have cut him by now!)

Oh wow i love the dresser! I wouldn't have thought yellow for a dresser....looks so pretty with the bedspread:)
Geeze i am sorry about the snow!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ฒ So much there!!
I am so happy you are healing โค so much love xoxo

Thanks so much Karen. It's true how well i am healing. Glad my therapists keep reminding me the progess is pretty miraculous. I believe it too. It helps i had my garden to hang out in every day the first month. And, that i was so strong and healthy beforehand with yoga and growing lots of my own food. Along with my angels, it was my saviour.

Hard not to be happy waking up to that yellow ---that's my angle anyway LOL!!

It is going to be a great year for you. Stronger and healthier by the day!! Xoxo <3 <3 <3

Ooh my goodness look at all that snow!! WTF!!

I love how the dresser turned out. And horray for busy slider bar!! You rock Chick!! Send me some of those meatballs eh?!

ย 7 years agoย (edited)

Oh momma! ....the meatballs are even better the next dayyyyy ๐Ÿ˜ so grateful for a 'no-fail' recipie!!

The snow though!!!! Holy moly!!! What a winter, and it's been cold again! Yup, -16 again. It's never been this cold for this long here in my 20ish years anyway! This is Saskatchewan cold!! LOL

Thanks so much for youuuuuuuuu Lynds. And, all you do!! Hugs ๐Ÿ’–

Mmmmmmmmm next day meatballs.... :) :) :) Ok, drooling!

No chinooks this winter?

Not really. Only a few. Been nuts that way.

Please send my thank-you to Marion for that recipie ๐Ÿ’–

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