Walk With Me - Or Should I Say - Ski With Me In Quebec

Wow, I just noticed it's been 7 days since I made a post on Steemit. Time sure flies when you're sick, although it doesn't feel like it. In my last post I had mentioned how my son was sick and how I was starting to get sick. Well, that was just the beginning. It's been a long week of complete congestion, coughing, and sinus headaches. Of course my chest and nose were clogged up like a regular cold, but this one even moved into my ears and blocked them off too. There were a few days that I couldn't even stand up without getting all light-headed and dizzy.

My head was so blocked it also gave me this headache that lasted the entire week. Regular pain medication wasn't cutting it and I had to go to the doctor to get something stronger before I finally found some relief. I even ended up missing a few days work - which never happens.

I'm starting to feel much better now, at least. My ears are still plugged but things are finally starting to break up in my chest and my nose. I should be back to normal in another few days. I wonder how much Steem Power I missed out on the last week, not even having enough energy to make a post.

I was feeling well enough today to venture outside for my first cross-country ski of the season. We had a massive snowstorm a few days ago leaving a good 2 feet of powder on top of the two foot base we already had. The temperature rose to -2 degrees today so it settled the snow down perfectly for skiing. It was still powder, but with enough density to support my weight on a pair of skis and thick enough to stick to the grip wax.

I only took a few pictures today. I went on my regular route up through the farmers fields and it was quite a workout to go up, but the skis are so much nicer than snowshoes coming back down. It was a pretty nice ski except for all the snowmobiles that were out today. They don't bother me but the noise of them is so annoying. It's so quiet out in the woods except for the BRAAAAAAAAP BRAAAAAAAAAAAAP of those fucking snowmobiles cutting across the fields.

Walk With Me... I Mean

Ski With Me in Quebec

First shot from the top of the hill. This first climb is almost immediately out the back door and it's a tough one in all this snow. I know from witnessing first hand that this is a very discouraging climb for an inexperienced skier (@inkpixie). It takes a bit of skill to climb any hill on cross-country skis - try doing it in waist deep snow where one wrong move sends you sliding backwards and/or falling over.

You can see all the fishing shacks are in full swing now on the ice in the distance. I'll have to take a walk down there and get some pictures this year. It's a little ridiculous to me, but it is something to see all those shacks on the ice like that. They are so into it there are even street signs, speed limit signs, and stop signs on the ice. You can get a pizza delivered to your shack out there if you want.

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A little farther away now. I found a nice snowmobile trail to follow along so there wasn't any need to break trail once I made the initial climb. This was a bit of a bonus, but not uncommon. A trade off for the noise of them I guess.
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Before Xmas I took a hike up to this spot and made a little clearing knowing that I would be coming back here over the winter.

I turned this...

Into this....

And here's what it looks like now that there is a few feet of snow. The log I left leaning sideways above was completely buried. I left it so I could sit on it and wouldn't sink with my chair in the snow. I had to dig it out, but I'm glad it was there so use. It's a nice, hidden, sheltered little spot and I'm glad I took the time to clear it out before there was any deep snow.
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Shot of the skis looking out over the field.

And finally, the new temporary member of the family, Ruggers. I wasn't sure he was going to do as well as he did. Every time I had him in the back yard playing fetch with my other two dogs or sledding with @landonator, he would leave and go home to wait on the back deck. I figured he would do the same thing but he surprised me. He stayed with me, Jax, and Gibson the whole time and listened really well. Even as some snowmobiles passed us a little close he stayed close to me and didn't bother with them.

The snow was so deep today my dogs had to basically swim through the snow. Even my black lab, Jax, fell behind me today coming back. This has never ever happened before. He's always been out in front leading the way no matter what and he would never let me get ahead of him.

Today though, I came back down the last hill and, when I looked back, I could see the two yellow labs coming but Jax was nowhere to be seen. He eventually poked up over the hill but this is not normal for him. It's getting pretty obvious that he's starting to get up there in age. He'll be 8 years in April but that puts him somewhere around his 50's in human years and he's driven his body pretty hard his whole life. He never stops running or jumping. He'll never stop playing fetch. If you keep throwing that ball, he'll keep running and getting it as fast as he can and he'll come running back to do it again and again.

My yellow lab, Gibson, is only 7 months behind him in age, but he's been way more laid back (or lazy) his whole life. He never plays fetch more than twice, and he doesn't give a fuck if you're ahead of him. He has no problem following me through the pre-made trail in the snow because he knows it's easier. The difference in the two is quite funny but the difference in the way they've treated their bodies is starting to show on Jax. He'll be supper stiff tomorrow because he drove himself so hard and Gibson will be perfectly fine because he hung back a bit and did things a little easier.

Life lesson from my dogs - work smarter not harder. It will show in the long run.


That's great @stephenking989. Sad about Jax though--he was always so full of energy, but that's part of ageing I guess. I'm also surprised you didn't tow a sleigh to bring Gibson back :) . Looking forward to the ice fishing pictures; I'm sure there are a lot of people on here who have not seen something like that little temporary winter community. Takes man-cave to a whole new level.

I read your last post but i did not think that you ll be so sick..
I thought u ll be busy.. I am really sorry about it.. Feeling bad to think about your condition but glad that you are better now.. I was visiting you regularly and waiting something from you.. I was busy in a weding ceremony since last three days and tomorrow ll be to.. Tomorrow ll be last day of this ceremony.. After that another busy schedule of decorating a new school.. But i am trying to communicate regularly with all my friends and good ppl here..
When i dont visit them i feel uncmfrtable and sonething missing.. I wonder you are not fully healthy and starting skiing.. Good shots.. Ice is really thick..

You sound like you've got quite a busy schedule lately. Thanks for checking in. Yeah I'm not 100% recovered but it was such a nice warm day I couldn't resist. The exercise actually helped to clear some of the congestion out and today I feel even better so it must have been good for me.

Ooo its good.. But you should be carefull as normally when you caught cough flu etc then it become worse in cold weather.. I take care whole winter my daughters and try to protect them from cold weather.. Once they got it difficult to cure.. God bless you good health

I'm so glad you're on the mend now, but I think you send that flu to me haha! xoxo

Sorry to hear that. Must have been a contaminated upvote or something. Always wash your hands after claiming Steem rewards.

Happy to hear you're feeling better.. cool dog pics

Loved the skiwithme. Happy to hear you are feeling so much better, nothing worse than being sick. Enjoyed your post. : )

Thanks. I certainly can't wait to be back to myself after this miserable week.

All three of them had a very good run today.

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