Walk with me! Spring has sprung around our home!

in #walkwithme7 years ago

I haven't done a #walkwithme in a while, because it's been a little hard for me to walk around lately, but we had a beautiful day yesterday and I wanted to get out in the yard to see what kind of beautiful flowers we had blooming before the cold weather kills them off this weekend. Even though it's officially spring, in the Ozarks that just means "second winter mixed in with a few amazingly beautiful days"... and a random tornado thrown in there as well! Haha! So here are a few shots of the blooms that I get to look at in my yard! My uncle was a great gardener and planted many beautiful flowers around the houses that my family owns here.

First up we have our pink magnolia bush! Big pretty blooms that come before most plants are even budding, including itself! It looks quite weird with all blooms and no leaves. But the flowers are just so big and beautiful. The bush is probably about 8-10 feet tall! So it's definitely the eye catcher in the yard right now!


Here you can see just how big the blooms are with my hand close to it!

Next is our Fire Bush. This bush is short and squat but still very vibrant and beautiful! And noisy... when I went to take the picture, I heard a very loud buzzing noise and realized that this was the place to Bee... Haha! At least if you are a bee. They seem to just love this bush.


This little beauty is the first tulip that bloomed in my aunts little garden. There are a few more buds, but they're still green and will probably open up in the next few weeks.


The last flower I have for you is a Hyacinth! I actually had to ask my awesome friend @hethur240 what this one was, along with the magnolia because my aunt and step-mom were giving me two different answers... And I knew she would know because she is a plant genius! This flower has been by the porch for years, but seems to be the only one left. It always blooms early and comes back every year, which I love because it is the most beautiful color of purple!


These are only a fraction of the plants that have been planted in our yard, and I look forward to seeing the rest bloom later this season. I'm truly happy that I have such a large, beautiful yard to raise my kids in. We have a lot of fun here and I hope that future generations of my family will be able to enjoy it for years to come! Plus I hope to plant my own beauties and improve even more on the beautiful place we call home! All of the pictures were taken by me!

Thanks for looking and hope to see you again soon!
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That hyacinth is so big and pretty. It was the first kind of flower I ever bought when I started trying my hand at gardening. A little single bulb in a water vase. You can see the roots floating in the water growing beneath. It's really neat looking while it lasts. I'd much rather have one in the yard, though. Since they grow so big and come back every year.

I love magnolia trees too. Those blooms are so big and pretty. We have dogwoods here. Every Spring I wait for those trees to bloom and I'll go steal some blooms so I can press them in a book. First day of Spring every year is when I go flower collecting. Just my own little thing I do to celebrate.

And you're blessed to have land like that. Especially the family so close by. You can always know that everyone is alright, and if they're not you can be there to help fix whatever's wrong. Kids need that room to roam too. You definitely have something to be thankful for. Thanks for sharing!

I do love it here! And so do the kids! I love dogwoods!!! I want to plant one here this spring because that is one tree that I wish I had here. We have pines, oaks, red buds, walnuts, a weeping willow, a mullberry tree (I think) and a few cherry trees as well. But no beautiful dogwood... I also want to get more fruit trees! Mmmm! Fresh fruit! In the woods we have a lot of blackberry bushes and we always go pick those. They're pokey but worth the pain! Haha!

Oh I love the blackberry bushes. They're all along the road here, and there's a big thicket along the walk path I take to the store. I watch for when they're ripe and I'll go down there and pick some. Not too keen to pick the ones by the busy roadside, but off the beaten path a little, I'll climb right in. Now I really want some blackberries lol.

Oh man the Ozarks have been calling me for a while now. I hope to see them on my journey East sometime soon. Thanks for the beautiful pics. I love the flowers.

Thank you! The rivers here are the most beautiful thing I've seen so far in my life, though I've not traveled too much... it's still an amazing natural beauty to behold! Crisp clear water and high bluffs, caves and rocky beaches stretch out in all directions. In fact I live about 5 minutes from the Jacks Fork River! Seeing as summer is coming soon, you'll probably see a lot of pictures from me of our river here! It's the summer hang out spot! Haha!

Great pictures! I love all of the pretty flowers but I hate how Missouri teases us!!! Lol, hopefully this next round of shitty weather will be the last and we can really start to enjoy the season after a long and depressing winter.

Thank you! And I hear that... I wanted snow in the winter damnit, not in the spring... Hopefully the flowers we planted already will survive... And thankfully Davis hasn't planted anything in the garden yet! Haha!

Beautiful flowers, spring has just barely sprung where I live, saw my very first tiny little flower yesterday! 😁

Thank you! Yay! Tiny flower buds coming up! Hehe!

Your yard is looking mighty purdy!! Up here near Jeff City, it has been so cold and windy in these bluff... we have NOTHING!!! The Bradford Pear trees are still completely bare. I am sooooo ready for spring!

That sucks!!! I'm ready for spring too, and of course summer! I've got a big porch that hasn't been enjoyed in a long while... Haha! With this cold snap and little bit of snow we got, I'm sure everything here will have to reboot... But the Bradford Pears are strong here... and everywhere...

We just got some more snow earlier today. It isnt sticking to the ground, but it still sucks!

I live on the west side of Oregon, and it's been rather cold and/or rainy most of March and April so far. In contrast, January and February were at least sunnier, with higher than normal temperatures.

That isn't as normal for us, so at least you know what's coming!

I would imagine at some point, though, the winter goes away and you find yourself in more comfortable outdoor conditions. And it looks like the flowers you have growing around are already doing their thing—beautification. So more to look forward to. :)

The weather has been a bit odd everywhere this year it seems! We have a nice little start to spring though and I am so looking forward to nice sunny days on the back porch, staring all the beautiful plants! ;)

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