Walk with me to the park and through the park with the birds and the bees...

in #walkwithme7 years ago

🌻 And the flowers and the trees.🐝

I finally got a chance today to get out and stretch my legs! here are some of the photos I took on my walk. The weather was a hot 28 degrees, although there was a nice breeze keeping me cool...

Up and down my street, the neighbours have planted fruit trees on the nature strip. Oranges, lemons and peaches. Someone planted an apricot and an olive outside my place, good on them. I'm surprised the council haven't pulled them up for some stupid reason.


I've just got to walk to the end of the street and I'm at the park, you'd think I would go there more often.


Thats the gate to the park on the right of the gum tree.


First photo. A couple of bugs going for it. Kids these days. GET A ROOM!
These bugs are called Plague soldier beetle. Freaky name.


An old tree stump.You can see holes where borers have been. Little wasps use them as nests now. i will get some photos when they are there again. Thats a tee tree going over it now.


A young gum tree growing next to some native grass. I wonder if they will let it grow.


The breeze is nice but it makes it hard to take a good pic. Well thats my excuse for not being able to get a nice shot of the pattern on this spiders back. I gotta have a spider in here though right?


Another happy rock! I requested to join the Vic rocks Facebook group tonight, so hopefully I can post the photos of their rocks I have found. This one is cool af. Of course I will be taking it home and dropping it somewhere on my next mission!


It gets windy out here sometimes. If you ever come to Australia, don't go into the bush when its windy. You'll get killed. Thats right, even our vegetation will fuck you up.


I love these kind of pics. Although, I kind of feel like I am taking a photo up mother natures leg.


I think she cut herself shaving. If you look closely at the big drip, you can see a striped insect trapped in the sap. I didn't notice it until I got home.


A nice little path through the ferns. I might take a look.


Something has had a feast here. It looks like seagull feathers. I heard they taste ok.


I wonder what lives in there.


The ferns are changing. I used to have some of these at my old place. Not as many as this though.


I don't know why but this tree reminds me of an emu.


Looks like a nice place to rest. Not for me , you know what they say! 😈


A spiky shrub. A lot of our bushes here in Australia have spiky leaves. A pain in the arse when pushing through a thick patch of bush.


The flowers are great though!


This gum tree is in flower to.


These pink flowers attract all kinds of insects and animals.


As you can see, this gum tree has yellow flowers.


The bees were loving it. It was treacherous work getting a shot of one, they were everywhere.


A busy bee.


The flowers look like pom poms.


These guys made me jump! The were right there! About a meter away from me. The mother (on the right) was fully giving me the stink eye! They were cool though and let me take a photo. They could be the family that visits my place and remember my face. Apparently they do that.


More gum tree flowers. These ones are red. the colour is really vivid.


The bees love it to.


Some different stages of flower growth. Yes, I know...


I might head up this way.


Oh cool, this wattle tree is in flower.


The flowers look really soft.


I reckon you could fill a pillow with them. When I say you I mean, you can do it, I have allergies.


What is that I spy on yonder log?


Awesome! Another happy rock! I can feel the happiness!!! I best leave this one there for someone else to find!


There are still a ton of these harlequin beetles about.


This is a honey brown beetle chilling out on a gum tree. This gum tree has a few different bugs living on it. In harmony. No ones bombing anyone. Its all fkn good.


I never knew they were hairy. I have seen similar shaped beetles in a range of colours. these were the only ones I found today though.


This is a shield bug. It is known as the eucalyptus tip wilter beetle. The harlequin beetles are baby ones of these. These bugs are commonly known as stink bugs. They spray a stinky cloud when threatened. Its enough to wilter anyones tip.


Another stink bug.


A native drone fly. These things are cool. This is the second one I spotted today.


You can see photos of the other one here
Bugs in my garden #3 -- Melbourne, Australia.


Rocks! Who doesn't like a bit of rock?!?


Its cool how the tee trees make a kind of tunnel here. Whats cooler is the temperature under here. A welcome relief.


A bird box. I bet a possum lives in it though. There are heaps of possums around here. I will get some photos of them on my roof one night.


Oh look at that, some banksia flowers!


Nice looking flowers hey. You can suck the nectar out of these or steep them in water for a tea. I might give it a go sometime. They look kinda yum.


Its kind of rainforesty here. Its even cooler than under the tee trees. I keep getting swooped by a noisy miner bird though.


This gives me an answer to what all the squawking and swooping was about. The noisy miner has a nest right next to the path on top of a tree fern. Its a shame I'm not a bit taller.


The ducks know where to relax.


Theres my old mates. I have written about them before. The white one was dumped at the park awhile back and has never left.


Theres a crested pigeon trying to make me think I didn't see it because it thinks I am going to eat it. Not this time pigeon!


That thing over there is a BBQ. Most Aussie parks have a couple for the public to use. Some take coins but most are free. I've had many a BBQ under these trees.


The flowers on this bush are big.


Damn! This is my last photo. My battery died. Thats what happens when you chase bugs all morning and don't recharge the battery! At least its a nice shot to end the day!


Thanks for checking out my walk! I know there were a lot of photos but I hope you enjoyed them. I am loving my new camera! Maybe next time I will size them a bit smaller! Cheers.




Wow...I see your new camera is treating you well, what eye popping photos of the bugs and flowers...but you would have to know this is my favourite:

I'm loving the new camera! I'm still working out its functions but it is definitely being nice to me! That is my favourite happy rock find so far. Hopefully I find more! It kind of reminds me of #ophumanangels. I bet people smile just as much when they find one of your stickies!

Hahahaa, sexy-time bugs!

So people paint rocks and leave them around parks for others to find? That is so random and nice. People are the best.

I've found a couple of them. Its a pretty cool idea. i always get a buzz when I find one. The idea is to post the find on their Facebook group then relocate the rock.

Daymmm! You came across so many little insects from your walk! Those plague soldier beetles look intense!

I know their hiding places ;)

I feel like I've just been on a lovely walk and spent the whole morning looking at bugs and flowers. Really nice pics!

Cheers mate. Its always good to get out and have a look. Theres a lot of stuff out there you'd never notice otherwise!

What a fantastic walkwithme. It definitely warms me up seeing all that sunshine and beautiful flowers and those bugs, makes me think of summer. It is so nice that you have such a great park so close to your home. Nature is an amazing thing. : )

Cheers. I enjoy these walks. I need to do them more often. Not today though, its going to be 42 degrees.

I will trade you your 42 for my -15 with windchill. Brr.

Ouch! Thats cold!

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.

- Mahatma Gandhi

words of a wise old man

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