Walk With Me In Denver #23

in #walkwithme7 years ago

Walk With Me in Denver, chalking at dusk edition:


Took a quick stroll down to TJ's tonight, so I thought I'd do some more #ophumanangels messages, if there was enough dry and salt-free sidewalk. ;)

Yes, kids, that black muck there is city snow.


It was only a mile walk on a very busy street, so those were my two little messages for the day. 😁

So here's a bonus photo of Yuan helping me figure out a pattern for my new patchwork insulated curtain I'm making

You rock! Yes, you!


I rock yes me. hmmm I think I like that, however I love little Yuan. so cute

He's definitely melt-inducingly cute!

Beautiful walks. And cute critters- Thank you for sharing your journey, I just came across you and yours so I look forward to gleaming more adventures

Ooooh I LOVE the "You are Divine"!! Good one!!

*Waves to Yuan but he judges me instead of waving back...

"Why is that Canadian lady waving at me??"


YOU rock!! Chalking messages in winter! Ummm and I love the idea of insulated curtains....you had me at patchwork!

I have some store bought insulated curtains in the bedroom, but none in the living room, where my south wall is taken up by two drafty sliding glass doors. They are EXPENSIVE to buy, especially big enough for a sliding glass door ...we're talking ~$100, each. So I thought, hmm, I have all this fabric stash and also an old blanket in there and old thermal shirts (both of which will be the insulating layer) ...I'm making one!
The patchwork contains like five shirts, a pair of pants, a skirt, two placemats, a promotional kerchief that came in a DVD set, and various other fabrics I had in my stash. A good "use it up" exercise as well!

I can't wait to see how they turn out. Upcycling at it's finest!

Yeah.. glad to see you got more chalk...

I love that you and @lyndsaybowes and few others are doing this ophumanangels. Simply uplifting. Sweet looking cat. Love him gazing back from mirror.

Thank you! :)

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