Walk With Me In Denver #18

in #walkwithme7 years ago

Walk with me in Denver: Fuck Depression Edition


I was feeling really shitty, but not in a roll-over-and-die kinda way, but more of a FUCK THIS NOISE kinda way. So I loaded up a couple of books and a few National Geographics for a Little Free Library that I knew was kinda in the general direction but I didn't remember what cross streets...



...and some chalk in a little jar from my blackboard. Oh yes, @lyndsaybowes, it's on.

I have no idea what this fuzzy plant is, but it's pretty

In a surprising turn of events, I came across some construction


Here is what I wrote. Lyndsay said she would write messages she would like to hear, so I did that, and I wrote it here:


...for my people to hear it. ;) Across the street were these signs in a yard (these signs have been cropping up all over town since Trump was elected):



Then I found the LFL I remembered:

...and a half a block away, another one! I LIVE IN THE LAND OF LITTLE FREE LIBRARIES. Most of them aren't even on the website (I tried looking the first one up so I didn't miss it).

You can tell you're in old Denver when there are actually trees of size

Survivor flowers! Just barely, but they count!

King Soopers instead of Queen Soopers this time. QS is in the opposite direction.

I have never actually seen a brambly thorn tree like this before that I can remember

Spontaneous neighbor doggo party when I was almost home!

So, I walked a 5k, chalked an #ophumanangels message, donated some books and magazines to a LFL (oh... when I passed it on the way back, the NGs were already gone. They must be popular! That's good. I have more. LOL), bought some groceries, and pet some puppers. I feel better. Thanks for walking with me in Denver!


That art in front of the mental health center is priceless.. so nice to spread a positive message... I hope it impacted someone deeply today... I wish there was more of it... You certainly picked a beautiful day to walk.. thanks for letting us tag along..

I hope it gives someone a smile, at least. :)

It gave all of us on Steemit a smile..

I enjoyed it..never been to Denver and thanks to you now I have. Actually show me more please

Thank you! I will continue to do WWM blogs. 😊

The gamble thorn tree is really cool! I've never seen one before.

Kudos for spreading words of positive vibes and human kindness like @lindsaybowes!

Doooooooooooood!!! That ROCKED SO MUCH!!!!! :) :) :) :) I'm dyin' over here, in the best way, the biggest smile on my face ever, the way you turned your shitty day into one which will certainly affect the day of others positively. This was AMAZING! And so brave to stay and chalk such an artistic message...

I'm glad your library donation was a hit too, and that you'll be back with more.

I purposefully did not look to see if the car was taking a long time at the stop sign or staring at me chalking, lol!

You're breaking the matrix <3 <3 <3 I love it!!

Hahahahaha I'm Neo, dude. There is no spoon.

Those little libraries are wickid!

I love them too. 😄

I love the message you chalked. What a great reminder to everyone :)

If I have the oppurtinity to move anywhere, I'm moving to Denver!

nice walk, thanks for taking us along

Think we have found a place in America that would be worth a visit. Loving the signs and of course your chalk acts of kindness. @lyndsaybowes has a lot to be proud of ❤😎

Denver is pretty nice, except for the massive amount of gentrification and the cruelty toward homeless folks. It's like the city gets more aware to everything except class consciousness. 😥

shame I guess what you see is not what you get. But at least some folks care it seems. Governments around the world have made people homless and set about demonising them. Its a big shame that people fall for their lies.

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