Time for a walk. - 📸 - Photos of the day.

in #walkwithme6 years ago

Hi friends! The time has come for a little walk. It's time to briefly break away from the monitors and despite the frosty day to make a few shots for you.


-11 degrees Celsius. Chilly. I just decided to go along the canal. The snow and ice. On the calendar-the last month of winter. From this thought becomes a bit warmer.


I actually like this idea of #walkwithme. This tag brings together people to share a little piece of their lives , their environment, everything that we see around us every day. I willingly share my stories and enjoy watching my friends walk. Every post is something interesting and informative for me.


Now the city quays are not very crowded. Of course, everything will change with the onset of heat.


I always say nature doesn't have bad weather. Everything has its own charm. But so we are arranged that in the winter we look forward to warmth, and in the summer we are happy to remember the winter drifts.


This time of year everything looks quiet and calm. Nature rests, and with it our lives seem peaceful and calm. But it will take another couple of months and city life will begin to spin in the kaleidoscope of events, festivals, carnivals. There will be navigation and rivers and canals will float hundreds of river boats. The river of Fontanka, too, will be no exception. On these embankments, where I now walk, it is always crowded in the warmer time of the year.



I'm going through the town garden. Today, there are also few people walking here. So pure and light from the white snow. In summer this garden is surrounded by greenery. Very beautifully!



Passing through the alleys of the garden we go to another waterway of our city. It's Griboyedov Canal. This is also a famous, beautiful and favorite place in our city. In fact, I'm moving towards the nearest subway station. I'm a little cold. So my path lies toward the house.


People are rushing. Frost reminds of itself. Only these sculptures and statues with indifferent views look at everything around. They are not afraid of the cold.



My walk came to an end. Time to go home to drink hot tea with pies. I baked it myself. But I'm not a food-blogger so I don't want to bore you with recipes. Let's drink tea!


Camera SONY DSC-W350

Location: Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Thank you for Your attention and Your visit. I appreciate Your feedback and comments.

Привет друзья! Настало время для небольшой прогулки. Пора ненадолго оторваться от мониторов и несмотря на морозный денёк сделать несколько кадров для Вас.
-11 градусов по Цельсию. Прохладно. Я просто решила пройти вдоль канала. Снег и лёд. На календаре - последний месяц зимы. От этой мысли становится немного теплее.
Вообще мне нравится эта идея #walkwithme. Этот тег объединил людей для того чтобы поделиться маленьким кусочком своей жизни , своего окружения, всего того, что мы видим вокруг каждый день. Я охотно делюсь своими рассказами и с удовольствием слежу за прогулками моих друзей. Каждый их пост это что-то интересное и познавательное для меня.
Сейчас на городских набережных не очень многолюдно. Конечно же всё изменится с наступлением тепла.
Я всегда говорю что у природы нет плохой погоды. Во всём есть своя прелесть. Но так уж мы устроены, что зимой мы с нетерпением ждём тепла, а летом мы с удовольствием вспоминаем зимние сугробы. В это время года всё выглядит тихим и спокойным. Природа отдыхает и вместе с ней наша жизнь кажется умиротворённой и размеренной. Но пройдёт ещё пара месяцев и городская жизнь закружится в калейдоскопе событий, праздников, карнавалов. Наступит навигация и по рекам и каналам поплывут сотни речных судов. Эта река Фонтанка тоже не будет исключением. На этих набережных, там где я сейчас прохожу, здесь всегда многолюдно в тёплое время года.
Я прохожу через городской сад. Сегодня здесь тоже мало гуляющих людей. Так чисто и светло от белого снега. Летом этот сад весь утопает в зелени. Очень красиво!
Пройдя по аллеям сада мы выходим к другой водной артерии нашего города. Это Канал Грибоедова. Это тоже известное, красивое и любимое место в нашем городе. На самом деле я двигаюсь в направлении к ближайшей станции метрополитена. Я немного замёрзла. Поэтому мой путь лежит в сторону дома. Люди идут торопливо. Мороз напоминает о себе. Только эти скульптуры и статуи с безразличным видом глядят на всё вокруг. Им не страшен мороз.
Моя прогулка подошла к концу. Пора домой пить горячий чай с пирожками. Я испекла сама. Но я не фуд-блогер поэтому я не хочу утомлять Вас рецептами. Давайте пить чай!


Another really epic walk Madlen! Your winter wonderland is still very captivating. I loved the photo of the hot food at the end...I'm drooling!

This one was perfectly captured:

Thank You Lindsay!!! Thank you for what You have done with me on this little stroll in my cold city. Yes, I am very grateful for the theme of " walk with me." Walking in good company is always much nicer.

A cool post, thank you for giving us a window into your world. I'd be interested to see more from St Petersburg both the city and famous monuments etc. Also the pastries at the end look incredible.

Thank you for your interest in my city of St. Petersburg. On my blog, I do talk about it a lot and share photos. Thanks for stopping by , @skunkape30uk

No worries mate, I'll check it out now : )

Maybe it's my imagination but I think I can perceive a change in the way everything is iluminated. Walking with you for some months maybe naturaly the light need to change. I can see that ice is about to get back to the liquid form. One thing is for sure, with your posts, it's realy like we are in Saint Petersburg!! You have a great Eye!! :)
I send the best vibes for you @MadlenFox!! Much Love and Light for everyday!!! <3 :D

Good afternoon @leveuf ! I'm glad my stories can be understood even because of my horrible English set of phrases. I have noticed that nobody reads it at all. They just give their votes. Only You and a few more loyal followers who really understand the meaning of what I'm writing. To write this size of a post it takes me 4 hours. So I really appreciate you as my follower. You always find time for me. @leveuf, I am very grateful to you for your help and support. Thank you my good friend!

My dear Friend in your posts I feel your love and dedication, that's what I like to come here!! Sometimes people are not to much used to write opinions or emotions, sometimes as you say they just come for other interests, but they must know it!
The important, I think, is to fully enjoy your work, and in the mist you'll find the people!! I find You!! Thanks for being such a Friend!!! <3 <3 <3
PS Your english is perfect!!! :)

Спасибо за прекрасную прогулку по любимому городу!

I'm glad You liked it:). Our city is beautiful in any weather. True? By the way all pictures are the most "fresh". Thanks for stopping by.

omg....what a beautiful nature dear friend @madlenfox
Finding void Random thoughts come to bother the mind when nature does not get any edge, then nature keeps me with its shadow.

wow...what a beautiful nature photography dear friend,,,, I love your post,,,thans for this post,,

спасибо тебе, @rasel1234

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