~ 52 ~ Walk With Me in Nova Scotia, Canada (OpHumanAngels)

in #walkwithme7 years ago

I put my money where my mouth was...


After talking about Operation Human Angels and how it would be the natural evolution to "Walk With Me", I made up some messages on a sticky note pad and headed out with my camera. I'm gonna be an "OpHumanAngels" ninja today!

Photo on 2017-12-10 at 1.28 PM.jpg


First note dropped, success! I made sure no cars were coming so no one would see me, and it's not a place where someone can see me from their home. Heart hardly racing, I move on...


Down the Finer Diner Road to see my favourite fish houses.




And you knows I loves me boatshares, I mean bitshares, I mean boats.



Okay, this pylon looks like a good place to drop a note. There are some fishermen close by but they can't see me, there are houses up on the hill behind me, but fuck it, if they see me they see me.

The most embarrassing part is taking a picture after haha, I feel like such a creepy weirdo. But I have to take the pics to show others online, and hopefully inspire a few to take some mini actions of their own to make the world a better, kinder place for all.



My heart is racing a bit now haha, this time I know some crows saw me...I'm an awful ninja, I'm more like a Tigger.


"We Love You. Keep Shining."


My Constant Shadows


It's the middle of the afternoon yet it feels so dark...



They've got a sweet view of St. Margaret's Bay from that deck.



Gulls, judging me from high above, just like a cat would...



It's time to be excited because I'm gonna show you some wood :)



"We care about you. You are so very loved."


Damn you wind, messing up my photo op! I can't stick around for it to die down, I already look like a total creeper taking photos of someone's damn mailbox...back home I go...trying to look nonchalant.

The Puddle Barometer


Indicates it has rained a shit tonne recently. Thanks Puddle Barometer.

Thank you for coming on another "WalkWithMe" I hope you enjoyed today's shots! I'd like to go on a walk where you live too, so if you get out there for one, take a few pics, and post about your walk using the tag "walkwithme". I'll check the tag regularly to upvote and give encouragement. Let's get fresh air and fitness together!

Check out the latest walks by fellow Steemians who got out there in the world, and took us with them!

See life through their eyes.

Big Love & Special Shout Out to @PhoenixWren who did an "OpHumanAngels WalkWithMe" today in Denver, USA! >>> Walk With Me In Denver #18 Thank you so much PhoenixWren, this really made my night~!!!

Walk With Me Through the Woods of Quebec By @stephen.king989

GardeningChef's First Walk With Me By @gardeningchef

Walk With Me Through This Amazing Coin Shop By @bluelightbandit

A December Walk On the Beach By @anise



Haha, are we living in bizzaro world?!
You're walking in the rain (how very British) and I woke up the this.....

Looks a bit Canadian to me!!
I really hope you get positive feedback for you inspiring notes babe, folks are so cynical here I'm sure it would start a manhunt for the 'Phantom note dropper' 😂😂
You rule babe ❤️

This is bizarro! I guess Nova Scotia really is the best place in Canada, even the Brits have snow before us! AHHAA!!!!!! Suckas!!

I hope the crows don't tell!

Hhahha!!! Thank you for noticing that :) :) :)

This was very motivating, we may have to go out and follow suit. Thank you 😊

YAY!!!! #OpHumanAngels NOVA SCOTIA!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

We'll use the tag for sure!

woah! amazing! I'm guessing you won't mind if I copy your idea and leave little messages everywhere for people to find?

That would be EPIC!!!!!!!! And if you do a post about it, tag it #OpHumanAngels then I'll be able to find it and give support :) :) :) xoxoox

Thats a great idea with the post its! I bet you made a few peoples day!

Thank you my fine friend! xoxo I sure hope so, that would be cool <3 xoxo

My friend used to write things like that on money. She probably still does, I haven't seen her for years.

A fabulous idea! Bless her!

She is really cool. Its been raining a bit here to btw. We haven't had a scorcher yet.

Yay, we both were quasi-stealthy ninjas!
I should take lessons from the cats...
Big love to you, too! 💙💙🐓🐔🐣🐤🐥 And chickens!

I'm still smiling from your walk...as soon as I saw that first pic with the little pieces of chalk I started squealing hahaha!!!

Hahahaha yay! I'll have to do it again. On the way back, I almost wrote, "I am chalk on the sidewalk and I believe in you!" just for funs. ;)

Awww hahaa that would have been lulz! So cute!!

Do you have any sort of public library near by?

One thing I used to do was leave campaigning messages inside library books and magazines. I guess sometimes someone read them...

I bet a lot of people did read them @pennsif, good idea!

Such a great idea @lyndsaybowes your oulook and approach to life always leaves me brimming with optimism! As I'm sure it does the lucky people that find your notes You fly with wings of hope and lift everyone in your wake, thank you for sharing!

Thank you, that means a lot to me, that I have given you some optimism @perceptualflaws :) :) :)

I can't help but think you were a bit affectionate with that road cone.. good thing you weren't spotted.. they'd have you in a straight jacket for sure..

I love this new initiative with the positive messages.. so much negativity now a days every little bit helps..

@phoenixwren's art was fantastic ... I saw that on his post earlier

HAHHAAA!!! Heyyyyy now.... #pylonLove is completely natural... <3 <3 :D :D :D

Thanks for digging the #Op Dave!!

I just love you @lyndsaybowes, such a good kind soul.
What a beautiful area and lovely post. It looked like dusk here for a couple of days as a cold front was pushing through the area. Then it rained and has been in the mid 20s at night. Brrrr!

I just love you too Mother2Chicks :) :) :) I was taking photos of Dawn King today with you in mind haha! Gonna show her sweet afro off tonight I think hahaha!

Sorry to hear Winter's coming where you are, we'll be snuggled up soon too, doing nothing but drink coffee and Steeming ON! :D

I did a walk with me post earlier today. It was a lot of fun. Could have been some angels watching out for us cause we did find some fresh bear tracks. ❤️

Oooh thank goodness for those Angels! Wow... <3 <3

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